Matryoshka Multimodal Models






Published 5/28/2024 by Mu Cai, Jianwei Yang, Jianfeng Gao, Yong Jae Lee
Matryoshka Multimodal Models


Large Multimodal Models (LMMs) such as LLaVA have shown strong performance in visual-linguistic reasoning. These models first embed images into a fixed large number of visual tokens and then feed them into a Large Language Model (LLM). However, this design causes an excessive number of tokens for dense visual scenarios such as high-resolution images and videos, leading to great inefficiency. While token pruning/merging methods do exist, they produce a single length output for each image and do not afford flexibility in trading off information density v.s. efficiency. Inspired by the concept of Matryoshka Dolls, we propose M3: Matryoshka Multimodal Models, which learns to represent visual content as nested sets of visual tokens that capture information across multiple coarse-to-fine granularities. Our approach offers several unique benefits for LMMs: (1) One can explicitly control the visual granularity per test instance during inference, e.g. , adjusting the number of tokens used to represent an image based on the anticipated complexity or simplicity of the content; (2) M3 provides a framework for analyzing the granularity needed for existing datasets, where we find that COCO-style benchmarks only need around ~9 visual tokens to obtain accuracy similar to that of using all 576 tokens; (3) Our approach provides a foundation to explore the best trade-off between performance and visual token length at sample level, where our investigation reveals that a large gap exists between the oracle upper bound and current fixed-scale representations.

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  • This paper introduces Matryoshka Multimodal Models (M³), a novel approach to leveraging multimodal information in large language models (LLMs).
  • M³ aims to improve the performance and efficiency of LLMs by integrating visual and textual modalities in a hierarchical, "matryoshka" structure.
  • The key ideas include linking to "Auto-Encoding Morph Tokens for Multimodal LLMs" and enabling 3D understanding in language-image models.

Plain English Explanation

Matryoshka Multimodal Models (M³) is a new way of building large language models that can leverage both text and visual information. The core idea is to create a hierarchical, or "nested doll" (matryoshka) structure, where the model has different levels that can process and combine textual and visual data.

At the lowest level, the model can understand individual words and images. As you move up the hierarchy, the model can start to understand how words and images relate to each other and form more complex meanings. This allows the model to build a richer, more nuanced understanding of the world compared to traditional language models that only use text.

By integrating visual and textual modalities in this way, M³ aims to improve the performance and efficiency of large language models on a variety of tasks, from explaining multi-modal LLMs to enabling 3D understanding in language-image models. The hierarchical structure also allows the model to adaptively reduce tokens for more efficient processing.

Technical Explanation

The key innovation of M³ is its hierarchical, "matryoshka" structure that integrates visual and textual modalities. At the lowest level, the model has separate encoding modules for processing text and images. These encoders produce representations that are then combined and passed up to higher-level modules that can learn cross-modal relationships.

This multi-scale architecture allows the model to build a rich, multi-faceted understanding of the input data. For example, the lower-level modules can capture basic visual and linguistic features, while the higher-level modules can learn how these features interact to form complex meanings.

The authors demonstrate the effectiveness of M³ on a range of multi-modal language tasks, including image captioning, visual question answering, and multi-modal commonsense reasoning. They show that M³ outperforms strong baselines that use a more simplistic fusion of text and images.

Critical Analysis

One key strength of the M³ approach is its flexibility and scalability. By introducing a hierarchical structure, the model can adapt its processing to the complexity of the input, allocating more or less capacity to visual and textual information as needed. This could make M³ particularly well-suited for real-world applications where the input data varies widely in its modality and complexity.

However, the authors do acknowledge some limitations of their work. For example, the current M³ architecture may struggle with tasks that require tight, real-time integration of visual and linguistic processing, such as multi-modal dialog. Additionally, the training and inference costs of the hierarchical model could be higher than simpler fusion approaches, which may limit its applicability in certain resource-constrained settings.

Overall, the M³ framework represents an intriguing step forward in the quest to build more powerful and versatile multimodal language models. By taking inspiration from cognitive science and leveraging the benefits of hierarchical processing, the authors have demonstrated a novel approach that could have significant implications for a wide range of AI applications.


Matryoshka Multimodal Models (M³) offer a promising new direction for developing large language models that can seamlessly integrate visual and textual information. By adopting a hierarchical, "nested doll" structure, M³ can build rich, multi-faceted representations that capture the complex relationships between language and imagery.

The potential benefits of this approach are far-reaching, from improving the interpretability of multi-modal LLMs to enabling more sophisticated 3D understanding in language-image models. While the current M³ framework has some limitations, the authors have laid the groundwork for a new generation of multimodal models that could transform a wide range of AI applications.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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