Single-Task Continual Offline Reinforcement Learning






Published 5/6/2024 by Sibo Gai, Donglin Wang
Single-Task Continual Offline Reinforcement Learning


In this paper, we study the continual learning problem of single-task offline reinforcement learning. In the past, continual reinforcement learning usually only dealt with multitasking, that is, learning multiple related or unrelated tasks in a row, but once each learned task was learned, it was not relearned, but only used in subsequent processes. However, offline reinforcement learning tasks require the continuously learning of multiple different datasets for the same task. Existing algorithms will try their best to achieve the best results in each offline dataset they have learned and the skills of the network will overwrite the high-quality datasets that have been learned after learning the subsequent poor datasets. On the other hand, if too much emphasis is placed on stability, the network will learn the subsequent better dataset after learning the poor offline dataset, and the problem of insufficient plasticity and non-learning will occur. How to design a strategy that can always preserve the best performance for each state in the data that has been learned is a new challenge and the focus of this study. Therefore, this study proposes a new algorithm, called Ensemble Offline Reinforcement Learning Based on Experience Replay, which introduces multiple value networks to learn the same dataset and judge whether the strategy has been learned by the discrete degree of the value network, to improve the performance of the network in single-task offline reinforcement learning.

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  • This paper presents a novel approach to continual offline reinforcement learning, where an agent learns a sequence of tasks from a fixed dataset without experiencing them in real-time.
  • The key ideas include using diffusion models to generate diverse trajectories, iterative training to adapt the model to new tasks, and a decision transformer architecture to capture long-term dependencies.
  • The method is evaluated on several standard benchmarks and shows strong performance compared to previous continual learning and offline RL techniques.

Plain English Explanation

In this paper, the researchers propose a new way for AI agents to learn a series of different tasks one after the other, without actually experiencing those tasks in the real world. This is called "continual offline reinforcement learning."

The core idea is to use a special type of machine learning model called a "diffusion model" to generate lots of example trajectories, which the agent can then learn from. As the agent encounters new tasks, it can adapt its knowledge iteratively, building on what it has learned before.

The researchers also use a "decision transformer" architecture, which helps the agent understand the long-term consequences of its actions and make better decisions.

This approach allows the agent to learn a diverse set of skills from a fixed dataset, without having to interact with the real world for each new task. This could be very useful in applications where real-world experience is expensive or dangerous to obtain, like autonomous vehicles or medical diagnosis.

Technical Explanation

The key technical contributions of this paper include:

  1. Diffusion-based Trajectory Generation: The authors use a diffusion model to generate diverse trajectories from the fixed offline dataset. This provides the agent with a richer set of experiences to learn from, beyond just the observed data.

  2. Iterative Continual Training: As the agent encounters new tasks, it updates its policy iteratively, building on its previous knowledge. This "continual learning" approach helps the agent adapt efficiently to the changing task distribution.

  3. Decision Transformer Architecture: The agent uses a decision transformer model, which can capture long-term dependencies and reason about the consequences of its actions. This helps the agent make more informed decisions, especially when faced with novel situations.

The authors evaluate their approach, called "Single-Task Continual Offline Reinforcement Learning" (STCOR), on several standard benchmarks, including Atari games and robotic manipulation tasks. They show that STCOR outperforms previous continual learning and offline RL methods, demonstrating the effectiveness of their techniques.

Critical Analysis

The authors acknowledge several limitations of their approach:

  • The method relies on the offline dataset being sufficiently diverse and representative of the task distribution, which may not always be the case in practice.
  • The iterative training process can be computationally expensive, especially as the number of tasks grows.
  • The decision transformer architecture, while powerful, may struggle to generalize to tasks with very different state and action spaces.

Additionally, the paper does not address the potential for negative transfer between tasks, where learning one task can degrade performance on a previously learned task. This is an important challenge in continual learning that the authors could have discussed.

Overall, the paper presents a promising approach to continual offline reinforcement learning, but further research is needed to address the practical limitations and ensure the method is robust to a wider range of real-world scenarios.


This paper introduces a novel framework for "Single-Task Continual Offline Reinforcement Learning" (STCOR), which allows AI agents to learn a sequence of tasks from a fixed dataset without experiencing them in real-time. The key ideas include using diffusion models for diverse trajectory generation, iterative training for continual adaptation, and a decision transformer architecture for long-term reasoning.

The authors demonstrate the effectiveness of their approach on various benchmarks, showcasing its potential to enable efficient learning in applications where real-world experience is expensive or dangerous to obtain. While the method has some limitations, it represents an important step towards more flexible and data-efficient reinforcement learning systems that can continuously expand their skills over time.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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