LMDX: Language Model-based Document Information Extraction and Localization






Published 6/26/2024 by Vincent Perot, Kai Kang, Florian Luisier, Guolong Su, Xiaoyu Sun, Ramya Sree Boppana, Zilong Wang, Zifeng Wang, Jiaqi Mu, Hao Zhang and 2 others



Large Language Models (LLM) have revolutionized Natural Language Processing (NLP), improving state-of-the-art and exhibiting emergent capabilities across various tasks. However, their application in extracting information from visually rich documents, which is at the core of many document processing workflows and involving the extraction of key entities from semi-structured documents, has not yet been successful. The main obstacles to adopting LLMs for this task include the absence of layout encoding within LLMs, which is critical for high quality extraction, and the lack of a grounding mechanism to localize the predicted entities within the document. In this paper, we introduce Language Model-based Document Information Extraction and Localization (LMDX), a methodology to reframe the document information extraction task for a LLM. LMDX enables extraction of singular, repeated, and hierarchical entities, both with and without training data, while providing grounding guarantees and localizing the entities within the document. Finally, we apply LMDX to the PaLM 2-S and Gemini Pro LLMs and evaluate it on VRDU and CORD benchmarks, setting a new state-of-the-art and showing how LMDX enables the creation of high quality, data-efficient parsers.

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  • Large Language Models (LLMs) have revolutionized Natural Language Processing (NLP) and exhibited impressive capabilities across various tasks.
  • However, extracting information from visually rich documents, a core component of many document processing workflows, has been a challenge for LLMs.
  • The main obstacles include the lack of layout encoding within LLMs and the lack of a grounding mechanism to localize the predicted entities within the document.

Plain English Explanation

Language Model-based Document Information Extraction and Localization (LMDX) is a new methodology that aims to address these challenges and enable LLMs to effectively extract information from semi-structured documents. The core idea is to reframe the document information extraction task in a way that allows LLMs to leverage their natural language understanding capabilities while also providing the necessary layout encoding and grounding mechanisms.

LMDX enables the extraction of singular, repeated, and hierarchical entities from documents, both with and without training data. It also provides guarantees for the localization of the extracted entities within the document, which is crucial for many document processing workflows. The researchers applied LMDX to two LLMs, PaLM 2-S and Gemini Pro, and evaluated it on benchmark datasets, setting new state-of-the-art performance and demonstrating the potential for creating high-quality, data-efficient parsers using this approach.

Technical Explanation

The paper introduces LMDX, a methodology that reframes the document information extraction task to enable LLMs to effectively extract and localize key entities from semi-structured documents. The core innovation lies in the way LMDX encodes the document layout and provides a grounding mechanism for the predicted entities.

LMDX first encodes the document layout by using a set of special tokens to represent the various visual elements, such as tables, figures, and text blocks. This layout encoding is then seamlessly integrated into the LLM's input, allowing the model to understand the document structure and leverage it for the extraction task.

To provide the necessary grounding, LMDX uses a unique approach where the model is tasked with generating a "location" output alongside the extracted entity. This location output consists of a series of tokens that correspond to the specific visual elements within the document where the entity is located. This grounding mechanism enables the model to not only extract the relevant information but also localize it within the document.

The researchers evaluated LMDX on the VRDU and CORD benchmarks, using the PaLM 2-S and Gemini Pro LLMs. The results demonstrate that LMDX sets new state-of-the-art performance, showcasing its ability to create high-quality, data-efficient parsers for document information extraction tasks.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a promising approach to addressing the challenges of using LLMs for document information extraction tasks. The LMDX methodology provides a novel way to encode document layout and ground the extracted entities, which are key requirements for successful application in this domain.

However, the paper does not discuss the potential limitations or caveats of the LMDX approach. For example, it would be valuable to understand how LMDX performs on a wider range of document types and layouts, as the evaluation was limited to the specific VRDU and CORD benchmarks. Additionally, the paper does not explore the model's robustness to noise or variations in the input documents, which is an important consideration for real-world deployment.

Further research could also investigate the generalization capabilities of LMDX, such as its ability to handle novel entity types or adapt to different document processing workflows without extensive fine-tuning. Exploring the interpretability and explainability of the LMDX model's decision-making process could also provide valuable insights for users and developers.


The LMDX methodology represents a significant step forward in enabling LLMs to effectively extract information from visually rich documents. By addressing the key limitations of layout encoding and grounding, LMDX has demonstrated its ability to set new state-of-the-art performance on benchmark datasets, paving the way for the development of high-quality, data-efficient parsers for a wide range of document processing applications.

As LLMs continue to evolve and exhibit increasingly sophisticated capabilities, the insights and techniques presented in this paper could have far-reaching implications for the field of Natural Language Processing and its real-world applications.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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