Exploration is Harder than Prediction: Cryptographically Separating Reinforcement Learning from Supervised Learning






Published 4/8/2024 by Noah Golowich, Ankur Moitra, Dhruv Rohatgi



Supervised learning is often computationally easy in practice. But to what extent does this mean that other modes of learning, such as reinforcement learning (RL), ought to be computationally easy by extension? In this work we show the first cryptographic separation between RL and supervised learning, by exhibiting a class of block MDPs and associated decoding functions where reward-free exploration is provably computationally harder than the associated regression problem. We also show that there is no computationally efficient algorithm for reward-directed RL in block MDPs, even when given access to an oracle for this regression problem. It is known that being able to perform regression in block MDPs is necessary for finding a good policy; our results suggest that it is not sufficient. Our separation lower bound uses a new robustness property of the Learning Parities with Noise (LPN) hardness assumption, which is crucial in handling the dependent nature of RL data. We argue that separations and oracle lower bounds, such as ours, are a more meaningful way to prove hardness of learning because the constructions better reflect the practical reality that supervised learning by itself is often not the computational bottleneck.

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  • This research paper explores the computational complexity of reinforcement learning (RL) compared to supervised learning.
  • The authors show the first cryptographic separation between RL and supervised learning, demonstrating that reward-free exploration in certain types of Markov decision processes (MDPs) is computationally harder than the associated regression problem.
  • They also show that there is no computationally efficient algorithm for reward-directed RL in these MDPs, even when given access to an oracle for the regression problem.

Plain English Explanation

The paper examines whether reinforcement learning is inherently more computationally difficult than supervised learning. Supervised learning, where an algorithm learns from labeled training data, is often relatively straightforward to implement in practice. The researchers wanted to understand whether this ease of use for supervised learning necessarily extends to other modes of machine learning, such as reinforcement learning.

In reinforcement learning, an agent learns by interacting with an environment and receiving rewards or penalties for its actions. The researchers demonstrate that for certain types of Markov decision processes (MDPs), the computational difficulty of exploring the environment to find good rewards is actually greater than the difficulty of the supervised learning problem associated with that MDP.

They also show that there is no efficient algorithm for learning a good policy in these MDPs, even if you have access to a tool that can solve the supervised learning problem. This suggests that the supervised learning aspect is not the main computational bottleneck in these reinforcement learning tasks.

The researchers use a new mathematical property related to the "Learning Parities with Noise" problem to prove these separation and hardness results. This property allows them to handle the interdependent nature of reinforcement learning data, which is a key challenge in this field.

Technical Explanation

The core technical contribution of this paper is the establishment of the first cryptographic separation between reinforcement learning and supervised learning. Specifically, the authors exhibit a class of block MDPs and associated decoding functions where reward-free exploration is provably computationally harder than the associated regression problem.

Furthermore, the authors show that there is no computationally efficient algorithm for reward-directed RL in these block MDPs, even when given access to an oracle for the regression problem. This suggests that the supervised learning aspect is not the main computational bottleneck in these RL tasks.

The key technical tool used to prove these separation and hardness results is a new robustness property of the Learning Parities with Noise (LPN) hardness assumption. This property is crucial in handling the dependent nature of RL data, which is a major challenge in this domain.

Critical Analysis

The research presented in this paper provides an interesting perspective on the relative computational complexity of reinforcement learning and supervised learning. By demonstrating cryptographic separations between the two learning paradigms, the authors challenge the common assumption that supervised learning is inherently easier than reinforcement learning.

However, it is important to note that the results are specific to the class of block MDPs and associated decoding functions considered in the paper. The authors acknowledge that their constructions may not reflect the practical reality of many real-world reinforcement learning problems, where supervised learning may still be the computational bottleneck.

Additionally, the reliance on the LPN hardness assumption, while a common tool in cryptography, introduces some uncertainty around the generalizability of the results. Further research may be needed to understand whether similar separations hold under alternative hardness assumptions or in different MDP settings.


This paper presents an important theoretical result in the field of machine learning, challenging the common assumption that reinforcement learning is inherently more computationally complex than supervised learning. By establishing cryptographic separations and hardness results for certain classes of MDPs, the authors demonstrate that the relative difficulty of these two learning paradigms is not as straightforward as it may seem.

While the results may not directly translate to all practical reinforcement learning problems, the paper highlights the need to carefully consider the computational complexity of different learning approaches, rather than relying on intuitive notions of difficulty. This work paves the way for a more nuanced understanding of the tradeoffs between reinforcement learning and supervised learning, which could have important implications for the design of efficient model-based reinforcement learning algorithms and the development of effective learning strategies in a variety of applications.

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