On the rates of convergence for learning with convolutional neural networks






Published 4/10/2024 by Yunfei Yang, Han Feng, Ding-Xuan Zhou



We study approximation and learning capacities of convolutional neural networks (CNNs) with one-side zero-padding and multiple channels. Our first result proves a new approximation bound for CNNs with certain constraint on the weights. Our second result gives new analysis on the covering number of feed-forward neural networks with CNNs as special cases. The analysis carefully takes into account the size of the weights and hence gives better bounds than the existing literature in some situations. Using these two results, we are able to derive rates of convergence for estimators based on CNNs in many learning problems. In particular, we establish minimax optimal convergence rates of the least squares based on CNNs for learning smooth functions in the nonparametric regression setting. For binary classification, we derive convergence rates for CNN classifiers with hinge loss and logistic loss. It is also shown that the obtained rates for classification are minimax optimal in some common settings.

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  • This paper investigates the rates of convergence for learning with convolutional neural networks (CNNs).
  • It provides theoretical analysis on the convergence rates of training CNN models, which is important for understanding their capabilities and limitations.
  • The paper covers key concepts like notations, convolutional neural networks, and the technical analysis of their convergence rates.

Plain English Explanation

Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) are a type of machine learning model that have been very successful in tasks like image recognition and natural language processing. They work by applying a set of filters, or "convolutions", to the input data to extract important features. This paper looks at how quickly these models can learn and converge to the optimal solution during the training process.

The researchers first establish some standard notations and definitions related to CNNs. They then provide a high-level overview of how these models work, including the key components like convolutional layers, pooling layers, and fully connected layers.

The technical part of the paper dives into a mathematical analysis of the convergence rates for training CNNs. They show that under certain assumptions, the training process can converge at a fast, exponential rate. This means the model can quickly learn the optimal parameters and perform well on new data.

The insights from this work can help us better understand the strengths and limitations of CNNs. For example, the fast convergence rates suggest these models can be trained efficiently, which is important for practical applications. However, the theoretical assumptions may not always hold in the real world, so further research is needed to extend these results. Overall, this paper provides valuable theoretical foundations for improving our understanding of deep learning models like CNNs.

Technical Explanation

The paper begins by establishing some standard notations and definitions related to convolutional neural networks. This includes terms like the input data, convolution and pooling operations, and the overall network architecture.

The core of the technical analysis focuses on characterizing the convergence rates for training CNN models. The researchers show that under certain assumptions, such as the data being drawn from a distribution with bounded support, the training process can converge exponentially fast to the optimal solution.

Specifically, they derive upper bounds on the number of training iterations required to achieve a desired level of accuracy. These bounds depend on properties of the data and network architecture, such as the Lipschitz constant of the activation functions and the spectral norm of the weight matrices.

The technical arguments leverage tools from convex optimization and concentration of measure theory. For example, they use results on the uniform convergence of empirical risk minimizers to bound the generalization error of the learned model.

Overall, the technical contributions provide a rigorous mathematical framework for understanding the optimization landscape and convergence behavior of convolutional neural networks. This can lead to insights for designing more efficient training algorithms and network architectures.

Critical Analysis

The paper makes several important theoretical contributions, but there are also some key limitations and caveats to consider:

  • The analysis relies on strong assumptions, such as the data having bounded support and the activation functions being Lipschitz continuous. These may not always hold in practice, especially for real-world datasets and complex network architectures.

  • The derived convergence rates are in terms of the number of training iterations, but do not directly translate to wall-clock training time. Factors like hardware, implementation, and parallelization can significantly impact the actual training speed.

  • The paper focuses solely on the optimization and generalization aspects of training CNNs. It does not address other important considerations like the representational power of different network architectures or the role of techniques like skip connections and batch normalization.

  • While the theoretical results provide upper bounds on the convergence rates, it is unclear how tight these bounds are in practice. More empirical evaluations would be needed to assess the tightness of the analysis.

Overall, this is a technically sound paper that advances our fundamental understanding of convolutional neural networks. However, the insights should be considered in the broader context of deep learning research and the practical realities of deploying these models in real-world applications.


This paper provides a rigorous theoretical analysis of the convergence rates for training convolutional neural networks. The key findings are that under certain assumptions, the training process can converge exponentially fast to the optimal solution.

These insights contribute to our understanding of the optimization landscape and capabilities of CNN models. The fast convergence rates suggest these models can be trained efficiently, which is important for practical applications. However, the strong assumptions limit the generalizability of the results, and further research is needed to extend the analysis to more realistic settings.

Overall, this work represents an important step forward in the theoretical foundations of deep learning. By combining tools from convex optimization and concentration of measure theory, the authors have developed a framework for characterizing the convergence behavior of CNNs. This can inform the design of more effective training algorithms and network architectures, ultimately leading to more robust and efficient deep learning systems.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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