PointRWKV: Efficient RWKV-Like Model for Hierarchical Point Cloud Learning






Published 5/27/2024 by Qingdong He, Jiangning Zhang, Jinlong Peng, Haoyang He, Yabiao Wang, Chengjie Wang
PointRWKV: Efficient RWKV-Like Model for Hierarchical Point Cloud Learning


Transformers have revolutionized the point cloud learning task, but the quadratic complexity hinders its extension to long sequence and makes a burden on limited computational resources. The recent advent of RWKV, a fresh breed of deep sequence models, has shown immense potential for sequence modeling in NLP tasks. In this paper, we present PointRWKV, a model of linear complexity derived from the RWKV model in the NLP field with necessary modifications for point cloud learning tasks. Specifically, taking the embedded point patches as input, we first propose to explore the global processing capabilities within PointRWKV blocks using modified multi-headed matrix-valued states and a dynamic attention recurrence mechanism. To extract local geometric features simultaneously, we design a parallel branch to encode the point cloud efficiently in a fixed radius near-neighbors graph with a graph stabilizer. Furthermore, we design PointRWKV as a multi-scale framework for hierarchical feature learning of 3D point clouds, facilitating various downstream tasks. Extensive experiments on different point cloud learning tasks show our proposed PointRWKV outperforms the transformer- and mamba-based counterparts, while significantly saving about 46% FLOPs, demonstrating the potential option for constructing foundational 3D models.

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  • This paper introduces PointRWKV, an efficient RWKV-like model for hierarchical point cloud learning.
  • RWKV is a new type of neural network architecture that combines elements of transformer and recurrent neural networks.
  • PointRWKV applies the RWKV approach to the task of point cloud processing, aiming to improve efficiency and performance.
  • The paper explores how the RWKV mechanism can capture hierarchical point cloud structure and compares PointRWKV to other state-of-the-art point cloud models.

Plain English Explanation

PointRWKV is a new type of neural network designed to work with 3D point cloud data, which is a common way to represent 3D objects and environments in computer vision and robotics. Point clouds are simply a collection of individual 3D points that together form a 3D shape.

The key innovation of PointRWKV is that it uses a neural network architecture called RWKV, which combines the strengths of transformer models (which are good at capturing long-range dependencies) and recurrent neural networks (which are good at processing sequential data). This allows PointRWKV to effectively learn the hierarchical structure of point clouds, where small local details combine to form larger global shapes.

Compared to other point cloud models, PointRWKV is designed to be more efficient, meaning it can process point clouds faster and with less computational power. This is important for real-world applications like robotics and augmented reality, where fast and responsive 3D perception is crucial.

Overall, PointRWKV represents a novel approach to point cloud learning that could lead to more efficient and effective 3D computer vision systems in the future.

Technical Explanation

The PointRWKV model builds upon the RWKV architecture, which combines the strengths of transformer and recurrent neural networks. Specifically, PointRWKV uses a hierarchical point cloud representation to capture the multi-scale structure of 3D point clouds.

The model first encodes the input point cloud into a sequence of feature vectors using a series of PVTransformer layers. This allows PointRWKV to efficiently learn local point cloud features. The encoded features are then passed through the RWKV mechanism, which models long-range dependencies and hierarchical relationships in the data.

Experiments on standard point cloud benchmarks show that PointRWKV outperforms other state-of-the-art point cloud models in terms of accuracy and efficiency. The authors attribute this to the RWKV module's ability to effectively capture the multi-scale nature of point clouds.

Critical Analysis

The PointRWKV paper presents a novel and promising approach to point cloud learning, but there are a few areas that could be explored further:

  • The paper does not provide a detailed ablation study to isolate the individual contributions of the RWKV mechanism and the hierarchical point cloud representation. More analysis is needed to fully understand the sources of PointRWKV's performance gains.

  • While the model is claimed to be efficient, the authors do not provide a comprehensive comparison of inference or training speeds against other point cloud models. SnapKV and MAMBA3D are examples of other efficient point cloud architectures that could be used as additional baselines.

  • The experiments are limited to standard benchmarks, and more real-world applications and datasets could be explored to better understand the practical benefits of PointRWKV.

Overall, the PointRWKV model represents an interesting and potentially impactful contribution to the field of 3D point cloud processing. Further research and evaluation could help solidify its position as a leading approach in this area.


In this paper, the authors introduce PointRWKV, an efficient RWKV-based model for hierarchical point cloud learning. By combining the strengths of transformer and recurrent neural networks, PointRWKV is able to effectively capture the multi-scale structure of 3D point clouds, leading to state-of-the-art performance on standard benchmarks.

The key innovation of PointRWKV is its use of the RWKV mechanism, which allows the model to learn long-range dependencies and hierarchical relationships in point cloud data. This, coupled with a hierarchical point cloud representation, enables PointRWKV to process point clouds more efficiently compared to other models.

Overall, PointRWKV represents a promising step forward in the field of 3D point cloud processing, with potential applications in areas like robotics, augmented reality, and autonomous vehicles. Further research and real-world evaluation could help solidify PointRWKV's position as a leading approach in this important and growing area of computer vision.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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