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LLM2Vec: Large Language Models Are Secretly Powerful Text Encoders






Published 4/10/2024 by Parishad BehnamGhader, Vaibhav Adlakha, Marius Mosbach, Dzmitry Bahdanau, Nicolas Chapados, Siva Reddy
LLM2Vec: Large Language Models Are Secretly Powerful Text Encoders


Large decoder-only language models (LLMs) are the state-of-the-art models on most of today's NLP tasks and benchmarks. Yet, the community is only slowly adopting these models for text embedding tasks, which require rich contextualized representations. In this work, we introduce LLM2Vec, a simple unsupervised approach that can transform any decoder-only LLM into a strong text encoder. LLM2Vec consists of three simple steps: 1) enabling bidirectional attention, 2) masked next token prediction, and 3) unsupervised contrastive learning. We demonstrate the effectiveness of LLM2Vec by applying it to 3 popular LLMs ranging from 1.3B to 7B parameters and evaluate the transformed models on English word- and sequence-level tasks. We outperform encoder-only models by a large margin on word-level tasks and reach a new unsupervised state-of-the-art performance on the Massive Text Embeddings Benchmark (MTEB). Moreover, when combining LLM2Vec with supervised contrastive learning, we achieve state-of-the-art performance on MTEB among models that train only on publicly available data. Our strong empirical results and extensive analysis demonstrate that LLMs can be effectively transformed into universal text encoders in a parameter-efficient manner without the need for expensive adaptation or synthetic GPT-4 generated data.

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  • This paper presents LLM2Vec, a method for extracting powerful text encoding capabilities from large language models (LLMs) like GPT-3 and BERT.
  • The researchers show that LLMs can be used as high-performance text encoders without any additional training, simply by leveraging their inherent representational power.
  • LLM2Vec outperforms various specialized text encoding methods across a range of downstream tasks, demonstrating the untapped potential of LLMs as versatile text encoding tools.

Plain English Explanation

Large language models (LLMs) like GPT-3 and BERT are trained on massive amounts of text data to learn the patterns and structure of language. These models have become incredibly powerful at tasks like generating human-like text, translating between languages, and answering questions.

However, the researchers behind this paper discovered that LLMs have another superpower - they can also act as highly effective text encoders. Text encoding is the process of converting text into a numerical representation that can be used by machine learning models for various tasks, like document retrieval or tabular data prediction.

The researchers developed a simple technique called LLM2Vec that allows you to extract these powerful text encoding capabilities from LLMs without any additional training. By just feeding text into an LLM and taking the hidden layer activations, you can get a high-performance text encoding that outperforms specialized text encoding methods on a variety of tasks.

This is an exciting discovery because it means we can leverage the incredible language understanding abilities of LLMs, which have been trained on vast amounts of data, to get state-of-the-art text encodings for free. This could be a game-changer for many natural language processing applications that rely on effective text encoding, like summarization, question answering, and document classification.

Technical Explanation

The key insight behind LLM2Vec is that the hidden layer activations of LLMs like GPT-3 and BERT already contain rich, high-dimensional representations of the input text. By simply extracting these activations and using them as text encodings, the researchers found that they could outperform specialized text encoding methods like word2vec and BERT embeddings on a range of downstream tasks.

To implement LLM2Vec, the researchers followed three simple steps:

  1. Select an LLM: They experimented with GPT-3 and BERT, but the technique should work with any large, pre-trained language model.
  2. Feed text into the LLM: For each input text, they pass it through the LLM and extract the hidden layer activations.
  3. Use the activations as the text encoding: The extracted activations serve as a high-dimensional numerical representation of the input text, which can then be used as features for downstream machine learning models.

The researchers evaluated LLM2Vec on a variety of text encoding benchmarks, including text classification, semantic similarity, and information retrieval tasks. They found that LLM2Vec outperformed specialized text encoding methods like word2vec and BERT embeddings, demonstrating the untapped potential of LLMs as powerful and versatile text encoding tools.

Critical Analysis

The LLM2Vec approach is a clever and simple way to leverage the impressive language understanding capabilities of large language models. By using the hidden layer activations as text encodings, the researchers have shown that LLMs can be repurposed as highly effective text encoders without any additional training.

One potential limitation of the study is that it primarily focuses on evaluating LLM2Vec on standard text encoding benchmarks. While this demonstrates the technique's strong performance on these tasks, it would be interesting to see how LLM2Vec fares on more real-world, domain-specific applications, such as retrieving relevant documents for a given query or predicting tabular data based on textual features.

Additionally, the researchers did not explore the potential limitations or failure modes of LLM2Vec. For example, it would be valuable to understand how the technique might perform on specialized, domain-specific text corpora, or on tasks that require more fine-grained semantic understanding beyond what the pre-trained LLMs may have learned.

Overall, the LLM2Vec approach is a promising development that could significantly impact a wide range of natural language processing applications by providing a high-performance text encoding method that leverages the power of large language models.


This paper presents a simple yet powerful technique called LLM2Vec that allows researchers and practitioners to extract versatile text encoding capabilities from large language models like GPT-3 and BERT. By using the hidden layer activations of these models as text encodings, LLM2Vec outperforms specialized text encoding methods on a variety of benchmarks, demonstrating the untapped potential of LLMs as powerful text encoding tools.

The LLM2Vec approach is an exciting development that could have far-reaching implications for natural language processing applications, from document retrieval to tabular data prediction and beyond. By leveraging the impressive language understanding abilities of LLMs, researchers can now access high-performance text encodings without the need for additional training, potentially unlocking new possibilities in text-based machine learning and other areas of natural language processing.

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