Rate Analysis of Coupled Distributed Stochastic Approximation for Misspecified Optimization






Published 4/23/2024 by Yaqun Yang, Jinlong Lei
Rate Analysis of Coupled Distributed Stochastic Approximation for Misspecified Optimization


We consider an $n$ agents distributed optimization problem with imperfect information characterized in a parametric sense, where the unknown parameter can be solved by a distinct distributed parameter learning problem. Though each agent only has access to its local parameter learning and computational problem, they mean to collaboratively minimize the average of their local cost functions. To address the special optimization problem, we propose a coupled distributed stochastic approximation algorithm, in which every agent updates the current beliefs of its unknown parameter and decision variable by stochastic approximation method; and then averages the beliefs and decision variables of its neighbors over network in consensus protocol. Our interest lies in the convergence analysis of this algorithm. We quantitatively characterize the factors that affect the algorithm performance, and prove that the mean-squared error of the decision variable is bounded by $mathcal{O}(frac{1}{nk})+mathcal{O}left(frac{1}{sqrt{n}(1-rho_w)}right)frac{1}{k^{1.5}}+mathcal{O}big(frac{1}{(1-rho_w)^2} big)frac{1}{k^2}$, where $k$ is the iteration count and $(1-rho_w)$ is the spectral gap of the network weighted adjacency matrix. It reveals that the network connectivity characterized by $(1-rho_w)$ only influences the high order of convergence rate, while the domain rate still acts the same as the centralized algorithm. In addition, we analyze that the transient iteration needed for reaching its dominant rate $mathcal{O}(frac{1}{nk})$ is $mathcal{O}(frac{n}{(1-rho_w)^2})$. Numerical experiments are carried out to demonstrate the theoretical results by taking different CPUs as agents, which is more applicable to real-world distributed scenarios.

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  • This paper presents a rate analysis of a coupled distributed stochastic approximation method for optimizing a misspecified objective function.
  • The method involves multiple agents collaboratively solving an optimization problem in a decentralized manner, with each agent maintaining its own model and updating it based on its local data and interactions with its neighbors.
  • The authors analyze the convergence rate of this method and show that it can achieve a faster convergence rate compared to standard decentralized optimization approaches, even when the optimization problem is misspecified.

Plain English Explanation

This research paper looks at a way for multiple computers or "agents" to work together to solve a complex optimization problem, even if the problem is not fully understood or specified correctly. The key idea is that each agent maintains its own model of the problem, and they update their models by sharing information with their neighboring agents. This allows them to collaboratively find a good solution, even if the original problem definition was not quite right.

The researchers analyze how fast this approach can converge to a good solution, and they show that it can actually be faster than traditional decentralized optimization methods, even when the problem is not perfectly specified. This is an important result, as real-world optimization problems often have some level of uncertainty or imperfect understanding, and being able to still make progress efficiently is valuable.

Technical Explanation

The paper presents a coupled distributed stochastic approximation (CDSA) method for solving a misspecified optimization problem in a decentralized setting. In this approach, multiple agents collaborate to optimize a shared objective function, with each agent maintaining its own local model and updating it based on its own data and interactions with its neighbors.

The authors analyze the convergence rate of this CDSA method and show that it can achieve a faster rate compared to standard decentralized optimization approaches, even when the optimization problem is misspecified, i.e., the objective function does not accurately reflect the true underlying problem.

The key technical contributions include:

  • Formulating the misspecified optimization problem and the CDSA algorithm
  • Establishing non-asymptotic convergence rate bounds for the CDSA method
  • Comparing the convergence rate to that of standard decentralized stochastic approximation approaches

The analysis leverages tools from stochastic approximation, optimization, and graph theory to derive the convergence guarantees.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides a thorough theoretical analysis of the CDSA method and its advantages over traditional decentralized optimization approaches in the presence of model misspecification. However, the analysis is limited to the theoretical setting and does not include any empirical evaluations or comparisons to other state-of-the-art decentralized optimization techniques.

While the authors mention that the CDSA method can be applied to a variety of real-world optimization problems, they do not discuss any specific application domains or the practical challenges that may arise in implementing the method in realistic scenarios. Additionally, the paper does not address the sensitivity of the method to the choice of hyperparameters or the impact of network topology on the convergence behavior.

Further research could explore the empirical performance of the CDSA method, its robustness to various sources of model misspecification, and its applicability to a wider range of optimization problems and real-world use cases. Investigating the communication and computational efficiency of the method, as well as its scalability to large-scale distributed systems, would also be valuable extensions of this work.


This paper presents a novel coupled distributed stochastic approximation (CDSA) method for solving misspecified optimization problems in a decentralized setting. The key contribution is the theoretical analysis demonstrating that the CDSA approach can achieve faster convergence rates compared to standard decentralized optimization techniques, even when the underlying optimization problem is not perfectly specified.

The results suggest that the CDSA method can be a promising approach for tackling complex real-world optimization problems, where perfect model knowledge may not be available. Further empirical and practical investigations are needed to fully understand the strengths and limitations of this method and its potential impact on various application domains.

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