Target Networks and Over-parameterization Stabilize Off-policy Bootstrapping with Function Approximation






Published 6/3/2024 by Fengdi Che, Chenjun Xiao, Jincheng Mei, Bo Dai, Ramki Gummadi, Oscar A Ramirez, Christopher K Harris, A. Rupam Mahmood, Dale Schuurmans
Target Networks and Over-parameterization Stabilize Off-policy Bootstrapping with Function Approximation


We prove that the combination of a target network and over-parameterized linear function approximation establishes a weaker convergence condition for bootstrapped value estimation in certain cases, even with off-policy data. Our condition is naturally satisfied for expected updates over the entire state-action space or learning with a batch of complete trajectories from episodic Markov decision processes. Notably, using only a target network or an over-parameterized model does not provide such a convergence guarantee. Additionally, we extend our results to learning with truncated trajectories, showing that convergence is achievable for all tasks with minor modifications, akin to value truncation for the final states in trajectories. Our primary result focuses on temporal difference estimation for prediction, providing high-probability value estimation error bounds and empirical analysis on Baird's counterexample and a Four-room task. Furthermore, we explore the control setting, demonstrating that similar convergence conditions apply to Q-learning.

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  • This paper explores how target networks and over-parameterization can stabilize off-policy reinforcement learning with function approximation.
  • The authors analyze the convergence and sample complexity of off-policy multi-step temporal difference (TD) learning algorithms, such as Q-learning and actor-critic methods.
  • They show that target networks and over-parameterization can mitigate the instability issues that arise in off-policy learning with function approximation.

Plain English Explanation

Reinforcement learning is a powerful technique for training AI systems to learn how to perform tasks by interacting with an environment and receiving rewards. In many real-world applications, the agent needs to learn based on data collected from a different policy (off-policy learning), which can lead to instability issues.

The paper discusses two techniques that can help stabilize off-policy learning with function approximation, which is common in complex environments where the agent's knowledge needs to be represented compactly.

Target networks are a way of separating the network used for predicting the target values from the network being trained, which can help break the feedback loop that can cause instability. Over-parameterization means using a more complex model with more parameters than necessary, which can also contribute to stability by providing more flexibility for the model to learn.

The authors provide theoretical analysis showing how these techniques can improve the convergence and sample complexity of off-policy reinforcement learning algorithms, such as Q-learning and actor-critic methods. This is an important result, as off-policy learning is crucial for many real-world applications where the agent needs to learn from data collected by a different policy.

Technical Explanation

The paper analyzes the convergence and sample complexity of off-policy multi-step temporal difference (TD) learning algorithms, such as Q-learning and actor-critic methods, when using function approximation. The authors show that target networks and over-parameterization can help mitigate the instability issues that arise in this setting.

Specifically, the authors derive high-probability bounds on the sample complexity required for Q-learning and actor-critic methods to converge to a near-optimal solution. They show that using target networks and over-parameterization can improve these bounds, making the algorithms more sample-efficient.

The intuition is that target networks help break the feedback loop that can cause instability in off-policy learning, while over-parameterization provides more flexibility for the function approximator to learn the true value function. The authors connect these findings to recent results on Bayesian inference in over-parameterized models and the effectiveness of gradient descent in training neural networks.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides a thorough theoretical analysis of the convergence and sample complexity of off-policy TD learning algorithms with function approximation. The authors' use of target networks and over-parameterization to stabilize these algorithms is a promising approach, and their analysis helps explain why these techniques can be effective.

However, the paper does not address some potential limitations and areas for further research. For example, the theoretical analysis assumes certain simplifying assumptions, such as linear function approximation and tabular environments, which may not hold in more complex, real-world settings. It would be valuable to see empirical evaluations of these techniques in more challenging environments.

Additionally, the paper does not discuss the computational and memory overhead associated with using target networks and over-parameterized models, which could be an important consideration in practical applications. Further research is needed to understand the trade-offs between the stability benefits and the increased computational requirements.

Overall, this paper makes an important contribution to the theoretical understanding of off-policy reinforcement learning with function approximation. The insights and techniques presented here could inform the design of more robust and sample-efficient reinforcement learning algorithms for real-world applications.


This paper demonstrates how target networks and over-parameterization can help stabilize off-policy reinforcement learning with function approximation. The authors provide theoretical analysis showing that these techniques can improve the convergence and sample complexity of algorithms like Q-learning and actor-critic methods.

These findings are significant because off-policy learning is crucial for many real-world applications, where an agent needs to learn from data collected by a different policy. The stability issues that can arise in this setting have been a major challenge, and the techniques presented in this paper offer a promising way to address them.

While the paper makes important theoretical contributions, further research is needed to understand the practical implications and trade-offs of these techniques, especially in more complex environments. Nevertheless, this work advances our understanding of how to build robust and efficient reinforcement learning systems, which could have far-reaching impacts across a variety of domains.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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