More PAC-Bayes bounds: From bounded losses, to losses with general tail behaviors, to anytime validity






Published 6/5/2024 by Borja Rodr'iguez-G'alvez, Ragnar Thobaben, Mikael Skoglund



In this paper, we present new high-probability PAC-Bayes bounds for different types of losses. Firstly, for losses with a bounded range, we recover a strengthened version of Catoni's bound that holds uniformly for all parameter values. This leads to new fast-rate and mixed-rate bounds that are interpretable and tighter than previous bounds in the literature. In particular, the fast-rate bound is equivalent to the Seeger--Langford bound. Secondly, for losses with more general tail behaviors, we introduce two new parameter-free bounds: a PAC-Bayes Chernoff analogue when the loss' cumulative generating function is bounded, and a bound when the loss' second moment is bounded. These two bounds are obtained using a new technique based on a discretization of the space of possible events for the ``in probability'' parameter optimization problem. This technique is both simpler and more general than previous approaches optimizing over a grid on the parameters' space. Finally, using a simple technique that is applicable to any existing bound, we extend all previous results to anytime-valid bounds.

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  • The paper presents new PAC-Bayes bounds that extend previous results in several ways:
    • From bounded losses to losses with general tail behaviors
    • Anytime-valid PAC-Bayes bounds
  • These bounds provide greater flexibility and tighter guarantees for machine learning models.

Plain English Explanation

The paper discusses a type of mathematical guarantee called PAC-Bayes bounds, which can be used to understand how well machine learning models will perform on new, unseen data. PAC-Bayes bounds provide a way to bound the expected performance (or "generalization error") of a model, based on its performance on the training data.

The key contributions of this paper are:

  1. Extending PAC-Bayes bounds to losses with general tail behaviors: Previous PAC-Bayes bounds were limited to cases where the losses (i.e., the errors made by the model) were bounded. The paper shows how to extend these bounds to losses with more general statistical properties, which is important for many real-world machine learning problems.

  2. Anytime-valid PAC-Bayes bounds: The paper also provides a new type of PAC-Bayes bound that holds not just for a fixed model, but for any model the researcher might choose, even after seeing the training data. This is useful in situations where a researcher wants to explore many different models and understand their generalization guarantees.

These improvements to PAC-Bayes bounds can lead to tighter and more flexible performance guarantees for machine learning models, which is important for building reliable and trustworthy AI systems. By understanding the limits of a model's performance, researchers and practitioners can make more informed decisions about model selection and deployment.

Technical Explanation

The paper extends previous work on PAC-Bayes bounds in two key ways:

  1. Bounded losses to general tail behaviors: Previous PAC-Bayes bounds required the losses to be bounded, which is a strong assumption that does not hold for many real-world machine learning problems. The paper relaxes this assumption and provides PAC-Bayes bounds for losses with more general tail behaviors, such as sub-Gaussian or sub-exponential distributions.

  2. Fixed models to anytime-valid bounds: Existing PAC-Bayes bounds only held for a fixed model chosen independently of the training data. The paper introduces a new type of PAC-Bayes bound that is "anytime-valid," meaning it holds for any model the researcher might choose, even after seeing the training data.

To achieve these results, the paper uses a combination of techniques, including PAC-Chernoff bounds and tools from information theory and probability theory. The authors also provide examples and numerical experiments to illustrate the tightness and practical relevance of their new PAC-Bayes bounds.

Critical Analysis

The paper makes significant technical contributions to the field of PAC-Bayes bounds, which are an important tool for understanding the generalization properties of machine learning models. The authors have carefully addressed limitations of previous work and expanded the applicability of PAC-Bayes bounds to more realistic settings.

One potential area for further research mentioned in the paper is the extension of these results to the case of parameter uncertainties and imperfect surrogate models, which is an important consideration in many real-world applications of machine learning.

Additionally, while the paper provides strong theoretical guarantees, it would be valuable to see more extensive empirical validation of the proposed bounds on a diverse set of machine learning tasks and datasets. This could help demonstrate the practical relevance and tightness of the bounds in realistic scenarios.

Overall, this paper represents a significant advancement in the state-of-the-art for PAC-Bayes bounds and provides a foundation for further research and applications in machine learning.


This paper presents new PAC-Bayes bounds that address important limitations of previous work. By extending the bounds to handle losses with general tail behaviors and providing anytime-valid guarantees, the authors have created a more flexible and powerful framework for understanding the generalization performance of machine learning models.

These improvements to PAC-Bayes bounds can have far-reaching implications for the development of reliable and trustworthy AI systems. By providing tighter and more realistic performance guarantees, the proposed bounds can help researchers and practitioners make better-informed decisions about model selection, deployment, and the overall trustworthiness of their machine learning applications.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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