Quantifying Misalignment Between Agents






Published 6/7/2024 by Aidan Kierans, Avijit Ghosh, Hananel Hazan, Shiri Dori-Hacohen
Quantifying Misalignment Between Agents


Growing concerns about the AI alignment problem have emerged in recent years, with previous work focusing mainly on (1) qualitative descriptions of the alignment problem; (2) attempting to align AI actions with human interests by focusing on value specification and learning; and/or (3) focusing on a single agent or on humanity as a singular unit. Recent work in sociotechnical AI alignment has made some progress in defining alignment inclusively, but the field as a whole still lacks a systematic understanding of how to specify, describe, and analyze misalignment among entities, which may include individual humans, AI agents, and complex compositional entities such as corporations, nation-states, and so forth. Previous work on controversy in computational social science offers a mathematical model of contention among populations (of humans). In this paper, we adapt this contention model to the alignment problem, and show how misalignment can vary depending on the population of agents (human or otherwise) being observed, the domain in question, and the agents' probability-weighted preferences between possible outcomes. Our model departs from value specification approaches and focuses instead on the morass of complex, interlocking, sometimes contradictory goals that agents may have in practice. We apply our model by analyzing several case studies ranging from social media moderation to autonomous vehicle behavior. By applying our model with appropriately representative value data, AI engineers can ensure that their systems learn values maximally aligned with diverse human interests.

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  • This paper proposes a framework for quantifying the misalignment between different agents, such as humans and AI systems, based on their preferences and objectives.
  • The authors develop a set of metrics to measure the degree of misalignment and demonstrate their approach on a range of simulated scenarios.
  • The goal is to provide a principled way to assess the alignment between agents, which is crucial for the development of safe and reliable AI systems that can work in harmony with humans.

Plain English Explanation

The paper is about designing human-agent alignment, which is a key challenge in AI alignment. The authors recognize that as AI systems become more advanced, it's crucial to ensure they are aligned with human values and objectives.

To address this, the researchers propose a framework for quantifying the degree of misalignment between different agents, such as humans and AI systems. They develop a set of metrics that can measure how much the preferences and goals of the agents diverge from each other. This allows them to assess the value alignment between the agents and identify potential areas of conflict.

The key insight is that by having a systematic way to measure misalignment, we can better understand the relationship between agents and work towards designing AI systems that can seamlessly collaborate with humans. This is an important step in building safe and reliable AI that can be trusted to assist and support humans in achieving their goals.

Technical Explanation

The paper introduces a framework for quantifying misalignment between agents, where an agent can be a human, an AI system, or any other decision-making entity. The authors develop a set of metrics to measure the degree of misalignment based on the preferences and objectives of the agents.

The key components of the framework are:

  1. Preference representation: The preferences of each agent are represented using a utility function, which captures their goals and values.
  2. Misalignment metrics: The authors define several metrics, such as
    preference distance
    Pareto suboptimality
    , and
    preference coherence
    , to quantify the degree of misalignment between the agents' preferences.
  3. Simulation-based evaluation: The framework is evaluated on a range of simulated scenarios, where the authors demonstrate how the misalignment metrics can be used to assess the alignment between different agents.

The paper also discusses the implications of their work for the design of safe and reliable AI systems that can effectively collaborate with humans. By providing a principled way to measure misalignment, the framework can inform the development of AI systems that are more aligned with human values and objectives.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides a valuable contribution to the field of AI alignment by introducing a systematic approach to quantifying misalignment between agents. The proposed framework offers a principled way to assess the degree of alignment, which is crucial for ensuring that AI systems and humans can work together effectively.

However, the authors acknowledge several limitations and areas for future research. For instance, the preference representation assumes that agents have well-defined utility functions, which may not always be the case, especially for complex human values. Additionally, the simulation-based evaluation, while informative, may not fully capture the nuances of real-world interactions between agents.

Future research could explore more flexible preference representations, such as value learning approaches, and investigate the framework's performance in more realistic settings. It would also be valuable to consider the trust and transparency aspects of the agent interactions, as these factors can significantly influence the perceived alignment.


This paper presents a novel framework for quantifying the misalignment between agents, with the goal of enabling the development of safe and reliable AI systems that can effectively collaborate with humans. By providing a principled approach to assessing the degree of alignment, the framework can inform the design of AI systems that are better aligned with human values and objectives.

While the framework has some limitations, it represents an important step forward in the field of AI alignment and human-agent interaction. Further research and refinement of the approach can help bridge the gap between AI and human preferences, ultimately leading to more beneficial and trustworthy AI-powered systems.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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