A sensitivity analysis to quantify the impact of neuroimaging preprocessing strategies on subsequent statistical analyses






Published 4/24/2024 by Brize Ozenne, Martin Norgaard, Cyril Pernet, Melanie Ganz



Even though novel imaging techniques have been successful in studying brain structure and function, the measured biological signals are often contaminated by multiple sources of noise, arising due to e.g. head movements of the individual being scanned, limited spatial/temporal resolution, or other issues specific to each imaging technology. Data preprocessing (e.g. denoising) is therefore critical. Preprocessing pipelines have become increasingly complex over the years, but also more flexible, and this flexibility can have a significant impact on the final results and conclusions of a given study. This large parameter space is often referred to as multiverse analyses. Here, we provide conceptual and practical tools for statistical analyses that can aggregate multiple pipeline results along with a new sensitivity analysis testing for hypotheses across pipelines such as no effect across all pipelines or at least one pipeline with no effect. The proposed framework is generic and can be applied to any multiverse scenario, but we illustrate its use based on positron emission tomography data.

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  • Novel imaging techniques have been successful in studying brain structure and function
  • But the measured biological signals are often contaminated by various sources of noise
  • Data preprocessing (e.g. denoising) is critical to address this issue
  • Preprocessing pipelines have become more complex and flexible over time
  • This flexibility can significantly impact the final results and conclusions of a study
  • This paper provides tools for statistical analyses that can aggregate multiple pipeline results and test hypotheses across pipelines

Plain English Explanation

Researchers use advanced imaging techniques to study how the brain is structured and how it functions. However, the data they collect is often "noisy" - it contains unwanted signals that can distort the results. This noise can come from things like the person moving their head during the scan, or limitations of the imaging technology itself.

To address this issue, scientists perform "data preprocessing" - they use various techniques to clean up the data and remove the noise. Over time, these preprocessing pipelines have become increasingly complex and flexible. This flexibility is a double-edged sword - it allows researchers to explore the data in more depth, but it also means the final results can be heavily influenced by the specific choices made during preprocessing.

This paper introduces some new statistical tools that can help researchers navigate this "multiverse" of potential preprocessing pipelines. The tools allow them to aggregate the results across multiple pipelines and test whether there are consistent findings (or lack thereof) regardless of the specific choices made. The authors illustrate these techniques using positron emission tomography (PET) data, but the approach is designed to be generic and applicable to other imaging modalities as well.

Technical Explanation

The paper addresses the challenge of "multiverse analyses" in neuroimaging research. Neuroimaging data, such as that from positron emission tomography (PET) or functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), is often contaminated by various sources of noise, such as head movements, limited spatial/temporal resolution, and other imaging-specific issues. Preprocessing pipelines to denoise and prepare the data have become increasingly complex and flexible over the years.

This flexibility in preprocessing can have a significant impact on the final results and conclusions of a study, leading to the "multiverse" problem - a large parameter space of potential analysis choices. The authors provide conceptual and practical tools for statistical analyses that can aggregate multiple pipeline results and test hypotheses across pipelines, such as the hypothesis of no effect across all pipelines or at least one pipeline with no effect.

The proposed framework is generic and can be applied to any multiverse scenario, but the authors illustrate its use based on PET data. By addressing the challenges of analytical variability in neuroimaging research, this work aims to improve the reliability and reproducibility of findings in the field.

Critical Analysis

The authors acknowledge several limitations and caveats in their approach. First, the proposed framework relies on the assumption that the different preprocessing pipelines represent a reasonable exploration of the multiverse, which may not always be the case in practice. Additionally, the sensitivity analysis assumes that the pipelines are independent, which may not hold true if they share common steps or assumptions.

Another potential issue is the computational burden of the proposed method, as it requires running multiple preprocessing pipelines and aggregating the results. This could be a significant challenge for large-scale neuroimaging studies or real-time applications.

Furthermore, the paper does not address the potential biases or systematic errors that may be introduced by the preprocessing steps themselves. While the framework can help mitigate the impact of these issues, it does not provide a solution for identifying or correcting them.

Finally, the authors note that the interpretation of the aggregated results across pipelines can be complex, and care must be taken to avoid oversimplifying or overgeneralizing the findings.


This paper presents a novel statistical framework for addressing the "multiverse" problem in neuroimaging research, where the flexibility of data preprocessing pipelines can significantly impact the final results and conclusions. By providing tools to aggregate multiple pipeline results and test hypotheses across pipelines, the authors aim to improve the reliability and reproducibility of findings in the field.

While the proposed approach has some limitations, it represents an important step forward in addressing a critical challenge in neuroimaging data analysis. As the complexity and flexibility of preprocessing pipelines continue to grow, tools like those described in this paper will become increasingly valuable for ensuring the integrity and transparency of neuroimaging research.

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