Unsupervised Representation Learning in Deep Reinforcement Learning: A Review






Published 5/2/2024 by Nicol`o Botteghi, Mannes Poel, Christoph Brune



This review addresses the problem of learning abstract representations of the measurement data in the context of Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL). While the data are often ambiguous, high-dimensional, and complex to interpret, many dynamical systems can be effectively described by a low-dimensional set of state variables. Discovering these state variables from the data is a crucial aspect for (i) improving the data efficiency, robustness, and generalization of DRL methods, (ii) tackling the curse of dimensionality, and (iii) bringing interpretability and insights into black-box DRL. This review provides a comprehensive and complete overview of unsupervised representation learning in DRL by describing the main Deep Learning tools used for learning representations of the world, providing a systematic view of the method and principles, summarizing applications, benchmarks and evaluation strategies, and discussing open challenges and future directions.

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  • This review explores the challenge of learning abstract representations from measurement data in the context of Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL).
  • Many dynamical systems can be effectively described by a low-dimensional set of state variables, but discovering these state variables from complex, high-dimensional data is a crucial step for improving the data efficiency, robustness, and interpretability of DRL methods.
  • The review provides a comprehensive overview of unsupervised representation learning in DRL, including the main deep learning tools, systematic principles, applications, benchmarks, and open challenges.

Plain English Explanation

When machines learn to solve tasks through a process called reinforcement learning, they often have to work with complex, high-dimensional data that can be difficult to interpret. However, many real-world systems can actually be described using a smaller number of key "state variables" - the essential factors that determine how the system behaves.

This review paper explores techniques for learning these abstract representations from data. By discovering the underlying state variables, researchers hope to make reinforcement learning systems more data-efficient, robust, and interpretable. The paper provides a comprehensive overview of the different deep learning tools and principles used for this kind of unsupervised representation learning, as well as examples of how it's been applied, and discusses the ongoing challenges in this area.

Technical Explanation

The review begins by highlighting the challenge of working with ambiguous, high-dimensional, and complex measurement data in the context of Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL). While many dynamical systems can be effectively described using a low-dimensional set of state variables, discovering these latent state variables from the data is crucial for improving the data efficiency, robustness, and interpretability of DRL methods.

The paper then provides a systematic overview of the deep learning tools and principles used for unsupervised representation learning in DRL. This includes techniques like variational autoencoders, generative adversarial networks, and contrastive learning, which can be used to extract meaningful lower-dimensional representations from high-dimensional sensor data.

The review also summarizes key applications of representation learning in DRL, such as improving sample efficiency, enabling zero-shot transfer, and providing interpretable insights into agent behavior. Benchmark tasks and evaluation strategies are discussed, and the paper concludes by outlining several open challenges and future research directions in this area.

Critical Analysis

The review provides a comprehensive and well-structured overview of an important topic in deep reinforcement learning. By focusing on the challenge of learning abstract representations from complex data, the authors highlight a crucial step for improving the practicality and interpretability of DRL systems.

That said, the paper does not delve deeply into the technical details of the various representation learning methods discussed. While this is understandable given the broad scope of the review, it means that readers without a strong background in machine learning may struggle to fully appreciate the nuances of the different approaches.

Additionally, the paper acknowledges that successfully learning meaningful representations from data remains an open challenge, with several unresolved issues around scalability, robustness, and the ability to capture causal structure. More research will be needed to address these limitations and further advance the state of the art in this area.


This review paper makes a valuable contribution by surveying the current landscape of unsupervised representation learning techniques in the context of deep reinforcement learning. By highlighting the importance of discovering low-dimensional state variables from complex data, the authors showcase a critical step for enhancing the data efficiency, interpretability, and real-world applicability of DRL systems.

While challenges remain, the review provides a solid foundation for understanding the key principles, methods, and open problems in this active area of research. As the field continues to evolve, innovations in representation learning are likely to play a pivotal role in unlocking the full potential of deep reinforcement learning across a wide range of applications.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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