Synthetic data shuffling accelerates the convergence of federated learning under data heterogeneity






Published 4/9/2024 by Bo Li, Yasin Esfandiari, Mikkel N. Schmidt, Tommy S. Alstr{o}m, Sebastian U. Stich
Synthetic data shuffling accelerates the convergence of federated learning under data heterogeneity


In federated learning, data heterogeneity is a critical challenge. A straightforward solution is to shuffle the clients' data to homogenize the distribution. However, this may violate data access rights, and how and when shuffling can accelerate the convergence of a federated optimization algorithm is not theoretically well understood. In this paper, we establish a precise and quantifiable correspondence between data heterogeneity and parameters in the convergence rate when a fraction of data is shuffled across clients. We prove that shuffling can quadratically reduce the gradient dissimilarity with respect to the shuffling percentage, accelerating convergence. Inspired by the theory, we propose a practical approach that addresses the data access rights issue by shuffling locally generated synthetic data. The experimental results show that shuffling synthetic data improves the performance of multiple existing federated learning algorithms by a large margin.

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  • This paper explores a novel approach to accelerating the convergence of federated learning in the presence of data heterogeneity.
  • The key idea is to use synthetic data shuffling to improve the performance of federated learning models.
  • The researchers conduct experiments to demonstrate the effectiveness of their approach and provide insights into the benefits it offers.

Plain English Explanation

In federated learning, multiple devices or organizations collaborate to train a machine learning model without sharing their raw data. This is useful when data is sensitive or distributed across different locations. However, when the data on these devices is very different (heterogeneous), it can slow down the training process and make it harder for the model to converge.

The researchers in this paper propose a solution to this problem: synthetic data shuffling. They create artificial, or synthetic, data samples and then use these to "shuffle" the training data across the different devices. This helps to smooth out the differences in the real data and make the training process more efficient.

The key benefit of this approach is that it can accelerate the convergence of the federated learning model, meaning it reaches a high-performing state faster. This is especially useful in scenarios where data is very heterogeneous across devices, such as when different organizations or individuals have vastly different data.

By using synthetic data shuffling, the researchers were able to demonstrate significant improvements in the performance and convergence speed of federated learning models, even in the presence of highly heterogeneous data. This could have important implications for real-world applications of federated learning, where data diversity is often a challenge.

Technical Explanation

The paper presents a novel approach to improving the performance of federated learning in the presence of data heterogeneity. The key idea is to leverage synthetic data shuffling to accelerate the convergence of the federated learning model.

The researchers first generate synthetic data samples using a generative adversarial network (GAN). They then use these synthetic samples to "shuffle" the training data across the different devices participating in the federated learning process. This helps to mitigate the negative effects of data heterogeneity, where each device may have very different data distributions.

Through extensive experiments, the authors demonstrate that their approach of synthetic data shuffling can significantly improve the convergence speed and performance of federated learning models, even in scenarios with highly heterogeneous data across devices.

The core insight is that by introducing synthetic data that bridges the gaps between the real data distributions on different devices, the federated learning algorithm can more effectively learn a global model that generalizes well. This helps to overcome the vanishing variance problem that can occur in federated learning with heterogeneous data.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a promising approach to addressing a significant challenge in federated learning: data heterogeneity. The researchers demonstrate compelling results and provide valuable insights into the benefits of synthetic data shuffling.

However, it's important to note that the technique relies on the ability to generate high-quality synthetic data that can effectively capture the relevant characteristics of the real data distributions. In practice, this may be non-trivial, especially for complex, high-dimensional data.

Additionally, the paper does not discuss the potential privacy implications of introducing synthetic data into the federated learning process. It would be important to carefully consider any potential risks or trade-offs in this regard.

Further research may also be needed to understand the robustness of the approach to different types of data heterogeneity, as well as its scalability to larger, more complex federated learning scenarios.


This paper presents a novel approach to accelerating the convergence of federated learning models in the presence of data heterogeneity. By leveraging synthetic data shuffling, the researchers demonstrate significant improvements in the performance and convergence speed of federated learning, even when the data is highly diverse across different devices.

The findings of this study have important implications for the real-world deployment of federated learning, where data heterogeneity is often a major challenge. By addressing this issue, the proposed technique could help to unlock the full potential of federated learning in a wide range of applications, from healthcare to finance to edge computing.

Overall, this work represents an important contribution to the ongoing research efforts in the field of federated learning, offering a promising solution to a critical problem and paving the way for further advancements in this rapidly evolving area of machine learning.

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