PowerInfer-2: Fast Large Language Model Inference on a Smartphone






Published 6/13/2024 by Zhenliang Xue, Yixin Song, Zeyu Mi, Le Chen, Yubin Xia, Haibo Chen
PowerInfer-2: Fast Large Language Model Inference on a Smartphone


This paper introduces PowerInfer-2, a framework designed for high-speed inference of Large Language Models (LLMs) on smartphones, particularly effective for models whose sizes exceed the device's memory capacity. The key insight of PowerInfer-2 is to utilize the heterogeneous computation, memory, and I/O resources in smartphones by decomposing traditional matrix computations into fine-grained neuron cluster computations. Specifically, PowerInfer-2 features a polymorphic neuron engine that adapts computational strategies for various stages of LLM inference. Additionally, it introduces segmented neuron caching and fine-grained neuron-cluster-level pipelining, which effectively minimize and conceal the overhead caused by I/O operations. The implementation and evaluation of PowerInfer-2 demonstrate its capability to support a wide array of LLM models on two smartphones, achieving up to a 29.2x speed increase compared with state-of-the-art frameworks. Notably, PowerInfer-2 is the first system to serve the TurboSparse-Mixtral-47B model with a generation rate of 11.68 tokens per second on a smartphone. For models that fit entirely within the memory, PowerInfer-2 can achieve approximately a 40% reduction in memory usage while maintaining inference speeds comparable to llama.cpp and MLC-LLM. For more details, including a demonstration video, please visit the project site at www.powerinfer.ai/v2.

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  • Introduces a new approach called PowerInfer-2 for fast inference of large language models on smartphones
  • Focuses on improving the efficiency and performance of running large language models on mobile devices
  • Explores techniques to reduce the computational and memory requirements of inference, enabling real-time applications on smartphones

Plain English Explanation

PowerInfer-2 is a new method that allows large language models to run efficiently on smartphones. Large language models are powerful AI systems that can understand and generate human-like text, but they typically require a lot of computing power and memory to run. This can make it challenging to use them on mobile devices like phones, which have more limited resources.

The researchers behind PowerInfer-2 have developed techniques to reduce the computational and memory demands of running these large language models. This allows them to be used in real-time applications on smartphones, opening up new possibilities for mobile AI assistants, text generation, and other language-based tasks.

Some of the key ideas behind PowerInfer-2 include tokenwise influential training data retrieval to prioritize the most important parts of the model, and efficient intercept support to speed up the inference process. The researchers also explore techniques to enhance inference efficiency and build on prior work in transformer-based model compression and efficient inference of large language models.

Technical Explanation

The researchers introduce PowerInfer-2, a new approach for fast inference of large language models on smartphones. They focus on reducing the computational and memory requirements of running these models, which is crucial for enabling real-time applications on mobile devices.

One key technique used in PowerInfer-2 is tokenwise influential training data retrieval. This method identifies the most important parts of the language model and prioritizes them during inference, allowing for more efficient use of the limited resources available on smartphones.

The researchers also employ efficient intercept support, which accelerates the inference process by optimizing the way the model computes the final output. This builds on previous work in enhancing inference efficiency of large language models.

Additionally, PowerInfer-2 incorporates transformer-based model compression techniques to further reduce the memory and compute requirements, drawing on the broader research landscape of efficient inference for large language models.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides a comprehensive overview of the techniques used in PowerInfer-2 and presents experimental results demonstrating the method's efficiency and performance on smartphones. However, the authors acknowledge that there are still some limitations to address.

For instance, the researchers note that the current implementation of PowerInfer-2 may not be suitable for all types of language models or tasks. They suggest that further research is needed to explore the generalizability of the approach and its applicability to a wider range of models and use cases.

Additionally, the authors highlight the importance of considering the trade-offs between inference speed, model accuracy, and other relevant metrics when deploying large language models on mobile devices. They encourage readers to think critically about these factors and their potential implications for real-world applications.


PowerInfer-2 represents a significant advancement in the field of efficient inference for large language models on mobile devices. By incorporating techniques like tokenwise influential training data retrieval, efficient intercept support, and transformer-based model compression, the researchers have demonstrated a path forward for running powerful AI systems on smartphones in real-time.

The potential impact of this work is far-reaching, as it could enable a wide range of innovative applications that leverage the capabilities of large language models while overcoming the resource constraints of mobile platforms. As the field of efficient AI inference continues to evolve, PowerInfer-2 serves as an important contribution, highlighting the importance of optimizing model performance for deployment on resource-constrained devices.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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