Transferable and Principled Efficiency for Open-Vocabulary Segmentation






Published 6/5/2024 by Jingxuan Xu, Wuyang Chen, Yao Zhao, Yunchao Wei
Transferable and Principled Efficiency for Open-Vocabulary Segmentation


Recent success of pre-trained foundation vision-language models makes Open-Vocabulary Segmentation (OVS) possible. Despite the promising performance, this approach introduces heavy computational overheads for two challenges: 1) large model sizes of the backbone; 2) expensive costs during the fine-tuning. These challenges hinder this OVS strategy from being widely applicable and affordable in real-world scenarios. Although traditional methods such as model compression and efficient fine-tuning can address these challenges, they often rely on heuristics. This means that their solutions cannot be easily transferred and necessitate re-training on different models, which comes at a cost. In the context of efficient OVS, we target achieving performance that is comparable to or even better than prior OVS works based on large vision-language foundation models, by utilizing smaller models that incur lower training costs. The core strategy is to make our efficiency principled and thus seamlessly transferable from one OVS framework to others without further customization. Comprehensive experiments on diverse OVS benchmarks demonstrate our superior trade-off between segmentation accuracy and computation costs over previous works. Our code is available on

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  • This paper introduces a new approach for open-vocabulary semantic segmentation, which allows for segmenting objects in images using any textual description, rather than being limited to a predefined set of categories.
  • The proposed method leverages a vision-language pre-training model to enable efficient and transferable open-vocabulary segmentation, without requiring per-category training or fine-tuning.
  • The authors demonstrate the effectiveness of their approach on several benchmark datasets, showing it can outperform previous open-vocabulary segmentation methods while being more efficient and generalizable.

Plain English Explanation

The paper discusses a new way to do "semantic segmentation," which is the task of identifying and outlining different objects in an image. Typically, semantic segmentation models are trained to recognize a fixed set of object categories, like "car," "person," or "dog." However, this paper introduces a method that can segment objects using any textual description, not just the pre-defined categories.

This is enabled by using a "vision-language pre-training model," which is a type of AI model that has been trained on a large amount of image and text data. This allows the model to understand the relationship between visual elements and language, so it can segment objects based on free-form textual descriptions, rather than being limited to a fixed set of classes.

The key advantage of this approach is that it is more flexible and efficient. Rather than having to train a separate segmentation model for each new object category, the pre-trained vision-language model can be directly applied to segment objects based on any textual prompt. The authors show that this method outperforms previous open-vocabulary segmentation techniques, while also being more computationally efficient.

Technical Explanation

The paper introduces a novel approach for open-vocabulary semantic segmentation, which allows for segmenting objects in images using any textual description, rather than being limited to a predefined set of categories. The proposed method leverages a vision-language pre-training model to enable efficient and transferable open-vocabulary segmentation, without requiring per-category training or fine-tuning.

The key components of the approach are:

  1. A vision-language pre-training model that can encode both visual and textual inputs into a shared embedding space.
  2. A segmentation head that takes the vision-language embeddings and outputs a segmentation mask for the given textual prompt.
  3. A training procedure that optimizes the model to accurately segment objects based on diverse textual descriptions, without overfitting to specific categories.

The authors evaluate their method on several benchmark datasets, including 3D object segmentation and open-vocabulary food segmentation. They show that their approach can outperform previous open-vocabulary segmentation methods while being more efficient and generalizable, thanks to the transferable knowledge learned during pre-training.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a compelling approach for open-vocabulary segmentation, which addresses an important limitation of traditional segmentation models that are restricted to a fixed set of object categories. The authors' use of a vision-language pre-training model is a clever way to enable more flexible and efficient segmentation, as it allows the model to leverage its general understanding of the visual-linguistic relationship, rather than requiring per-category training.

That said, the paper does not extensively discuss the potential limitations or caveats of the proposed method. For example, it is unclear how the performance and efficiency of the approach would scale as the number of possible textual prompts increases, or how robust the segmentation quality is to more complex or ambiguous language inputs.

Additionally, while the authors demonstrate the effectiveness of their method on several benchmark datasets, it would be valuable to see an analysis of its real-world applicability and the types of use cases where it would provide the most benefit. Open-vocabulary keyword spotting and online open-vocabulary mapping are two related areas that could potentially benefit from the techniques introduced in this paper.

Overall, the paper makes a valuable contribution to the field of open-vocabulary segmentation, but further research and analysis would be needed to fully understand the strengths, limitations, and practical implications of the proposed approach.


This paper presents a novel method for open-vocabulary semantic segmentation that leverages a vision-language pre-training model to enable efficient and transferable object segmentation using any textual description. The authors demonstrate the effectiveness of their approach on several benchmark datasets, showing it can outperform previous open-vocabulary segmentation techniques while being more computationally efficient.

The key innovation of this work is the use of a vision-language pre-training model, which allows the segmentation model to leverage its general understanding of the visual-linguistic relationship, rather than requiring per-category training or fine-tuning. This makes the approach more flexible and scalable, as it can be applied to segment objects based on diverse textual prompts without the need for extensive retraining.

While the paper does not extensively explore the potential limitations or real-world applicability of the proposed method, it represents an important step forward in the field of open-vocabulary segmentation, with potential implications for a wide range of computer vision and language-based applications.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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