Elementary Analysis of Policy Gradient Methods






Published 4/12/2024 by Jiacai Liu, Wenye Li, Ke Wei



Projected policy gradient under the simplex parameterization, policy gradient and natural policy gradient under the softmax parameterization, are fundamental algorithms in reinforcement learning. There have been a flurry of recent activities in studying these algorithms from the theoretical aspect. Despite this, their convergence behavior is still not fully understood, even given the access to exact policy evaluations. In this paper, we focus on the discounted MDP setting and conduct a systematic study of the aforementioned policy optimization methods. Several novel results are presented, including 1) global linear convergence of projected policy gradient for any constant step size, 2) sublinear convergence of softmax policy gradient for any constant step size, 3) global linear convergence of softmax natural policy gradient for any constant step size, 4) global linear convergence of entropy regularized softmax policy gradient for a wider range of constant step sizes than existing result, 5) tight local linear convergence rate of entropy regularized natural policy gradient, and 6) a new and concise local quadratic convergence rate of soft policy iteration without the assumption on the stationary distribution under the optimal policy. New and elementary analysis techniques have been developed to establish these results.

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  • The paper explores fundamental algorithms in reinforcement learning: projected policy gradient, softmax policy gradient, and softmax natural policy gradient.
  • It focuses on the discounted Markov Decision Process (MDP) setting and presents several novel theoretical results about the convergence behavior of these algorithms.
  • The analysis developed new techniques to establish these results, which provide a better understanding of the algorithms' properties.

Plain English Explanation

The paper discusses three key algorithms used in reinforcement learning: projected policy gradient, softmax policy gradient, and softmax natural policy gradient. These algorithms are used to optimize policies in reinforcement learning problems, where an agent must learn to make decisions in an environment to maximize a reward.

The researchers focused on understanding the mathematical properties of these algorithms, specifically how quickly they converge to an optimal policy. They analyzed the algorithms in the context of a discounted Markov Decision Process, which is a common setup in reinforcement learning.

The paper presents several new findings about the convergence behavior of these algorithms. For example, it shows that the projected policy gradient algorithm converges linearly (at a constant rate) for any fixed step size, while the softmax policy gradient converges sublinearly (at a decreasing rate) for any fixed step size. The researchers also analyzed variants of these algorithms that incorporate entropy regularization, which helps encourage exploration.

Overall, the paper provides a deeper theoretical understanding of these fundamental reinforcement learning algorithms, which is important for improving their practical application and developing more efficient and reliable learning systems.

Technical Explanation

The paper analyzes the convergence properties of three key policy optimization algorithms in reinforcement learning:

  1. Projected Policy Gradient: This algorithm updates the policy by projecting the gradient descent step onto the simplex parameter space.
  2. Softmax Policy Gradient: This algorithm updates the policy using the softmax parameterization, which is a common choice for stochastic policies.
  3. Softmax Natural Policy Gradient: This algorithm uses the natural gradient, which takes into account the geometry of the policy space, in the softmax parameterization.

The researchers focused on the discounted Markov Decision Process (MDP) setting and developed new analysis techniques to establish several novel convergence results:

  1. The projected policy gradient algorithm achieves global linear convergence (at a constant rate) for any constant step size.
  2. The softmax policy gradient algorithm achieves sublinear convergence (at a decreasing rate) for any constant step size.
  3. The softmax natural policy gradient algorithm achieves global linear convergence (at a constant rate) for any constant step size.
  4. The entropy-regularized softmax policy gradient achieves global linear convergence for a wider range of constant step sizes than previous results.
  5. The entropy-regularized softmax natural policy gradient achieves tight local linear convergence rates.
  6. The soft policy iteration algorithm, a variant of policy iteration, achieves local quadratic convergence without the assumption of a stationary distribution under the optimal policy.

These results provide a deeper understanding of the fundamental properties of these reinforcement learning algorithms, which is important for [developing more robust and adaptive learning algorithms in the future.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a thorough theoretical analysis of the convergence properties of several important policy optimization algorithms in reinforcement learning. The analysis is rigorous and uses novel techniques to establish new results, which is a valuable contribution to the field.

One potential limitation of the study is that it focuses solely on the discounted MDP setting, which may not capture all the nuances of real-world reinforcement learning problems. The researchers acknowledge this and suggest extending the analysis to other settings, such as average-reward or undiscounted MDPs, as an area for future research.

Additionally, the paper does not consider the impact of approximation errors or function approximation, which are common in practical reinforcement learning applications. Extending the analysis to these more realistic scenarios could provide further insights into the algorithms' performance.

Overall, the paper offers a significant advancement in the theoretical understanding of these fundamental reinforcement learning algorithms. The results can inform the design of more efficient and reliable learning systems, but further research is needed to fully understand the algorithms' behavior in complex, real-world environments.


This paper presents a comprehensive theoretical analysis of several core policy optimization algorithms in reinforcement learning, including projected policy gradient, softmax policy gradient, and softmax natural policy gradient. The researchers developed new analysis techniques to establish novel convergence results for these algorithms in the discounted MDP setting.

The findings provide a deeper understanding of the mathematical properties of these fundamental RL algorithms, which is crucial for improving their practical application and developing more robust and adaptive learning systems. The results on global linear convergence, sublinear convergence, and tight local convergence rates offer valuable insights that can guide the design of future reinforcement learning approaches.

While the analysis is limited to the discounted MDP setting, the paper lays the groundwork for further exploration of these algorithms in more complex environments. Extending the theoretical understanding to other problem settings, as well as incorporating the effects of approximation errors, are important directions for future research in this area.

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