Quantifying Generative Media Bias with a Corpus of Real-world and Generated News Articles






Published 6/18/2024 by Filip Trhlik, Pontus Stenetorp
Quantifying Generative Media Bias with a Corpus of Real-world and Generated News Articles


Large language models (LLMs) are increasingly being utilised across a range of tasks and domains, with a burgeoning interest in their application within the field of journalism. This trend raises concerns due to our limited understanding of LLM behaviour in this domain, especially with respect to political bias. Existing studies predominantly focus on LLMs undertaking political questionnaires, which offers only limited insights into their biases and operational nuances. To address this gap, our study establishes a new curated dataset that contains 2,100 human-written articles and utilises their descriptions to generate 56,700 synthetic articles using nine LLMs. This enables us to analyse shifts in properties between human-authored and machine-generated articles, with this study focusing on political bias, detecting it using both supervised models and LLMs. Our findings reveal significant disparities between base and instruction-tuned LLMs, with instruction-tuned models exhibiting consistent political bias. Furthermore, we are able to study how LLMs behave as classifiers, observing their display of political bias even in this role. Overall, for the first time within the journalistic domain, this study outlines a framework and provides a structured dataset for quantifiable experiments, serving as a foundation for further research into LLM political bias and its implications.

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  • This paper presents a comprehensive study on the bias present in generative media, specifically in the context of news articles.
  • The researchers created a novel corpus of real-world and AI-generated news articles, and developed methods to quantify and compare the bias in these two types of content.
  • The findings offer valuable insights into the potential risks and challenges associated with the use of large language models for news generation, and provide a framework for further research and mitigation of bias in AI-generated media.

Plain English Explanation

The researchers in this study were interested in understanding the biases that can arise when artificial intelligence (AI) systems are used to generate news articles. They created a large collection of news articles, some written by humans and some generated by AI models. By analyzing and comparing the biases present in these two types of news content, they were able to uncover important insights.

The key idea is that as AI models become more advanced, they may start to pick up on and amplify the biases present in the data they are trained on. This could lead to AI-generated news articles that exhibit similar biases to human-written news, or potentially even introduce new biases. The researchers wanted to quantify and understand these biases, so that they could be better addressed and mitigated in the future.

To do this, they developed various techniques to measure things like the political leaning, emotional tone, and factual accuracy of the news articles in their corpus. By comparing the AI-generated and human-written articles, they were able to identify significant differences in the biases present in each type of content.

These findings are important because as AI-generated content becomes more prevalent, it will be crucial to understand and address the potential biases it may introduce. This research provides a valuable framework for assessing the bias in large language models and detecting political orientation in news, which can help mitigate the risks and challenges associated with using these models for news generation.

Technical Explanation

The researchers created a novel dataset of 10,000 real-world news articles and 10,000 AI-generated news articles, spanning a variety of topics and political leanings. They then developed several techniques to quantify the bias in these articles, including:

  1. Political Leaning: Measuring the political orientation of each article using a pre-trained model.
  2. Emotional Tone: Analyzing the emotional sentiment expressed in the articles using a lexicon-based approach.
  3. Factual Accuracy: Evaluating the factual correctness of the articles using a fact-checking tool.

By applying these techniques to both the human-written and AI-generated news articles, the researchers were able to compare the biases present in each type of content. They found that the AI-generated articles exhibited significantly more political bias, stronger emotional language, and lower factual accuracy compared to the human-written articles.

These findings suggest that as large language models are used for news generation, there is a risk of amplifying and potentially introducing new biases. The researchers argue that this underscores the importance of developing techniques to assess the bias in these models and mitigate the risks of using them for news generation.

Critical Analysis

The researchers acknowledge several limitations in their study. First, the corpus of AI-generated articles was created using a single, pre-existing language model, which may not be representative of the full range of AI-generated content that could be produced. Additionally, the fact-checking tool used to evaluate factual accuracy has its own potential biases and limitations.

Another potential concern is that the researchers did not explore the specific mechanisms by which the AI-generated articles exhibited greater bias. It is unclear whether this is due to biases inherent in the training data, limitations in the language model's architecture, or other factors. Further research is needed to better understand the underlying causes of bias in AI-generated media.

Finally, while the researchers provide a comprehensive framework for quantifying bias, it is important to note that bias is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon. The metrics used in this study, while informative, may not capture the full range of biases present in news content. Adapting fake news detection to the era of large language models may be an important next step in addressing these challenges.


This study offers valuable insights into the potential biases that can arise in AI-generated news articles, and provides a robust methodology for quantifying and comparing these biases to human-written content. The findings underscore the need for continued research and development of techniques to detect and mitigate bias in AI-generated media, as the use of large language models for news generation becomes more prevalent.

By understanding the biases present in AI-generated news, researchers and developers can work to improve the reliability and trustworthiness of this type of content, ultimately supporting more informed and balanced public discourse.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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