Near-Optimal Learning and Planning in Separated Latent MDPs






Published 6/13/2024 by Fan Chen, Constantinos Daskalakis, Noah Golowich, Alexander Rakhlin



We study computational and statistical aspects of learning Latent Markov Decision Processes (LMDPs). In this model, the learner interacts with an MDP drawn at the beginning of each epoch from an unknown mixture of MDPs. To sidestep known impossibility results, we consider several notions of separation of the constituent MDPs. The main thrust of this paper is in establishing a nearly-sharp

statistical threshold
for the horizon length necessary for efficient learning. On the computational side, we show that under a weaker assumption of separability under the optimal policy, there is a quasi-polynomial algorithm with time complexity scaling in terms of the statistical threshold. We further show a near-matching time complexity lower bound under the exponential time hypothesis.

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  • This paper explores the computational and statistical aspects of learning Latent Markov Decision Processes (LMDPs).
  • In LMDPs, the learner interacts with a Markov Decision Process (MDP) drawn at the beginning of each epoch from an unknown mixture of MDPs.
  • To bypass known impossibility results, the authors consider different notions of separation between the constituent MDPs.
  • The primary focus of the paper is on establishing a nearly-sharp statistical threshold for the horizon length required for efficient learning.
  • On the computational side, the authors show that under a weaker assumption of separability under the optimal policy, there is a quasi-polynomial algorithm with time complexity scaling in terms of the statistical threshold.
  • They also present a near-matching time complexity lower bound under the exponential time hypothesis.

Plain English Explanation

In this research, the authors are studying a particular type of reinforcement learning problem called Latent Markov Decision Processes (LMDPs). In an LMDP, the learner interacts with a Markov Decision Process (MDP) that is randomly selected from an unknown set of MDPs at the beginning of each "epoch" or time period.

To make this problem tractable, the researchers consider different ways of ensuring that the MDPs in the set are sufficiently different from each other. They then focus on determining the minimum length of time (the "horizon length") that the learner needs to interact with the environment in order to efficiently learn the underlying LMDP.

On the computational side, the researchers show that under a slightly weaker assumption about the separability of the MDPs, there is an algorithm that can solve the problem in a reasonable amount of time, with the runtime scaling with the statistical threshold they identified. They also prove that this is about as fast as any algorithm can be, assuming a common complexity theory assumption.

The key insights here are about understanding the inherent difficulty of the LMDP learning problem and developing algorithms that can provably solve it efficiently, which could have important implications for real-world reinforcement learning applications with complex, uncertain environments.

Technical Explanation

The paper focuses on the computational and statistical aspects of learning Latent Markov Decision Processes (LMDPs). In an LMDP, the learner interacts with an MDP that is randomly drawn from an unknown mixture of MDPs at the beginning of each "epoch" or time period.

To bypass known impossibility results for this problem, the authors consider several notions of "separation" between the constituent MDPs in the mixture. The main technical contribution is in establishing a nearly-sharp

statistical threshold
for the horizon length (i.e., the number of time steps) required for efficient learning of the underlying LMDP.

On the computational side, the authors show that under a weaker assumption of separability under the optimal policy, there exists a quasi-polynomial algorithm with time complexity scaling in terms of the statistical threshold. They also prove a near-matching time complexity lower bound under the Exponential Time Hypothesis, demonstrating the tightness of their algorithmic result.

These findings build on prior work in offline, oracle-efficient learning of Contextual MDPs and primal-dual algorithms for offline constrained reinforcement learning, as well as theoretical results on the inherent difficulty of exploration versus prediction in reinforcement learning.

Critical Analysis

The key strengths of this research are the rigorous theoretical analysis and the tight characterization of the computational and statistical thresholds for learning LMDPs. By considering different notions of separability between the constituent MDPs, the authors are able to sidestep known impossibility results and develop provably efficient algorithms.

That said, the assumptions required for the positive results, such as the weaker separability condition under the optimal policy, may limit the practical applicability of the methods. Additionally, the paper does not explore the performance of the algorithms in real-world settings or provide empirical validation of the theoretical findings.

It would also be interesting to see the authors extend their analysis to the infinite-horizon average reward setting, which is arguably more relevant for many real-world applications.

Overall, this work represents a significant theoretical advance in the understanding of learning in complex, uncertain environments. However, further research is needed to bridge the gap between the theoretical results and practical implementation.


This paper presents a rigorous study of the computational and statistical aspects of learning Latent Markov Decision Processes (LMDPs), a challenging reinforcement learning problem with uncertain environments. The authors establish nearly-sharp thresholds for the horizon length required for efficient learning and develop quasi-polynomial algorithms with provable guarantees.

These theoretical insights could have important implications for reinforcement learning in real-world applications with complex, changing environments, such as robotics, healthcare, or finance. However, further work is needed to translate these findings into practical solutions and to explore the performance of the algorithms in realistic settings.

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