Values That Are Explicitly Present in Fairy Tales: Comparing Samples from German, Italian and Portuguese Traditions






Published 5/7/2024 by Alba Morollon Diaz-Faes, Carla Sofia Ribeiro Murteira, Martin Ruskov



Looking at how social values are represented in fairy tales can give insights about the variations in communication of values across cultures. We study how values are communicated in fairy tales from Portugal, Italy and Germany using a technique called word embedding with a compass to quantify vocabulary differences and commonalities. We study how these three national traditions differ in their explicit references to values. To do this, we specify a list of value-charged tokens, consider their word stems and analyse the distance between these in a bespoke pre-trained Word2Vec model. We triangulate and critically discuss the validity of the resulting hypotheses emerging from this quantitative model. Our claim is that this is a reusable and reproducible method for the study of the values explicitly referenced in historical corpora. Finally, our preliminary findings hint at a shared cultural understanding and the expression of values such as Benevolence, Conformity, and Universalism across the studied cultures, suggesting the potential existence of a pan-European cultural memory.

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  • The study explores how social values are represented in fairy tales from different cultural traditions, using a technique called word embedding with a compass to quantify vocabulary differences and commonalities.
  • The researchers analyze fairy tales from Portugal, Italy, and Germany to understand how these national traditions differ in their explicit references to values.
  • The study claims this is a reusable and reproducible method for studying the values explicitly referenced in historical corpora.
  • The preliminary findings suggest a shared cultural understanding and the expression of values such as Benevolence, Conformity, and Universalism across the studied cultures, hinting at a potential pan-European cultural memory.

Plain English Explanation

Fairy tales can provide insights into the values and beliefs of different cultures. In this study, the researchers use a technique called word embedding with a compass to analyze the values represented in fairy tales from Portugal, Italy, and Germany. They look at how these three national traditions differ in their explicit references to values, such as Benevolence, Conformity, and Universalism.

The researchers claim this is a reusable and reproducible method for studying the values in historical texts. Their preliminary findings suggest that despite some differences, there may be a shared cultural understanding and expression of certain values across these European cultures, hinting at a potential pan-European cultural memory.

Technical Explanation

The researchers used a technique called word embedding with a compass to analyze the values represented in fairy tales from Portugal, Italy, and Germany. They specified a list of value-charged tokens, considered their word stems, and analyzed the distance between these in a bespoke pre-trained Word2Vec model.

This allowed them to quantify the vocabulary differences and commonalities across the three national traditions in their explicit references to values. The researchers claim this is a reusable and reproducible method for studying the values explicitly referenced in historical corpora.

Their preliminary findings suggest a shared cultural understanding and expression of values such as Benevolence, Conformity, and Universalism across the studied cultures, hinting at the potential existence of a pan-European cultural memory. However, the study also acknowledges the limitations of this one-size-fits-all approach and the need to engage with the pluralistic nature of human values.

Critical Analysis

The study presents a novel and potentially valuable approach to analyzing the values represented in historical texts, such as fairy tales. The researchers make a compelling case for the reusability and reproducibility of their method, which could be applied to other cultural corpora.

However, the study acknowledges the limitations of this quantitative approach, as it may not fully capture the nuances and complexities of how values are communicated in these narratives. There is a need to triangulate and critically discuss the validity of the resulting hypotheses, as the researchers have done.

Additionally, the study's focus on a pan-European cultural memory raises questions about the diversity and particularities of the different national traditions. Further research may be needed to better understand the interplay between shared values and cultural differences.


This study demonstrates the potential of using computational techniques, such as word embedding with a compass, to gain insights into the values represented in historical texts across different cultural traditions. The researchers' preliminary findings suggest the existence of a shared cultural understanding and expression of certain values, such as Benevolence, Conformity, and Universalism, among the fairy tales from Portugal, Italy, and Germany.

While the study's methodology is promising, it also highlights the need to engage with the pluralistic nature of human values and to critically examine the limitations of a one-size-fits-all approach. Further research in this area could shed light on the complex interplay between cultural commonalities and differences, ultimately contributing to a deeper understanding of the role of values in shaping our shared heritage.

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