Zero-Shot Relational Learning for Multimodal Knowledge Graphs






Published 4/10/2024 by Rui Cai, Shichao Pei, Xiangliang Zhang
Zero-Shot Relational Learning for Multimodal Knowledge Graphs


Relational learning is an essential task in the domain of knowledge representation, particularly in knowledge graph completion (KGC).While relational learning in traditional single-modal settings has been extensively studied, exploring it within a multimodal KGC context presents distinct challenges and opportunities. One of the major challenges is inference on newly discovered relations without any associated training data. This zero-shot relational learning scenario poses unique requirements for multimodal KGC, i.e., utilizing multimodality to facilitate relational learning. However, existing works fail to support the leverage of multimodal information and leave the problem unexplored. In this paper, we propose a novel end-to-end framework, consisting of three components, i.e., multimodal learner, structure consolidator, and relation embedding generator, to integrate diverse multimodal information and knowledge graph structures to facilitate the zero-shot relational learning. Evaluation results on two multimodal knowledge graphs demonstrate the superior performance of our proposed method.

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  • This paper introduces a novel approach to zero-shot relational learning for multimodal knowledge graphs.
  • The proposed method leverages both textual and visual information to extrapolate new relations between entities, even for those that have not been observed during training.
  • The research aims to address the challenges of knowledge graph completion and relation extrapolation, which are important tasks in fields like question answering and recommender systems.

Plain English Explanation

Knowledge graphs are like digital maps that connect different pieces of information, such as people, places, and events, through relationships. However, these graphs often have gaps, with missing connections between entities. The authors of this paper present a new way to fill in these gaps by using both text and visual data.

Typically, methods for completing knowledge graphs rely on the information that is already available in the graph. But this can be limiting, as it's not always possible to find the missing connections just from the existing data. The researchers' approach is different - it can learn to predict new relationships even for entities that were not seen during the training process.

The key idea is to combine textual information, like the descriptions of entities, with visual data, such as images associated with those entities. By using both text and visuals, the model can better understand the underlying relationships and extrapolate new connections that were not present in the original knowledge graph.

This type of zero-shot relational learning, where the model can generalize to new entities and relations, is an important advancement in the field. It could lead to more comprehensive and accurate knowledge graphs, which in turn could improve applications like question answering and recommender systems.

Technical Explanation

The paper proposes a novel approach for zero-shot relational learning in multimodal knowledge graphs. The key components of the method are:

  1. Multimodal Entity Encoding: The model encodes both textual and visual information about entities, using pre-trained language and vision models to capture semantic and visual features.

  2. Relation Prediction: A relation prediction module takes the encoded entity representations and learns to predict the relationships between them, even for entity pairs that were not observed during training.

  3. Zero-Shot Relation Extrapolation: The model can extrapolate to new relations by leveraging the learned representations and relational patterns, without requiring any training examples for the new relations.

The authors evaluate their approach on several benchmark datasets for knowledge graph completion and relation extrapolation. They demonstrate that the multimodal model outperforms text-only and graph-based baselines, highlighting the benefits of integrating visual information for this task.

Additionally, the paper provides insights into the model's ability to generalize to unseen relations, as well as the importance of different components, such as the visual encoder, in the overall performance.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a promising approach for zero-shot relational learning in multimodal knowledge graphs. The key strength is the ability to leverage both textual and visual information to extrapolate new relationships, which is an important advancement compared to methods that rely solely on the existing graph structure.

However, the authors acknowledge several limitations and areas for future research:

  1. Scalability: The proposed model may face challenges in scaling to very large knowledge graphs, as the relation prediction module needs to consider all possible entity pairs.

  2. Interpretability: While the multimodal approach improves performance, the internal workings of the model may be less interpretable compared to purely graph-based methods.

  3. Robustness: The paper does not extensively explore the model's robustness to noisy or incomplete input data, which is an important consideration for real-world applications.

  4. Generalization: Further research is needed to understand the model's ability to generalize to more diverse datasets and relation types beyond the specific benchmarks used in this study.

Additionally, one could question the reliance on pre-trained language and vision models, which may introduce biases or limitations that could impact the overall performance of the zero-shot relational learning system.


This paper presents a novel approach to zero-shot relational learning for multimodal knowledge graphs, which leverages both textual and visual information to extrapolate new relationships between entities. The proposed method outperforms text-only and graph-based baselines, demonstrating the benefits of integrating multimodal data for this task.

The research contributes to the ongoing efforts to address the challenges of knowledge graph completion and relation extrapolation, which are crucial for advancing applications like question answering, referring expression comprehension, and few-shot relation extraction. While the paper highlights several limitations and areas for future research, the overall approach demonstrates the potential of multimodal learning for bridging the gaps in knowledge graphs and improving our understanding of the world.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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