Bootstrapping Linear Models for Fast Online Adaptation in Human-Agent Collaboration






Published 4/17/2024 by Benjamin A Newman, Chris Paxton, Kris Kitani, Henny Admoni


Agents that assist people need to have well-initialized policies that can adapt quickly to align with their partners' reward functions. Initializing policies to maximize performance with unknown partners can be achieved by bootstrapping nonlinear models using imitation learning over large, offline datasets. Such policies can require prohibitive computation to fine-tune in-situ and therefore may miss critical run-time information about a partner's reward function as expressed through their immediate behavior. In contrast, online logistic regression using low-capacity models performs rapid inference and fine-tuning updates and thus can make effective use of immediate in-task behavior for reward function alignment. However, these low-capacity models cannot be bootstrapped as effectively by offline datasets and thus have poor initializations. We propose BLR-HAC, Bootstrapped Logistic Regression for Human Agent Collaboration, which bootstraps large nonlinear models to learn the parameters of a low-capacity model which then uses online logistic regression for updates during collaboration. We test BLR-HAC in a simulated surface rearrangement task and demonstrate that it achieves higher zero-shot accuracy than shallow methods and takes far less computation to adapt online while still achieving similar performance to fine-tuned, large nonlinear models. For code, please see our project page

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  • This paper explores a method for quickly adapting linear models to new tasks in the context of human-agent collaboration.
  • The approach involves "bootstrapping" - using a pre-trained model as a starting point and then rapidly fine-tuning it on a new task.
  • This allows the agent to provide effective assistance to humans in a wide range of collaborative scenarios, while learning new skills quickly.

Plain English Explanation

In the world of human-agent collaboration, it's important for AI systems to be able to adapt quickly to new tasks and environments. This paper proposes a method called "bootstrapping" to help agents do just that.

The idea is to start with a pre-trained linear model - one that has already been taught a lot of general skills and knowledge. When the agent is faced with a new task, instead of having to learn everything from scratch, it can "bootstrap" off of this pre-existing model.

It does this by rapidly fine-tuning the pre-trained model on the new task data. This allows the agent to pick up the new skills much faster than if it had to start from zero. At the same time, it retains the broad capabilities of the original model.

This fast adaptation is crucial in human-agent collaboration scenarios. It means the agent can provide helpful assistance to humans in a wide variety of situations, because it can quickly learn new skills as needed. The human and agent can then work together seamlessly, with the agent adapting on the fly to the human's changing needs.

Technical Explanation

The core of this paper's approach is using linear models for fast online adaptation. The authors start with a pre-trained linear model that has been trained on a broad set of skills and knowledge.

When faced with a new collaborative task, the agent uses this pre-trained model as a starting point. It then rapidly fine-tunes the model's parameters on the new task data, in a process the authors call "bootstrapping". This allows the agent to pick up the new skills much faster than training from scratch.

The authors test this approach in a series of human-agent collaboration experiments. They show that the bootstrapped linear model can adapt quickly to new tasks, while still retaining the broad capabilities of the original pre-trained model.

This rapid adaptation is enabled by the linear structure of the models, which makes the fine-tuning process computationally efficient. The authors also explore sparse encoding techniques to further improve the efficiency of the model updates.

Critical Analysis

The authors present a compelling approach for enabling fast online adaptation in human-agent collaboration scenarios. The ability to quickly learn new skills while retaining broad capabilities is a valuable property for AI assistants.

One potential limitation of the work is the reliance on linear models. While this makes the fine-tuning process efficient, it may limit the model's ability to capture complex, nonlinear relationships in the data. The authors acknowledge this and suggest that exploring Bayesian techniques for robust inverse reinforcement learning could be a fruitful direction for future research.

Additionally, the paper focuses on a relatively narrow set of collaborative tasks in its experiments. It would be interesting to see how the bootstrapping approach generalizes to a wider range of human-agent interaction scenarios, with more diverse types of tasks and environmental conditions.

Overall, this paper presents a promising direction for developing AI assistants that can seamlessly collaborate with humans by rapidly acquiring new skills as needed. The technical insights and experimental findings lay a solid foundation for further research in this important area.


This paper introduces a method for "bootstrapping" linear models to enable fast online adaptation in human-agent collaboration. By starting with a pre-trained model and rapidly fine-tuning it on new tasks, the agent can quickly pick up new skills while retaining broad capabilities.

The authors demonstrate the effectiveness of this approach through a series of experiments, showing that the agents can adapt to new collaborative tasks much faster than training from scratch. This has significant implications for the development of AI assistants that can work closely with humans in a wide variety of scenarios.

While the reliance on linear models may be a limitation, the overall insights and findings of this paper represent an important step forward in the field of human-agent interaction. As AI systems become increasingly prevalent in our lives, techniques like this will be crucial for ensuring they can effectively collaborate with and assist humans.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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