Timer: Generative Pre-trained Transformers Are Large Time Series Models






Published 6/5/2024 by Yong Liu, Haoran Zhang, Chenyu Li, Xiangdong Huang, Jianmin Wang, Mingsheng Long
Timer: Generative Pre-trained Transformers Are Large Time Series Models


Deep learning has contributed remarkably to the advancement of time series analysis. Still, deep models can encounter performance bottlenecks in real-world data-scarce scenarios, which can be concealed due to the performance saturation with small models on current benchmarks. Meanwhile, large models have demonstrated great powers in these scenarios through large-scale pre-training. Continuous progress has been achieved with the emergence of large language models, exhibiting unprecedented abilities such as few-shot generalization, scalability, and task generality, which are however absent in small deep models. To change the status quo of training scenario-specific small models from scratch, this paper aims at the early development of large time series models (LTSM). During pre-training, we curate large-scale datasets with up to 1 billion time points, unify heterogeneous time series into single-series sequence (S3) format, and develop the GPT-style architecture toward LTSMs. To meet diverse application needs, we convert forecasting, imputation, and anomaly detection of time series into a unified generative task. The outcome of this study is a Time Series Transformer (Timer), which is generative pre-trained by next token prediction and adapted to various downstream tasks with promising capabilities as an LTSM. Code and datasets are available at: https://github.com/thuml/Large-Time-Series-Model.

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  • This paper introduces Timer, a novel Transformer-based model for time series analysis at scale.
  • Timer leverages self-supervised pre-training techniques to learn general representations from large datasets, which can then be fine-tuned for various time series tasks.
  • The authors demonstrate Timer's strong performance on a range of benchmarks, including TimeSformer, TimeGPT, and UNITS.

Plain English Explanation

Timer is a new type of machine learning model that is designed to work with time series data, which is data that changes over time, like stock prices or weather patterns. The key idea behind Timer is that it can learn general patterns from large datasets of time series data, and then use that knowledge to solve specific time series tasks, like forecasting future values or detecting anomalies.

This is done through a process called self-supervised pre-training, where the model is trained on a large amount of unlabeled time series data to learn general representations of the data. Once this pre-training is complete, the model can then be fine-tuned on specific time series tasks, using a smaller amount of labeled data.

The authors show that this approach allows Timer to outperform other state-of-the-art time series models, like TimeSformer, TimeGPT, and UNITS, on a variety of benchmarks. This is an important advancement, as it allows for more accurate and efficient time series analysis, which has applications in fields like finance, meteorology, and industrial automation.

Technical Explanation

The core innovation of Timer is its use of Transformer-based architectures for time series analysis. Transformers, which were originally developed for natural language processing tasks, have shown great promise for modeling sequential data like time series.

The authors first pre-train Timer on a large dataset of time series data using self-supervised techniques. This allows the model to learn general representations of time series patterns, without requiring any labeled data. They explore several pre-training objectives, including masked time series prediction and contrastive learning.

Once pre-trained, Timer can then be fine-tuned on specific time series tasks, such as forecasting, anomaly detection, or change point detection. The authors demonstrate Timer's strong performance on a range of benchmarks, including the TimeSformer, TimeGPT, and UNITS datasets.

A key aspect of Timer's architecture is its ability to handle long-range dependencies in time series data, which can be challenging for traditional time series models. The Transformer's self-attention mechanism allows Timer to capture these long-range dependencies effectively.

Critical Analysis

The authors acknowledge several limitations of their work. First, the pre-training process can be computationally intensive, which may limit the practical applicability of Timer, especially for smaller organizations or researchers with limited computational resources.

Additionally, the paper does not extensively explore the interpretability of Timer's internal representations and decision-making processes. As time series analysis is often used in high-stakes domains, such as finance or healthcare, the interpretability of models is an important consideration.

Further research could also explore the robustness of Timer to noisy or incomplete time series data, as well as its performance on a wider range of time series tasks and datasets. Comparisons to other recent advancements in time series modeling, such as the Tempo and Unified Transformers models, would also be valuable.


The Timer model introduced in this paper represents an exciting advance in time series analysis, leveraging the power of Transformer-based architectures and self-supervised pre-training to achieve state-of-the-art performance on a range of benchmarks. This work demonstrates the potential of data-centric AI approaches to unlock new capabilities in time series modeling, with applications in fields like finance, meteorology, and industrial automation.

While the paper highlights some limitations that warrant further exploration, the core ideas behind Timer – its Transformer-based architecture and self-supervised pre-training approach – are likely to have a significant impact on the future of time series analysis and time series forecasting at scale.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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