Task Facet Learning: A Structured Approach to Prompt Optimization






Published 6/18/2024 by Gurusha Juneja, Nagarajan Natarajan, Hua Li, Jian Jiao, Amit Sharma
Task Facet Learning: A Structured Approach to Prompt Optimization


Given a task in the form of a basic description and its training examples, prompt optimization is the problem of synthesizing the given information into a text prompt for a large language model (LLM). Humans solve this problem by also considering the different facets that define a task (e.g., counter-examples, explanations, analogies) and including them in the prompt. However, it is unclear whether existing algorithmic approaches, based on iteratively editing a given prompt or automatically selecting a few in-context examples, can cover the multiple facets required to solve a complex task. In this work, we view prompt optimization as that of learning multiple facets of a task from a set of training examples. We identify and exploit structure in the prompt optimization problem -- first, we find that prompts can be broken down into loosely coupled semantic sections that have a relatively independent effect on the prompt's performance; second, we cluster the input space and use clustered batches so that the optimization procedure can learn the different facets of a task across batches. The resulting algorithm, UniPrompt, consists of a generative model to generate initial candidates for each prompt section; and a feedback mechanism that aggregates suggested edits from multiple mini-batches into a conceptual description for the section. Empirical evaluation on multiple datasets and a real-world task shows that prompts generated using UniPrompt obtain higher accuracy than human-tuned prompts and those from state-of-the-art methods. In particular, our algorithm can generate long, complex prompts that existing methods are unable to generate. Code for UniPrompt will be available at url{https://aka.ms/uniprompt}.

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  • The paper explores a structured approach to prompt optimization, called Task Facet Learning, which aims to improve the performance of language models on various tasks.
  • It characterizes the prompt optimization problem, proposing a framework to decompose tasks into distinct facets that can be optimized separately.
  • The authors develop a gradient-based optimization method to efficiently learn prompts for each facet and show improvements on several benchmark tasks compared to existing prompt optimization techniques.

Plain English Explanation

The paper introduces a new way to optimize the prompts, or instructions, given to language models like GPT-3 to improve their performance on different tasks. The key idea is to break down each task into distinct "facets" or components, and then optimize the prompt for each facet separately.

For example, a writing task might have facets like [object Object], [object Object], and [object Object]. The researchers develop a method to efficiently learn the best prompts for each of these facets, rather than optimizing a single, one-size-fits-all prompt.

This structured approach is shown to outperform existing prompt optimization techniques on several benchmark tasks, like [object Object] and [object Object]. The authors argue that their framework provides a more systematic way to understand and improve prompt-based language model performance.

Technical Explanation

The paper introduces a novel framework called Task Facet Learning (TFL) for prompt optimization. The key idea is to decompose a given task into distinct "facets" that can be optimized separately. For example, in a writing task, the facets could be tone, structure, and style.

The authors develop a gradient-based optimization method to efficiently learn prompts for each facet. They first define a set of trainable prompt tokens that are optimized to maximize the model's performance on each facet. Then, they use a multi-task learning approach to jointly optimize the prompts for all facets, leveraging the interdependencies between them.

Experiments on several benchmark tasks, including text summarization, question answering, and commonsense reasoning, show that the TFL approach outperforms existing prompt optimization techniques, such as [object Object] and [object Object]. The authors attribute these improvements to the structured nature of their framework, which allows for more targeted and efficient prompt optimization.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a well-structured and promising approach to prompt optimization, but there are a few potential limitations and areas for further research:

  1. The authors focus on decomposing tasks into facets manually, which may not scale well to more complex tasks. Developing automated methods for facet discovery could improve the generalizability of the approach.

  2. The experiments are conducted on a relatively small set of benchmark tasks. It would be valuable to see how the TFL framework performs on a wider range of real-world applications, especially those with more ambiguous or open-ended prompts.

  3. The paper does not address the potential for [object Object] in the optimized prompts. Exploring methods to ensure fairness and mitigate biases in the prompt optimization process would be an important direction for future research.

Overall, the Task Facet Learning framework represents a thoughtful and structured approach to prompt optimization that could have significant implications for improving the performance of language models across a variety of tasks.


The paper introduces Task Facet Learning, a structured approach to prompt optimization that decomposes tasks into distinct facets and optimizes prompts for each facet separately. The authors develop a gradient-based optimization method to efficiently learn prompts for each facet and demonstrate improved performance on several benchmark tasks compared to existing prompt optimization techniques.

The key contribution of this work is the structured framework for prompt optimization, which provides a more systematic way to understand and improve the performance of language models on various tasks. While the paper highlights some limitations and areas for future research, the TFL approach represents an important step forward in the field of prompt-based language model optimization.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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