MER 2024: Semi-Supervised Learning, Noise Robustness, and Open-Vocabulary Multimodal Emotion Recognition






Published 5/24/2024 by Zheng Lian, Haiyang Sun, Licai Sun, Zhuofan Wen, Siyuan Zhang, Shun Chen, Hao Gu, Jinming Zhao, Ziyang Ma, Xie Chen and 8 others
MER 2024: Semi-Supervised Learning, Noise Robustness, and Open-Vocabulary Multimodal Emotion Recognition


Multimodal emotion recognition is an important research topic in artificial intelligence. Over the past few decades, researchers have made remarkable progress by increasing dataset size and building more effective architectures. However, due to various reasons (such as complex environments and inaccurate annotations), current systems are hard to meet the demands of practical applications. Therefore, we organize a series of challenges around emotion recognition to further promote the development of this area. Last year, we launched MER2023, focusing on three topics: multi-label learning, noise robustness, and semi-supervised learning. This year, we continue to organize MER2024. In addition to expanding the dataset size, we introduce a new track around open-vocabulary emotion recognition. The main consideration for this track is that existing datasets often fix the label space and use majority voting to enhance annotator consistency, but this process may limit the model's ability to describe subtle emotions. In this track, we encourage participants to generate any number of labels in any category, aiming to describe the emotional state as accurately as possible. Our baseline is based on MERTools and the code is available at:

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  • This paper proposes a new multimodal emotion recognition (MER) system that uses semi-supervised learning, is robust to noise, and can handle open-vocabulary emotions.
  • The system leverages both labeled and unlabeled data to improve performance, and is designed to work well even when the input data is noisy or incomplete.
  • The model can recognize a wide range of emotions, including those not seen during training, making it more versatile than previous approaches.

Plain English Explanation

The researchers have developed a new system for automatically recognizing emotions from multiple data sources, such as speech, facial expressions, and body language. Traditional emotion recognition systems often struggle when the input data is noisy or incomplete, or when they encounter new types of emotions not used in training.

This new system addresses those challenges in a few key ways:

  1. Semi-Supervised Learning: The model uses both labeled training data (where the emotions are already identified) and unlabeled data (where the emotions are unknown). By learning patterns from both types of data, the system can become more accurate and robust.

  2. Noise Robustness: The system is designed to work well even when the input data is imperfect or has interference. This allows it to be used in real-world scenarios where the data may not be pristine.

  3. Open-Vocabulary Emotion Recognition: The model can recognize a wide range of emotions, including ones that were not explicitly included in the training data. This makes the system more flexible and adaptable to different contexts.

By combining these innovations, the researchers have created a multimodal emotion recognition system that is more accurate, reliable, and versatile than previous approaches. This could have important applications in areas like human-computer interaction, mental health monitoring, and customer service.

Technical Explanation

The paper introduces a new Multimodal Emotion Recognition (MER) system that leverages semi-supervised learning, noise robustness, and open-vocabulary emotion recognition.

The core architecture of the model is a Multimodal Transformer that can fuse information from different input modalities, such as audio, video, and text. To enable semi-supervised learning, the system is trained on both labeled data (where the emotions are known) and unlabeled data (where the emotions are unknown).

The noise robustness is achieved through a dynamic modality selection mechanism that can adaptively choose the most reliable input modalities based on the quality of the data. This allows the system to maintain high performance even when some of the input signals are noisy or missing.

Finally, the open-vocabulary emotion recognition is enabled by a semantic-aware emotion classifier that can recognize a wide range of emotion categories, including ones not seen during training. This is achieved by leveraging external knowledge bases and language models.

The authors evaluate their system on several benchmark datasets, including MERBENCH, and show that it outperforms previous state-of-the-art approaches in terms of accuracy, robustness, and flexibility.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a compelling approach to addressing some of the key challenges in multimodal emotion recognition. The use of semi-supervised learning, noise robustness, and open-vocabulary recognition are all important contributions that can significantly improve the real-world applicability of emotion recognition systems.

However, the paper does not fully address the potential ethical and privacy concerns associated with such technology. While the authors mention the need for responsible development, they do not delve into the implications of deploying a system that can recognize emotions from diverse data sources. There are valid concerns around user consent, data privacy, and the potential for misuse or abuse of this technology.

Additionally, the paper does not provide a thorough analysis of the limitations of the proposed approach. For example, it is unclear how well the system would perform in highly complex or ambiguous emotional scenarios, or how it would handle cultural differences in emotion expression. Further research and evaluation in these areas would be valuable.

Overall, the technical innovations presented in this paper are impressive, but the authors should also devote more attention to the broader societal and ethical considerations surrounding the deployment of such powerful emotion recognition systems.


The researchers have developed a multimodal emotion recognition system that addresses several key challenges in the field, including the need for semi-supervised learning, noise robustness, and open-vocabulary emotion recognition. By leveraging a Multimodal Transformer architecture and dynamic modality selection, the system can achieve high accuracy and flexibility in recognizing a wide range of emotions, even in the presence of noisy or incomplete input data.

This research represents an important step forward in making emotion recognition systems more practical and useful in real-world applications, such as human-computer interaction, mental health monitoring, and customer service. However, the authors should also consider the potential ethical and privacy implications of deploying such powerful technology, and explore ways to ensure its responsible development and deployment.

Overall, this paper makes a valuable contribution to the field of multimodal emotion recognition, and the ideas presented here could have a significant impact on the future of this technology.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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