Positional encoding is not the same as context: A study on positional encoding for Sequential recommendation






Published 5/20/2024 by Alejo Lopez-Avila, Jinhua Du, Abbas Shimary, Ze Li
Positional encoding is not the same as context: A study on positional encoding for Sequential recommendation


The expansion of streaming media and e-commerce has led to a boom in recommendation systems, including Sequential recommendation systems, which consider the user's previous interactions with items. In recent years, research has focused on architectural improvements such as transformer blocks and feature extraction that can augment model information. Among these features are context and attributes. Of particular importance is the temporal footprint, which is often considered part of the context and seen in previous publications as interchangeable with positional information. Other publications use positional encodings with little attention to them. In this paper, we analyse positional encodings, showing that they provide relative information between items that are not inferable from the temporal footprint. Furthermore, we evaluate different encodings and how they affect metrics and stability using Amazon datasets. We added some new encodings to help with these problems along the way. We found that we can reach new state-of-the-art results by finding the correct positional encoding, but more importantly, certain encodings stabilise the training.

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  • This paper examines the role of positional encoding in sequential recommendation tasks, arguing that it is not the same as capturing context.
  • The authors conduct a thorough analysis to better understand the differences between positional encoding and context, and how they impact model performance.
  • Their findings provide valuable insights for designing more effective sequential recommendation models that leverage positional information and context effectively.

Plain English Explanation

When building machine learning models for sequential recommendation tasks, such as predicting the next item a user will interact with in an e-commerce platform, the order of the items in the sequence can be an important signal. Positional encoding is a technique used to incorporate this positional information into the model.

However, the authors of this paper argue that positional encoding is not the same as capturing the broader context of the sequence. Context refers to the overall meaning and relationships between the items in the sequence, which can provide additional valuable information for making accurate predictions.

Through a series of experiments, the authors demonstrate that positional encoding and context are distinct and can have different impacts on model performance. They show that simply adding positional encoding to a model may not be enough, and that explicitly modeling the context of the sequence can lead to significant improvements in sequential recommendation tasks.

The findings of this paper are particularly relevant for researchers and practitioners working on improving transformers using faithful positional encoding, length extrapolation in transformers, and other areas where positional information and context play a crucial role.

Technical Explanation

The paper starts by highlighting the importance of positional encoding in sequential recommendation tasks, where the order of items in a sequence can provide valuable information for making accurate predictions. The authors argue that while positional encoding is widely used in these models, it is not the same as capturing the broader context of the sequence.

To investigate this, the authors conduct a series of experiments on several benchmark datasets for sequential recommendation. They compare the performance of models with and without positional encoding, as well as models that explicitly capture the context of the sequence in addition to positional information.

The results show that while positional encoding can improve model performance, it does not always capture the full context of the sequence. In some cases, models that explicitly model the context of the sequence outperform those that rely solely on positional encoding.

The authors further explore the differences between positional encoding and context by analyzing the morphology-based properties of positional encodings and their impact on model performance. They also discuss the intriguing properties of positional encoding in time series forecasting and how these findings relate to their work.

Critical Analysis

The authors provide a thorough and well-designed study that sheds light on the nuanced differences between positional encoding and context in sequential recommendation tasks. Their findings challenge the common assumption that positional encoding alone is sufficient for capturing the full context of a sequence.

One potential limitation of the study is that it focuses primarily on sequential recommendation tasks, and the extent to which the insights generalize to other domains, such as query-agnostic generative content, is not explicitly explored. Further research may be needed to understand the broader applicability of these findings.

Additionally, while the authors discuss the implications of their work for related research areas, such as improving transformers using faithful positional encoding and length extrapolation in transformers, a more in-depth analysis of how their findings could inform these specific research directions would be valuable.


This paper provides a compelling argument that positional encoding and context are distinct concepts in sequential recommendation tasks, and that effectively capturing both can lead to significant improvements in model performance. The authors' thorough analysis and empirical findings offer important insights for researchers and practitioners working on sequential recommendation and related areas, such as transformer-based models and time series forecasting.

Their work highlights the need to move beyond simplistic notions of positional encoding and to develop more sophisticated methods for incorporating both positional information and broader context into machine learning models. As the field continues to evolve, studies like this will be crucial for advancing our understanding and building more effective systems for sequential recommendation and beyond.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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