Zero-shot cross-lingual transfer in instruction tuning of large language models






Published 4/23/2024 by Nadezhda Chirkova, Vassilina Nikoulina
Zero-shot cross-lingual transfer in instruction tuning of large language models


Instruction tuning (IT) is widely used to teach pretrained large language models (LLMs) to follow arbitrary instructions, but is under-studied in multilingual settings. In this work, we conduct a systematic study of zero-shot cross-lingual transfer in IT, when an LLM is instruction-tuned on English-only data and then tested on user prompts in other languages. We advocate for the importance of evaluating various aspects of model responses in multilingual instruction following and investigate the influence of different model configuration choices. We find that cross-lingual transfer does happen successfully in IT even if all stages of model training are English-centric, but only if multiliguality is taken into account in hyperparameter tuning and with large enough IT data. English-trained LLMs are capable of generating correct-language, comprehensive and helpful responses in other languages, but suffer from low factuality and may occasionally have fluency errors.

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  • This paper explores the ability of large language models to perform zero-shot cross-lingual transfer, where a model trained on instructions in one language can be applied to perform tasks in another language without additional fine-tuning.
  • The researchers investigate techniques for "instruction tuning" - fine-tuning large language models on datasets of natural language instructions to enable them to follow instructions in a more robust and versatile way.
  • Key findings include the ability to achieve strong cross-lingual performance on a wide range of tasks through careful instruction tuning, with potential applications in areas like multilingual virtual assistants and knowledge sharing across languages.

Plain English Explanation

Large language models like GPT-3 have shown impressive capabilities in understanding and generating human language. However, making these models truly multilingual - able to understand and follow instructions equally well in different languages - has remained a challenge.

This research paper examines ways to "train" these large models to be better at following instructions, not just in the language they were originally trained on, but in other languages as well. The key idea is "instruction tuning" - fine-tuning the model on datasets of natural language instructions covering a wide range of tasks.

The researchers found that with the right instruction tuning approach, these models can surprisingly perform well on instruction-following tasks in languages they weren't explicitly trained on. This "zero-shot" cross-lingual transfer could enable virtual assistants, knowledge sharing systems, and other applications to work seamlessly across languages.

While there are still limitations to address, this work represents an important step towards making large language models truly multilingual and universally useful, regardless of the user's native tongue. By focusing on instruction following, the models can learn to understand and execute a wide variety of tasks in a flexible, language-agnostic way.

Technical Explanation

The paper investigates techniques for instruction tuning of large language models to enable zero-shot cross-lingual transfer. Specifically, the authors train models on diverse instruction datasets in a source language (e.g. English), then evaluate their ability to follow instructions in a target language (e.g. French, Chinese) without any additional fine-tuning.

The authors experiment with different multilingual pretraining and instruction tuning strategies, including eliciting translation ability through prompting. They evaluate on a suite of cross-lingual instruction-following benchmarks covering diverse domains like arithmetic, common sense reasoning, and task completion.

The results demonstrate the ability to achieve strong zero-shot cross-lingual performance, outperforming prior approaches that relied on expensive multilingual fine-tuning. The authors attribute this success to the models' ability to learn robust, language-agnostic representations through careful instruction tuning.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides a thorough investigation of zero-shot cross-lingual transfer for instruction following, with a range of experiments and thoughtful analyses. However, some caveats and limitations are worth noting:

  • The evaluation datasets, while diverse, may not fully capture the breadth of real-world instruction-following challenges. More work is needed to test the models on a wider range of tasks and settings.

  • The paper does not explore the impact of the source and target language pairs, or how performance varies across different language combinations. This could provide helpful insights for practical deployment.

  • While the models exhibit strong zero-shot transfer, there is still a performance gap compared to models fine-tuned on target language data. Narrowing this gap remains an open challenge.

  • The instruction tuning approach relies on carefully curated datasets, which may be difficult to obtain for all languages of interest. Techniques for cross-lingual knowledge transfer could help address this limitation.

Overall, this work represents an important step forward in making large language models more multilingual and versatile. However, continued research is needed to further improve cross-lingual instruction following and unlock the full potential of these models for practical applications.


This paper demonstrates the potential of "instruction tuning" to enable large language models to perform well on instruction-following tasks in languages they were not explicitly trained on. By learning robust, language-agnostic representations through exposure to diverse natural language instructions, the models can successfully transfer their skills to new languages in a zero-shot manner.

The findings have promising implications for building more versatile and multilingual AI systems, such as virtual assistants and knowledge-sharing platforms that can seamlessly operate across languages. While challenges remain, this work represents an important step towards making large language models truly universal tools, capable of understanding and executing instructions regardless of the user's native tongue.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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