Approximate Thompson Sampling for Learning Linear Quadratic Regulators with $O(sqrt{T})$ Regret






Published 5/31/2024 by Yeoneung Kim, Gihun Kim, Insoon Yang



We propose an approximate Thompson sampling algorithm that learns linear quadratic regulators (LQR) with an improved Bayesian regret bound of $O(sqrt{T})$. Our method leverages Langevin dynamics with a meticulously designed preconditioner as well as a simple excitation mechanism. We show that the excitation signal induces the minimum eigenvalue of the preconditioner to grow over time, thereby accelerating the approximate posterior sampling process. Moreover, we identify nontrivial concentration properties of the approximate posteriors generated by our algorithm. These properties enable us to bound the moments of the system state and attain an $O(sqrt{T})$ regret bound without the unrealistic restrictive assumptions on parameter sets that are often used in the literature.

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  • The researchers propose an approximate Thompson sampling algorithm that learns linear quadratic regulators (LQR) with an improved Bayesian regret bound of O(√T).
  • The method uses Langevin dynamics with a carefully designed preconditioner and a simple excitation mechanism to accelerate the approximate posterior sampling process.
  • The algorithm exhibits nontrivial concentration properties of the approximate posteriors, enabling the researchers to bound the moments of the system state and achieve an O(√T) regret bound without restrictive assumptions on parameter sets.

Plain English Explanation

The researchers have developed an improved version of an algorithm called Thompson sampling that can learn how to control a type of system called a linear quadratic regulator (LQR). Thompson sampling is a technique used in reinforcement learning to explore and exploit the environment.

The key innovations in the new algorithm are:

  1. It uses a special mathematical technique called Langevin dynamics, along with a carefully designed "preconditioner," to speed up the process of sampling from the approximate posterior distribution.
  2. It includes a simple "excitation" mechanism that helps the preconditioner become more effective over time, further accelerating the sampling process.
  3. It has some special mathematical properties that allow the researchers to bound the moments of the system state, which enables them to achieve a better overall performance guarantee (regret bound) of O(√T) without making unrealistic assumptions about the parameter sets.

These improvements allow the algorithm to learn how to control the LQR system more efficiently than previous methods.

Technical Explanation

The researchers propose an approximate Thompson sampling algorithm that learns linear quadratic regulators (LQRs) with an improved Bayesian regret bound of O(√T).

The key technical contributions are:

  1. Langevin Dynamics with Preconditioner: The algorithm uses Langevin dynamics, a Markov Chain Monte Carlo method, to sample from the approximate posterior distribution. The researchers design a carefully crafted preconditioner to accelerate the convergence of the Langevin dynamics.

  2. Excitation Mechanism: The researchers introduce a simple excitation mechanism that causes the minimum eigenvalue of the preconditioner to grow over time. This further enhances the sampling efficiency of the Langevin dynamics.

  3. Nontrivial Concentration Properties: The researchers identify nontrivial concentration properties of the approximate posteriors generated by their algorithm. These properties enable them to bound the moments of the system state and attain an O(√T) regret bound without restrictive assumptions on parameter sets.

Critical Analysis

The researchers make several important contributions, but there are a few potential limitations and areas for further research:

  1. Complexity of Preconditioner Design: The design of the preconditioner is a crucial component of the algorithm, but it may be challenging to generalize or implement in practice, especially for more complex systems.

  2. Sensitivity to Hyperparameters: The performance of the algorithm may be sensitive to the choice of hyperparameters, such as the step size and the excitation mechanism parameters. Robust tuning or adaptive methods may be needed for different problem settings.

  3. Extensions to Partially Observed Systems: The current analysis is limited to fully observed LQR systems. Extending the algorithm and analysis to partially observed or nonlinear systems would be an important step towards real-world applicability.

  4. Empirical Validation: While the theoretical guarantees are impressive, it would be valuable to see empirical evaluations of the algorithm's performance compared to other state-of-the-art methods on relevant benchmark problems.

Overall, the researchers have made a significant contribution to the field of reinforcement learning for control systems, but there are still opportunities for further developments and practical applications.


The proposed approximate Thompson sampling algorithm represents an important advancement in the field of reinforcement learning for linear quadratic regulator (LQR) systems. By leveraging carefully designed Langevin dynamics with a preconditioner and an excitation mechanism, the algorithm is able to achieve an improved Bayesian regret bound of O(√T) without relying on unrealistic assumptions.

The nontrivial concentration properties of the approximate posteriors generated by the algorithm are a key technical contribution, enabling the researchers to bound the moments of the system state and attain the desirable regret bound. While there are some potential limitations that warrant further investigation, this work represents a significant step forward in the efficient learning of control systems using reinforcement learning techniques.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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