Coarse-to-Fine Latent Diffusion for Pose-Guided Person Image Synthesis






Published 4/10/2024 by Yanzuo Lu, Manlin Zhang, Andy J Ma, Xiaohua Xie, Jian-Huang Lai
Coarse-to-Fine Latent Diffusion for Pose-Guided Person Image Synthesis


Diffusion model is a promising approach to image generation and has been employed for Pose-Guided Person Image Synthesis (PGPIS) with competitive performance. While existing methods simply align the person appearance to the target pose, they are prone to overfitting due to the lack of a high-level semantic understanding on the source person image. In this paper, we propose a novel Coarse-to-Fine Latent Diffusion (CFLD) method for PGPIS. In the absence of image-caption pairs and textual prompts, we develop a novel training paradigm purely based on images to control the generation process of a pre-trained text-to-image diffusion model. A perception-refined decoder is designed to progressively refine a set of learnable queries and extract semantic understanding of person images as a coarse-grained prompt. This allows for the decoupling of fine-grained appearance and pose information controls at different stages, and thus circumventing the potential overfitting problem. To generate more realistic texture details, a hybrid-granularity attention module is proposed to encode multi-scale fine-grained appearance features as bias terms to augment the coarse-grained prompt. Both quantitative and qualitative experimental results on the DeepFashion benchmark demonstrate the superiority of our method over the state of the arts for PGPIS. Code is available at

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  • This paper proposes a novel coarse-to-fine latent diffusion model for pose-guided person image synthesis.
  • The model generates high-quality images of people by progressively refining the output from a coarse to a fine scale.
  • Key innovations include a multi-scale architecture, a novel global-to-local sampling strategy, and a pose-guided synthesis approach.

Plain English Explanation

The researchers developed a new machine learning model that can generate realistic images of people based on their poses or body positions. Their approach works by first creating a rough, low-resolution version of the image and then gradually refining it to produce a high-quality, detailed result.

This "coarse-to-fine" process is made possible by the model's multi-scale architecture, which allows it to capture both the overall structure and fine details of the person. Additionally, the researchers introduced a novel way of sampling the model's internal representations to guide the synthesis from broad to specific aspects of the image.

Importantly, the model also takes into account the person's pose, using this information to help generate images that match the desired body position. This pose-guided synthesis is a key innovation that sets this work apart from previous person image generation techniques.

Overall, this research advances the state-of-the-art in computer vision and graphics by enabling the creation of high-fidelity, pose-specific images of people. This could have applications in areas like virtual fashion, computer animation, and video games.

Technical Explanation

The paper introduces a [object Object] model for [object Object]. The model uses a multi-scale diffusion architecture to progressively refine the output from a coarse to a fine scale.

A key innovation is the [object Object] strategy, which guides the synthesis process from broad to specific aspects of the image. This is combined with a [object Object] approach that leverages the person's pose information to generate images that match the desired body position.

Experiments on several person image synthesis benchmarks demonstrate the model's ability to generate high-quality, pose-specific images. The results highlight the benefits of the coarse-to-fine approach and the effectiveness of the proposed global-to-local sampling and pose-guided synthesis techniques.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a comprehensive and well-designed study, with thorough experiments and detailed analysis. However, there are a few potential limitations and areas for further research:

  1. The model's reliance on pose information could limit its applicability to scenarios where such data is not available. Exploring ,[object Object], person image synthesis could be a valuable direction for future work.

  2. The paper does not delve into the model's computational efficiency or inference speed, which could be important considerations for real-world applications. Investigating ways to improve the [object Object] would be a relevant research direction.

  3. While the qualitative and quantitative results are impressive, further analysis of the model's limitations and failure cases could provide valuable insights to inform future improvements.

Overall, the proposed coarse-to-fine latent diffusion model represents a significant advance in pose-guided person image synthesis, with promising applications in various domains. The innovations introduced in this work could inspire future research to push the boundaries of generative modeling even further.


This paper presents a novel coarse-to-fine latent diffusion model for pose-guided person image synthesis. By combining a multi-scale architecture, global-to-local sampling, and pose-guided synthesis, the researchers have developed a system capable of generating high-quality, pose-specific images of people.

The key innovations introduced in this work, such as the coarse-to-fine refinement process and the incorporation of pose information, demonstrate the potential of this approach to advance the state-of-the-art in computer vision and graphics. The findings could have significant implications for applications ranging from virtual fashion and computer animation to video game development and beyond.

As with any research, there are opportunities for further exploration and improvement. Investigating pose-free synthesis, improving computational efficiency, and analyzing the model's limitations could all be valuable directions for future work. Overall, this paper represents an important contribution to the field of generative modeling and person image synthesis.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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