Understanding Visual Concepts Across Models






Published 6/12/2024 by Brandon Trabucco, Max Gurinas, Kyle Doherty, Ruslan Salakhutdinov
Understanding Visual Concepts Across Models


Large multimodal models such as Stable Diffusion can generate, detect, and classify new visual concepts after fine-tuning just a single word embedding. Do models learn similar words for the same concepts (i.e. = orange + cat)? We conduct a large-scale analysis on three state-of-the-art models in text-to-image generation, open-set object detection, and zero-shot classification, and find that new word embeddings are model-specific and non-transferable. Across 4,800 new embeddings trained for 40 diverse visual concepts on four standard datasets, we find perturbations within an $epsilon$-ball to any prior embedding that generate, detect, and classify an arbitrary concept. When these new embeddings are spliced into new models, fine-tuning that targets the original model is lost. We show popular soft prompt-tuning approaches find these perturbative solutions when applied to visual concept learning tasks, and embeddings for visual concepts are not transferable. Code for reproducing our work is available at: https://visual-words.github.io.

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  • This paper explores how different machine learning models understand and represent visual concepts, and how these representations can be compared and aligned across models.
  • The authors investigate the idea of "visual concepts" - the high-level semantic categories and attributes that humans use to describe and recognize objects and scenes.
  • They propose methods to discover and analyze these visual concepts, and to understand how they are captured by different machine learning models, including text-to-image models, large language models, and interpretable visual classifiers.

Plain English Explanation

The paper looks at how different AI models, like text-to-image generators and large language models, understand and represent high-level visual concepts. Visual concepts are the categories and attributes that humans use to describe and recognize objects and scenes, like "dog," "red," or "wooden chair."

The researchers develop methods to discover and analyze these visual concepts across different AI models. This allows them to understand how each model captures and represents these important visual building blocks. By comparing the visual concept representations between models, they can also find ways to better align and combine the knowledge of different AI systems.

Technical Explanation

The paper proposes several approaches to discover and analyze visual concepts across machine learning models:

  1. Concept Extraction: The authors develop techniques to automatically extract the high-level visual concepts learned by different models, including text-to-image generators, large language models, and interpretable visual classifiers.

  2. Concept Alignment: They then devise methods to align the visual concept representations between models, allowing for direct comparisons and knowledge transfer.

  3. Concept Analysis: Using the extracted and aligned concepts, the researchers analyze properties like concept similarity, hierarchical structure, and model-specific biases.

Through these analyses, the paper sheds light on how different AI models internalize and represent the visual world, and how these representations can be better understood and leveraged. The findings have implications for improving model interpretability, robustness, and generalization capabilities.

Critical Analysis

The paper makes a valuable contribution to understanding the inner workings of complex machine learning models and how they represent high-level visual information. By focusing on the notion of "visual concepts," the authors provide a principled way to analyze and compare the conceptual knowledge captured by different models.

One limitation mentioned in the paper is the challenge of validating the extracted visual concepts, as there is no ground truth for what the "correct" set of concepts should be. The authors acknowledge this issue and propose various evaluation approaches, but further work is needed to establish robust concept discovery and validation techniques.

Additionally, the paper primarily focuses on analyzing pre-trained models, without exploring how the visual concept representations might change during the training process. Investigating the developmental trajectory of these representations could yield additional insights.

Overall, the research represents an important step forward in understanding the inner workings of complex AI systems and the ways in which they encode and represent the visual world. By continuing to probe these issues, the field can work towards more interpretable, robust, and generalized machine learning models.


This paper presents a novel approach to analyzing visual concept representations across different machine learning models, including text-to-image generators, large language models, and interpretable visual classifiers. By developing methods to extract, align, and compare these high-level visual concepts, the authors shed light on how diverse AI systems internalize and encode the visual world.

The findings have implications for improving model interpretability, robustness, and generalization capabilities, as well as for understanding the similarities and differences in how various AI models represent and reason about visual information. As the field of artificial intelligence continues to advance, this type of research will be crucial for building more transparent and capable systems that can effectively interact with and understand the visual world.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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