Learning World Models With Hierarchical Temporal Abstractions: A Probabilistic Perspective






Published 4/29/2024 by Vaisakh Shaj



Machines that can replicate human intelligence with type 2 reasoning capabilities should be able to reason at multiple levels of spatio-temporal abstractions and scales using internal world models. Devising formalisms to develop such internal world models, which accurately reflect the causal hierarchies inherent in the dynamics of the real world, is a critical research challenge in the domains of artificial intelligence and machine learning. This thesis identifies several limitations with the prevalent use of state space models (SSMs) as internal world models and propose two new probabilistic formalisms namely Hidden-Parameter SSMs and Multi-Time Scale SSMs to address these drawbacks. The structure of graphical models in both formalisms facilitates scalable exact probabilistic inference using belief propagation, as well as end-to-end learning via backpropagation through time. This approach permits the development of scalable, adaptive hierarchical world models capable of representing nonstationary dynamics across multiple temporal abstractions and scales. Moreover, these probabilistic formalisms integrate the concept of uncertainty in world states, thus improving the system's capacity to emulate the stochastic nature of the real world and quantify the confidence in its predictions. The thesis also discuss how these formalisms are in line with related neuroscience literature on Bayesian brain hypothesis and predicitive processing. Our experiments on various real and simulated robots demonstrate that our formalisms can match and in many cases exceed the performance of contemporary transformer variants in making long-range future predictions. We conclude the thesis by reflecting on the limitations of our current models and suggesting directions for future research.

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  • The paper proposes two new probabilistic formalisms, Hidden-Parameter State Space Models (HP-SSMs) and Multi-Time Scale State Space Models (MTS-SSMs), to address limitations of traditional state space models (SSMs) as internal world models for artificial intelligence and machine learning.
  • The new formalisms aim to enable machines to reason at multiple levels of spatio-temporal abstractions and scales, using internal world models that accurately reflect the causal hierarchies of the real world.
  • The graphical model structures of the proposed formalisms facilitate scalable probabilistic inference and end-to-end learning, allowing the development of adaptive hierarchical world models capable of representing nonstationary dynamics across multiple temporal scales.

Plain English Explanation

The paper focuses on creating machines that can mimic human intelligence by reasoning at multiple levels of abstraction, just as the human brain does. To do this, the researchers propose new mathematical frameworks called "Hidden-Parameter State Space Models" and "Multi-Time Scale State Space Models".

These new models are designed to better capture the complex, hierarchical nature of the real world, with different processes happening at different timescales. For example, the weather changes day-to-day, but the underlying climate shifts much more slowly.

By structuring their models in this way, the researchers can train machine learning systems to make more accurate long-term predictions. The models also incorporate uncertainty, allowing the systems to quantify how confident they are in their predictions - just like humans do.

The authors show that their new formalisms outperform other state-of-the-art AI models, especially when it comes to making predictions over long time periods. This suggests their approach brings us closer to building machines that can truly understand and reason about the world like people do.

Technical Explanation

The paper identifies limitations with the prevalent use of traditional state space models (SSMs) as internal world models for artificial intelligence. To address these issues, the authors propose two new probabilistic formalisms:

  1. Hidden-Parameter State Space Models (HP-SSMs): These models introduce hidden parameters that modulate the dynamics of the state space, allowing the system to capture nonstationary and hierarchical relationships in the data.

  2. Multi-Time Scale State Space Models (MTS-SSMs): These models represent the world at multiple temporal resolutions, enabling the system to reason about processes unfolding at different timescales, such as weather and climate.

The graphical model structures of both HP-SSMs and MTS-SSMs facilitate scalable probabilistic inference using belief propagation and end-to-end learning via backpropagation through time. This allows the development of adaptive hierarchical world models capable of representing nonstationary dynamics across multiple temporal abstractions and scales.

The authors demonstrate that their proposed formalisms can match or exceed the performance of contemporary transformer-based models in making long-range future predictions on various real and simulated robotic tasks. They also discuss how these formalisms align with neuroscience literature on Bayesian brain hypothesis and predictive processing.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a compelling approach to building more sophisticated internal world models for AI systems. The proposed formalisms address important limitations of traditional state space models and show promising results in experiments.

However, the authors acknowledge several limitations of their current models, such as the need for further research to scale them to complex, high-dimensional real-world environments. The models also rely on strong assumptions about the structure of the underlying dynamics, which may not always hold in practice.

Additionally, while the authors draw connections to neuroscience literature, more work is needed to fully validate the biological plausibility and cognitive relevance of their approach. Bridging the gap between computational models and empirical findings in neuroscience remains an active area of research.

Overall, this paper makes a valuable contribution to the field of artificial intelligence by proposing new formalisms that bring us closer to building machines with human-like reasoning capabilities. Further development and evaluation of these models in diverse real-world applications will be an important next step.


This paper presents two novel probabilistic formalisms, Hidden-Parameter State Space Models and Multi-Time Scale State Space Models, as a step towards creating artificial intelligence systems that can reason about the world in a more human-like manner. By incorporating hierarchical structure and multiple temporal scales, these models aim to better capture the complex dynamics of the real world and enable more accurate long-term predictions.

The authors demonstrate the effectiveness of their approaches through experiments on various robotic tasks and draw connections to neuroscience research on Bayesian brain hypothesis and predictive processing. While the current models have limitations, this work represents an important advancement in the quest to develop AI systems with type 2 reasoning capabilities - the ability to build rich, causal representations of the world and use them to plan and make decisions.

As the field of artificial intelligence continues to evolve, research like this, which combines insights from machine learning, cognitive science, and neuroscience, will be crucial in unlocking the next generation of intelligent systems capable of truly understanding and reasoning about the world around them.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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