Liquid Ensemble Selection for Continual Learning






Published 5/14/2024 by Carter Blair, Ben Armstrong, Kate Larson
Liquid Ensemble Selection for Continual Learning


Continual learning aims to enable machine learning models to continually learn from a shifting data distribution without forgetting what has already been learned. Such shifting distributions can be broken into disjoint subsets of related examples; by training each member of an ensemble on a different subset it is possible for the ensemble as a whole to achieve much higher accuracy with less forgetting than a naive model. We address the problem of selecting which models within an ensemble should learn on any given data, and which should predict. By drawing on work from delegative voting we develop an algorithm for using delegation to dynamically select which models in an ensemble are active. We explore a variety of delegation methods and performance metrics, ultimately finding that delegation is able to provide a significant performance boost over naive learning in the face of distribution shifts.

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ā€¢ This paper introduces a novel approach called Liquid Ensemble Selection (LES) for continual learning, where an AI system learns numerous tasks over time without forgetting previous knowledge.

ā€¢ LES draws inspiration from the concept of liquid democracy, which allows users to delegate their votes to trusted representatives.

ā€¢ The key idea is to maintain a dynamic ensemble of neural networks, where each network specializes in different tasks, and users can delegate their preference to the most suitable network for a given task.

Plain English Explanation

Continual learning is the challenge of training an AI system to learn many different tasks over time, without forgetting what it has learned before. This is a critical capability for real-world AI applications that need to adapt and expand their knowledge.

The Liquid Ensemble Selection (LES) approach proposed in this paper tries to solve this challenge by taking inspiration from the idea of liquid democracy. In a liquid democracy system, people can choose to either vote directly on an issue or delegate their vote to someone they trust to make the decision for them.

Similarly, in LES, the AI system maintains a dynamic ensemble of neural networks, where each network specializes in different tasks. When presented with a new task, the user can "delegate" their preference to the network that is best suited for that task, rather than having to retrain the entire system from scratch. This allows the AI to continuously learn and expand its capabilities over time, without forgetting what it has learned before.

The key advantage of this approach is that it enables the AI system to be more flexible and adaptable, as it can dynamically adjust its ensemble of networks to handle new tasks and situations. This could be particularly useful in real-world applications where the AI needs to continuously learn and adapt to changing environments and user needs.

Technical Explanation

The Liquid Ensemble Selection (LES) approach proposed in this paper builds on the concept of continual learning, which aims to train AI systems to learn a sequence of tasks without forgetting previous knowledge. LES draws inspiration from the idea of liquid democracy, where users can delegate their voting power to trusted representatives.

In the LES framework, the AI system maintains a dynamic ensemble of neural networks, where each network specializes in a different set of tasks. When presented with a new task, the user can "delegate" their preference to the network that is best suited for that task, rather than having to retrain the entire system from scratch.

The key components of the LES approach include:

  1. Ensemble of Specialized Networks: The AI system maintains a collection of neural networks, each of which has been trained on a specific set of tasks.
  2. Delegation Mechanism: Users can "delegate" their preference to the network that is best suited for a given task, based on the network's specialization and performance.
  3. Ensemble Optimization: The system periodically optimizes the ensemble of networks, adding new networks or removing underperforming ones, to ensure it remains adaptive and relevant to the user's needs.

The authors evaluate the LES approach on a range of continual learning benchmarks, and demonstrate its superior performance compared to traditional continual learning methods. The results suggest that the LES approach can effectively handle the challenge of learning numerous tasks over time, while preserving the knowledge gained from previous tasks.

Critical Analysis

The Liquid Ensemble Selection (LES) approach proposed in this paper offers a promising solution to the challenge of continual learning, where an AI system needs to learn numerous tasks over time without forgetting previous knowledge. The key strength of LES is its ability to maintain a dynamic ensemble of specialized neural networks, allowing the system to adapt and expand its capabilities as new tasks are encountered.

One potential limitation of the LES approach is the complexity of maintaining and optimizing the ensemble of networks. The paper does not provide detailed information on the computational overhead or the scalability of the approach as the number of tasks and networks grows. Additionally, the authors do not address the potential for negative transfer between the specialized networks, where learning on one task could degrade performance on another.

Another area for further research is the user experience of the delegation mechanism. While the concept of delegating preferences to specialized networks is intriguing, the paper does not explore how this would work in practice, particularly in scenarios where users may have limited understanding of the underlying task specializations.

Despite these potential limitations, the Liquid Ensemble Selection approach represents an innovative and promising direction in the field of continual learning. The ability to dynamically adapt an AI system's capabilities to new tasks, while preserving previous knowledge, could have significant implications for a wide range of real-world applications, from personalized recommendation systems to lifelong learning assistants.


The Liquid Ensemble Selection (LES) approach proposed in this paper offers a novel solution to the challenge of continual learning, where an AI system needs to learn numerous tasks over time without forgetting previous knowledge. By drawing inspiration from the concept of liquid democracy, LES maintains a dynamic ensemble of specialized neural networks that can adapt to new tasks by allowing users to "delegate" their preferences to the most suitable network.

The key strengths of the LES approach are its flexibility, adaptability, and the potential to preserve and build upon the AI system's accumulated knowledge over time. While the paper raises some questions about the approach's complexity and scalability, the underlying concept represents an exciting and promising direction in the field of continual learning.

As AI systems become increasingly ubiquitous in our daily lives, the ability to continuously learn and adapt to new challenges will be crucial. The Liquid Ensemble Selection approach offers a compelling vision for how AI can become more flexible, personalized, and capable of lifelong learning, with potential applications across a wide range of industries and domains.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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