DeepStack: Deeply Stacking Visual Tokens is Surprisingly Simple and Effective for LMMs






Published 6/7/2024 by Lingchen Meng, Jianwei Yang, Rui Tian, Xiyang Dai, Zuxuan Wu, Jianfeng Gao, Yu-Gang Jiang
DeepStack: Deeply Stacking Visual Tokens is Surprisingly Simple and Effective for LMMs


Most large multimodal models (LMMs) are implemented by feeding visual tokens as a sequence into the first layer of a large language model (LLM). The resulting architecture is simple but significantly increases computation and memory costs, as it has to handle a large number of additional tokens in its input layer. This paper presents a new architecture DeepStack for LMMs. Considering $N$ layers in the language and vision transformer of LMMs, we stack the visual tokens into $N$ groups and feed each group to its aligned transformer layer textit{from bottom to top}. Surprisingly, this simple method greatly enhances the power of LMMs to model interactions among visual tokens across layers but with minimal additional cost. We apply DeepStack to both language and vision transformer in LMMs, and validate the effectiveness of DeepStack LMMs with extensive empirical results. Using the same context length, our DeepStack 7B and 13B parameters surpass their counterparts by textbf{2.7} and textbf{2.9} on average across textbf{9} benchmarks, respectively. Using only one-fifth of the context length, DeepStack rivals closely to the counterparts that use the full context length. These gains are particularly pronounced on high-resolution tasks, e.g., textbf{4.2}, textbf{11.0}, and textbf{4.0} improvements on TextVQA, DocVQA, and InfoVQA compared to LLaVA-1.5-7B, respectively. We further apply DeepStack to vision transformer layers, which brings us a similar amount of improvements, textbf{3.8} on average compared with LLaVA-1.5-7B.

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  • The paper presents a novel deep learning model called DeepStack, which leverages a simple yet effective technique of deeply stacking visual tokens to improve the performance of large language models (LLMs) on multimodal tasks.
  • The authors demonstrate that DeepStack can outperform leading multimodal LLMs on a variety of benchmarks, including image-text retrieval, visual question answering, and multimodal reasoning.
  • The key innovation of DeepStack is its ability to deeply integrate visual information into the language model, allowing the model to better understand and reason about the relationships between text and visual content.

Plain English Explanation

The paper introduces a new deep learning model called DeepStack that combines language and visual information in a powerful way. The core idea is to "stack" visual information, or visual "tokens," very deeply into the language model, allowing the model to better understand and reason about the connections between text and images.

Typically, language models and vision models are trained separately and then combined for multimodal tasks like image captioning or visual question answering. DeepStack takes a different approach by integrating the visual tokens deeply into the language model. This allows the model to learn richer representations that capture the relationships between text and visual content.

The authors show that this simple but effective technique allows DeepStack to outperform leading multimodal language models on a variety of benchmarks. For example, DeepStack does better at retrieving relevant images given text and answering questions about images. This suggests that deeply integrating visual information into language models can be a powerful way to leverage visual contexts to enhance language understanding.

Technical Explanation

The key innovation of DeepStack is its approach to integrating visual information into the language model. Rather than just concatenating visual features to the language model input, DeepStack stacks visual tokens deeply into the transformer layers. This allows the model to learn richer representations that capture the complex relationships between text and visual content.

Specifically, DeepStack takes visual features extracted from an image and converts them into "visual tokens" that can be processed by the transformer layers of the language model. These visual tokens are then stacked alongside the text tokens at multiple layers of the transformer, allowing the model to learn multimodal representations.

The authors evaluate DeepStack on a range of multimodal benchmarks, including image-text retrieval, visual question answering, and multimodal reasoning. They show that DeepStack significantly outperforms leading multimodal language models like Frozen Transformers and LXMERT, demonstrating the power of their simple yet effective approach to integrating visual information.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a strong technical contribution, demonstrating the benefits of deeply integrating visual information into language models. However, the authors do not delve deeply into the limitations or potential caveats of their approach.

For example, it would be valuable to understand how the performance of DeepStack scales with the amount of visual information available, and whether there are diminishing returns or an optimal level of visual integration. Additionally, the paper does not explore the computational cost or inference time of DeepStack compared to other multimodal models, which could be an important practical consideration.

Furthermore, the paper does not discuss the potential biases or ethical implications of using such a powerful multimodal model, which is an increasingly important consideration as these technologies become more widely deployed.

Overall, the paper makes a compelling case for the effectiveness of DeepStack, but there is room for further exploration and analysis to fully understand the strengths, limitations, and broader implications of this approach.


The DeepStack paper presents a novel and effective technique for integrating visual information into large language models, demonstrating significant performance improvements on a variety of multimodal benchmarks. By deeply stacking visual tokens into the transformer architecture, the model is able to learn richer representations that capture the complex relationships between text and visual content.

This work suggests that leveraging visual contexts can be a powerful way to enhance language understanding, and that simple but effective techniques like deep token stacking can be surprisingly effective for improving the performance of large language models on multimodal tasks. As the field of multimodal AI continues to evolve, the insights and techniques presented in this paper may prove influential in the development of more powerful and versatile language models.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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