The rising costs of training frontier AI models






Published 6/3/2024 by Ben Cottier, Robi Rahman, Loredana Fattorini, Nestor Maslej, David Owen
The rising costs of training frontier AI models


The costs of training frontier AI models have grown dramatically in recent years, but there is limited public data on the magnitude and growth of these expenses. This paper develops a detailed cost model to address this gap, estimating training costs using three approaches that account for hardware, energy, cloud rental, and staff expenses. The analysis reveals that the amortized cost to train the most compute-intensive models has grown precipitously at a rate of 2.4x per year since 2016 (95% CI: 2.0x to 3.1x). For key frontier models, such as GPT-4 and Gemini, the most significant expenses are AI accelerator chips and staff costs, each costing tens of millions of dollars. Other notable costs include server components (15-22%), cluster-level interconnect (9-13%), and energy consumption (2-6%). If the trend of growing development costs continues, the largest training runs will cost more than a billion dollars by 2027, meaning that only the most well-funded organizations will be able to finance frontier AI models.

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  • The paper examines the rising costs of training large-scale AI models, known as "frontier AI models", which are at the forefront of AI research and development.
  • It explores the factors driving these increasing costs, including the growing demand for compute power, the need for specialized hardware, and the challenges of training models on massive datasets.
  • The paper provides insights into the implications of these rising costs for the accessibility and democratization of AI development, as well as potential strategies for mitigating the financial barriers to entry.

Plain English Explanation

The paper focuses on the rising costs associated with training the most advanced and powerful AI models, often referred to as "frontier AI models." These models are at the cutting edge of AI research and development, and they require vast amounts of computing power, specialized hardware, and large datasets to train effectively.

As the demand for these frontier AI models continues to grow, the financial resources required to develop and deploy them have also been increasing. This poses challenges for smaller organizations, academic institutions, and individual researchers who may not have the same level of funding or access to the necessary resources as larger tech companies.

The paper explores the various factors contributing to these rising costs, such as the exponential growth in the size and complexity of AI models, the need for specialized and energy-intensive hardware like high-performance GPUs, and the challenges of processing and curating the massive datasets required for training these models.

By understanding the underlying drivers of these rising costs, the paper aims to provide insights into how the accessibility and democratization of AI development can be maintained, even as the technology continues to advance. This could involve exploring alternative approaches to model training, developing more efficient hardware and software solutions, or finding ways to share resources and computational power more effectively.

Technical Explanation

The paper presents an analysis of the factors contributing to the rising costs of training frontier AI models, which are at the forefront of AI research and development. The authors examine the growing demand for compute power, the need for specialized hardware, and the challenges of training models on massive datasets.

One key factor is the exponential growth in the size and complexity of AI models, as evidenced by the emergence of billion-scale geospatial foundational models. This trend has led to a significant increase in the computational resources required to train these models effectively, as highlighted in the paper on the power-hungry nature of AI processing.

The paper also explores the role of specialized hardware, such as high-performance GPUs, in enabling the training of frontier AI models. As the demand for these models has grown, the costs associated with acquiring and operating this specialized hardware have also increased, as discussed in the paper on the power required for training.

Additionally, the paper addresses the challenges of training models on massive datasets, which are often necessary for frontier AI models to achieve state-of-the-art performance. The curation, storage, and processing of these large-scale datasets add significant complexity and cost to the training process, as explored in the paper on the importance of more compute power.

The paper also touches on the potential implications of these rising costs for the accessibility and democratization of AI development, highlighting the need for strategies to reduce the financial barriers to entry, as outlined in the paper on reducing barriers to entry for foundation model training.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides a thorough analysis of the factors contributing to the rising costs of training frontier AI models, but it also acknowledges several caveats and limitations. For example, the paper notes that the specific cost figures and trends may vary depending on the type of AI model, the hardware used, and the training process employed.

Additionally, while the paper highlights the challenges of maintaining accessibility and democratization in the face of these rising costs, it does not provide a comprehensive solution. The proposed strategies, such as exploring alternative training approaches or developing more efficient hardware and software solutions, require further research and implementation to fully address the problem.

One potential area for further exploration is the role of open-source initiatives, collaborative efforts, and access to shared computational resources in mitigating the financial barriers to entry for smaller organizations and individual researchers. The paper could have delved deeper into these potential avenues for cost-sharing and resource optimization.

Furthermore, the paper does not address the broader societal implications of the rising costs of frontier AI models, such as the potential for these technologies to exacerbate existing inequalities or concentrate power and influence in the hands of a few well-resourced entities. Exploring these wider implications could have provided a more holistic understanding of the challenges and their impact on the broader AI ecosystem.


The paper highlights the significant and growing costs associated with training frontier AI models, which are at the forefront of AI research and development. It identifies the key drivers behind these rising costs, including the exponential growth in model complexity, the need for specialized hardware, and the challenges of working with massive datasets.

The insights provided in the paper have important implications for the accessibility and democratization of AI development. As the financial barriers to entry continue to rise, there is a risk of AI progress becoming increasingly concentrated in the hands of a few well-resourced organizations, potentially limiting the diversity of perspectives and innovations in the field.

To address these challenges, the paper suggests the need for exploring alternative training approaches, developing more efficient hardware and software solutions, and finding ways to share resources and computational power more effectively. Implementing these strategies will be crucial in ensuring that the benefits of frontier AI models can be more widely accessible and that the field of AI can continue to thrive and evolve in a more inclusive and equitable manner.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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