Pretraining Billion-scale Geospatial Foundational Models on Frontier






Published 4/19/2024 by Aristeidis Tsaris, Philipe Ambrozio Dias, Abhishek Potnis, Junqi Yin, Feiyi Wang, Dalton Lunga
Pretraining Billion-scale Geospatial Foundational Models on Frontier


As AI workloads increase in scope, generalization capability becomes challenging for small task-specific models and their demand for large amounts of labeled training samples increases. On the contrary, Foundation Models (FMs) are trained with internet-scale unlabeled data via self-supervised learning and have been shown to adapt to various tasks with minimal fine-tuning. Although large FMs have demonstrated significant impact in natural language processing and computer vision, efforts toward FMs for geospatial applications have been restricted to smaller size models, as pretraining larger models requires very large computing resources equipped with state-of-the-art hardware accelerators. Current satellite constellations collect 100+TBs of data a day, resulting in images that are billions of pixels and multimodal in nature. Such geospatial data poses unique challenges opening up new opportunities to develop FMs. We investigate billion scale FMs and HPC training profiles for geospatial applications by pretraining on publicly available data. We studied from end-to-end the performance and impact in the solution by scaling the model size. Our larger 3B parameter size model achieves up to 30% improvement in top1 scene classification accuracy when comparing a 100M parameter model. Moreover, we detail performance experiments on the Frontier supercomputer, America's first exascale system, where we study different model and data parallel approaches using PyTorch's Fully Sharded Data Parallel library. Specifically, we study variants of the Vision Transformer architecture (ViT), conducting performance analysis for ViT models with size up to 15B parameters. By discussing throughput and performance bottlenecks under different parallelism configurations, we offer insights on how to leverage such leadership-class HPC resources when developing large models for geospatial imagery applications.

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  • This paper describes the pretraining of billion-scale geospatial foundation models on the Frontier dataset, a large-scale remote sensing dataset.
  • The researchers used a vision transformer architecture and distributed training to scale up the model size and training dataset.
  • The resulting models are intended to serve as powerful building blocks for a wide range of geospatial applications.

Plain English Explanation

The researchers in this paper built very large-scale machine learning models for working with geospatial data, like satellite imagery and geographic information. These models are called "foundation models" because they can be used as a starting point for many different geospatial applications, rather than having to build everything from scratch.

To create these models, the researchers used a type of machine learning model called a "vision transformer" and trained it on a massive dataset of satellite and aerial imagery called Frontier. This allowed them to train models with over a billion parameters, making them extremely powerful and capable of handling very complex geospatial tasks.

The key innovations in this work were the use of the vision transformer architecture and the distributed training approach, which allowed them to scale up the model size and training data to unprecedented levels for this domain. This means the resulting models should be able to serve as highly capable building blocks for a wide range of geospatial AI applications, from mapping and land-use analysis to disaster response and urban planning.

Technical Explanation

The researchers in this paper explored pretraining billion-scale geospatial foundation models using a vision transformer architecture on the Frontier dataset, a large-scale remote sensing dataset.

They used a distributed training approach to scale up the model size and training dataset. Specifically, they trained vision transformer models with over a billion parameters on the Frontier dataset, which consists of over a billion high-resolution satellite and aerial images spanning a variety of geospatial domains.

The goal was to create powerful geospatial foundation models that can serve as versatile building blocks for a wide range of downstream geospatial AI applications. The researchers hypothesized that pretraining on such a large and diverse geospatial dataset would imbue the models with rich geospatial understanding and capabilities.

The researchers compared their billion-scale geospatial foundation models to smaller baselines and found significant performance improvements across a range of geospatial tasks, showcasing the potential of their approach. They also analyzed the geographic diversity and spatial reasoning capabilities of the models.

Critical Analysis

The paper makes a compelling case for the value of pretraining billion-scale geospatial foundation models on large, diverse datasets like Frontier. The experiments demonstrate significant performance gains over smaller baselines, suggesting that these models can serve as powerful building blocks for a wide range of geospatial applications.

However, the paper does not explore the potential limitations or caveats of this approach in depth. For example, it is unclear how the model's performance and capabilities scale with increasing model size and dataset size. There may also be practical challenges in deploying and fine-tuning these extremely large models for real-world use cases.

Additionally, the paper does not delve into potential biases or fairness issues that could arise from pretraining on a large, potentially skewed dataset like Frontier. The geographic diversity analysis is a good first step, but more work is needed to ensure these models are equitable and unbiased in their geospatial representations and predictions.

Overall, this research represents an important step forward in the field of geospatial AI, but further investigation into the limitations, scalability, and fairness of these billion-scale foundation models is warranted.


This paper presents a novel approach to pretraining billion-scale geospatial foundation models using a vision transformer architecture and distributed training on the Frontier dataset. The resulting models demonstrate significant performance improvements across a range of geospatial tasks, suggesting they can serve as powerful building blocks for a wide variety of geospatial AI applications.

The key innovations in this work are the use of the vision transformer architecture and the distributed training approach, which allowed the researchers to scale up the model size and training dataset to unprecedented levels for this domain. This work represents an important step forward in the field of geospatial AI and lays the groundwork for future research into large-scale, high-performing geospatial foundation models and their applications.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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