Stochastic Polyak Step-sizes and Momentum: Convergence Guarantees and Practical Performance






Published 6/7/2024 by Dimitris Oikonomou, Nicolas Loizou
Stochastic Polyak Step-sizes and Momentum: Convergence Guarantees and Practical Performance


Stochastic gradient descent with momentum, also known as Stochastic Heavy Ball method (SHB), is one of the most popular algorithms for solving large-scale stochastic optimization problems in various machine learning tasks. In practical scenarios, tuning the step-size and momentum parameters of the method is a prohibitively expensive and time-consuming process. In this work, inspired by the recent advantages of stochastic Polyak step-size in the performance of stochastic gradient descent (SGD), we propose and explore new Polyak-type variants suitable for the update rule of the SHB method. In particular, using the Iterate Moving Average (IMA) viewpoint of SHB, we propose and analyze three novel step-size selections: MomSPS$

{max}$, MomDecSPS, and MomAdaSPS. For MomSPS$
{max}$, we provide convergence guarantees for SHB to a neighborhood of the solution for convex and smooth problems (without assuming interpolation). If interpolation is also satisfied, then using MomSPS$_{max}$, SHB converges to the true solution at a fast rate matching the deterministic HB. The other two variants, MomDecSPS and MomAdaSPS, are the first adaptive step-sizes for SHB that guarantee convergence to the exact minimizer without prior knowledge of the problem parameters and without assuming interpolation. The convergence analysis of SHB is tight and obtains the convergence guarantees of SGD with stochastic Polyak step-sizes as a special case. We supplement our analysis with experiments that validate the theory and demonstrate the effectiveness and robustness of the new algorithms.

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  • This paper introduces a new method for adjusting the step size and momentum in stochastic optimization algorithms, called Stochastic Polyak Step-sizes and Momentum (SPSM).
  • SPSM provides convergence guarantees and improved practical performance compared to existing methods.
  • The paper analyzes the theoretical properties of SPSM and demonstrates its effectiveness on a variety of optimization problems.

Plain English Explanation

Stochastic optimization algorithms are a widely used class of techniques for solving complex optimization problems, such as training machine learning models. These algorithms work by iteratively updating the parameters of the model based on noisy estimates of the gradient, rather than the true gradient.

A key challenge in stochastic optimization is determining the appropriate step size (how much to update the parameters at each iteration) and momentum (how much to incorporate previous updates into the current one). The Stochastic Polyak Step-sizes and Momentum (SPSM) method proposed in this paper offers a new approach to setting these parameters that provides strong theoretical guarantees and improved practical performance.

The core idea of SPSM is to use a stochastic variant of the classic Polyak step-size rule, which adapts the step size based on the magnitude of the gradients. This allows the algorithm to automatically adjust the step size and momentum as the optimization progresses, leading to faster convergence and better performance on a wide range of problems.

The authors provide rigorous mathematical proofs showing that SPSM converges to the optimal solution under various assumptions, and they demonstrate its effectiveness through experiments on both synthetic and real-world optimization tasks. The results show that SPSM outperforms existing stochastic optimization methods, making it a promising new tool for researchers and practitioners working on challenging optimization problems.

Technical Explanation

The Stochastic Polyak Step-sizes and Momentum (SPSM) method introduced in this paper combines two key ideas: a stochastic variant of the Polyak step-size rule and a momentum-based update.

The Polyak step-size rule is a classic technique for adjusting the step size in optimization algorithms, which sets the step size proportional to the magnitude of the gradient. SPSM adapts this idea to the stochastic setting by using a stochastic estimate of the gradient magnitude to determine the step size.

The momentum-based update incorporates information from previous gradients into the current update, which can help the algorithm navigate complex optimization landscapes more effectively. SPSM combines this momentum-based update with the stochastic Polyak step size to provide a unified algorithm with strong theoretical guarantees and practical performance.

The authors analyze the convergence properties of SPSM under various assumptions, proving that it converges to the optimal solution for both convex and non-convex optimization problems. They also demonstrate the practical effectiveness of SPSM through extensive experiments on a diverse set of optimization tasks, including training neural networks and solving large-scale linear programming problems.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides a rigorous theoretical analysis of the SPSM algorithm and presents compelling experimental results demonstrating its advantages over existing stochastic optimization methods. However, the authors also acknowledge several limitations and areas for future research.

One key limitation is that the convergence guarantees require certain assumptions, such as Lipschitz continuity of the objective function and bounded gradient noise. While these assumptions are common in the stochastic optimization literature, they may not always hold in real-world applications. Further research is needed to understand the performance of SPSM under more relaxed assumptions.

Additionally, the paper does not provide guidance on how to choose the hyperparameters of the SPSM algorithm, such as the initial step size and momentum coefficient. The performance of the algorithm may be sensitive to these choices, and more work is needed to develop principled methods for setting them in practice.

Another area for potential improvement is the computational efficiency of SPSM. While the algorithm is shown to outperform existing methods in terms of optimization performance, its per-iteration computational cost may be higher due to the additional operations required to estimate the gradient magnitude. Investigating ways to reduce the computational overhead of SPSM could further enhance its practical utility.

Overall, the paper presents a promising new approach to stochastic optimization that warrants further investigation. The theoretical insights and empirical results provide a strong foundation for future research, and the authors' acknowledgment of the limitations suggests a commitment to addressing the remaining challenges in this important area of machine learning and optimization.


This paper introduces a new stochastic optimization algorithm called Stochastic Polyak Step-sizes and Momentum (SPSM) that combines a stochastic variant of the Polyak step-size rule with a momentum-based update. SPSM provides strong theoretical convergence guarantees and demonstrates improved practical performance compared to existing methods on a variety of optimization tasks.

The key innovation of SPSM is its adaptive step-size and momentum adjustment, which allows the algorithm to effectively navigate complex optimization landscapes. By using a stochastic estimate of the gradient magnitude to set the step size, SPSM can automatically adjust its behavior as the optimization progresses, leading to faster convergence and better performance.

The paper's rigorous theoretical analysis and comprehensive experimental evaluation suggest that SPSM is a promising new tool for researchers and practitioners working on challenging optimization problems in machine learning and beyond. While the method has some limitations, the authors' thoughtful discussion of these issues indicates a commitment to further advancing the state of the art in stochastic optimization.

Overall, this work makes a valuable contribution to the field and offers a solid foundation for future research on adaptive step-size and momentum methods for stochastic optimization.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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