OER: Offline Experience Replay for Continual Offline Reinforcement Learning






Published 4/23/2024 by Sibo Gai, Donglin Wang, Li He



The capability of continuously learning new skills via a sequence of pre-collected offline datasets is desired for an agent. However, consecutively learning a sequence of offline tasks likely leads to the catastrophic forgetting issue under resource-limited scenarios. In this paper, we formulate a new setting, continual offline reinforcement learning (CORL), where an agent learns a sequence of offline reinforcement learning tasks and pursues good performance on all learned tasks with a small replay buffer without exploring any of the environments of all the sequential tasks. For consistently learning on all sequential tasks, an agent requires acquiring new knowledge and meanwhile preserving old knowledge in an offline manner. To this end, we introduced continual learning algorithms and experimentally found experience replay (ER) to be the most suitable algorithm for the CORL problem. However, we observe that introducing ER into CORL encounters a new distribution shift problem: the mismatch between the experiences in the replay buffer and trajectories from the learned policy. To address such an issue, we propose a new model-based experience selection (MBES) scheme to build the replay buffer, where a transition model is learned to approximate the state distribution. This model is used to bridge the distribution bias between the replay buffer and the learned model by filtering the data from offline data that most closely resembles the learned model for storage. Moreover, in order to enhance the ability on learning new tasks, we retrofit the experience replay method with a new dual behavior cloning (DBC) architecture to avoid the disturbance of behavior-cloning loss on the Q-learning process. In general, we call our algorithm offline experience replay (OER). Extensive experiments demonstrate that our OER method outperforms SOTA baselines in widely-used Mujoco environments.

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  • This paper introduces a new setting called "Continual Offline Reinforcement Learning" (CORL), where an agent learns a sequence of offline reinforcement learning tasks and aims to perform well on all learned tasks with a small replay buffer, without exploring any of the environments.
  • The key challenge in CORL is to acquire new knowledge while preserving old knowledge in an offline manner, as consecutively learning a sequence of offline tasks can lead to catastrophic forgetting.
  • The authors introduce a new algorithm called "Offline Experience Replay" (OER) to address the CORL problem, which includes a model-based experience selection scheme and a dual behavior cloning architecture.

Plain English Explanation

The paper proposes a new way for an AI agent to continuously learn new skills by training on a sequence of pre-collected datasets, without actually interacting with the real environments. This is known as Continual Offline Reinforcement Learning (CORL).

The challenge is that as the agent learns new skills, it tends to forget the old ones, a problem known as "catastrophic forgetting." To address this, the researchers developed a new algorithm called Offline Experience Replay (OER), which helps the agent acquire new knowledge while preserving the old.

The key ideas behind OER are:

  1. Model-Based Experience Selection: The agent learns a transition model to estimate the state distribution of the learned policy. This model is used to select experiences from the offline data that are most similar to the learned policy, helping to bridge the distribution gap.

  2. Dual Behavior Cloning: OER combines Q-learning (for learning new tasks) with a new dual behavior cloning architecture. This helps avoid interference between the behavior cloning loss and the Q-learning process, further improving the agent's ability to learn new tasks.

By using these techniques, the OER algorithm is able to outperform state-of-the-art methods on a variety of MuJoCo environments.

Technical Explanation

The paper introduces the Continual Offline Reinforcement Learning (CORL) setting, where an agent must learn a sequence of offline RL tasks and maintain good performance on all learned tasks using a small replay buffer, without interacting with the real environments.

To address the catastrophic forgetting issue in this setting, the authors propose a new algorithm called Offline Experience Replay (OER). OER consists of two key components:

  1. Model-Based Experience Selection (MBES): The agent learns a transition model to approximate the state distribution of the learned policy. This model is used to filter the offline data, selecting experiences that are most similar to the learned policy. This helps bridge the distribution gap between the replay buffer and the learned model.

  2. Dual Behavior Cloning (DBC): OER combines Q-learning with a new dual behavior cloning architecture. This architecture uses two behavior cloning heads, one for the current task and one for all previous tasks. This helps avoid interference between the behavior cloning loss and the Q-learning process, improving the agent's ability to learn new tasks.

The authors evaluate OER on a range of MuJoCo environments and show that it outperforms state-of-the-art continual learning and offline RL baselines.

Critical Analysis

The paper introduces an important new problem setting, CORL, and proposes a novel algorithm, OER, to address it. The key strengths of the paper are the clear problem formulation, the well-designed algorithm components, and the thorough experimental evaluation.

However, the paper also has some limitations. Firstly, the authors only evaluate OER on MuJoCo environments, which may not fully represent the diversity of real-world continual learning tasks. Extending the evaluation to more challenging domains would be valuable.

Secondly, the paper does not provide a deeper analysis of the trade-offs between the different components of OER (MBES and DBC). Understanding the individual contributions of these components and how they interact would enhance the interpretability of the algorithm.

Finally, the paper does not discuss potential negative societal impacts of the proposed approach, such as issues around data privacy or algorithmic bias. Considering these factors is important as the field of continual learning matures.

Overall, this paper makes a valuable contribution to the continual offline reinforcement learning literature and provides a strong foundation for future research in this area.


This paper introduces a new problem setting called Continual Offline Reinforcement Learning (CORL) and proposes a novel algorithm, Offline Experience Replay (OER), to address the key challenge of catastrophic forgetting in this setting. OER uses a model-based experience selection scheme and a dual behavior cloning architecture to help the agent acquire new knowledge while preserving old knowledge, without interacting with the real environments.

The authors demonstrate the effectiveness of OER on a range of MuJoCo environments, where it outperforms state-of-the-art baselines. This work represents an important step forward in the field of continual learning and offline reinforcement learning, with potential applications in areas where an agent needs to continuously learn new skills from pre-collected data.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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