Federated Natural Policy Gradient and Actor Critic Methods for Multi-task Reinforcement Learning

Read original: arXiv:2311.00201 - Published 8/19/2024 by Tong Yang, Shicong Cen, Yuting Wei, Yuxin Chen, Yuejie Chi
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  • This paper introduces a federated reinforcement learning (RL) approach for multi-task settings, where each agent has a private reward function but shares the same environment dynamics.
  • The goal is to learn a globally optimal policy that maximizes the sum of discounted rewards across all agents, without sharing local data trajectories.
  • The authors propose federated vanilla and entropy-regularized natural policy gradient (NPG) methods for the tabular setting, and a federated natural actor-critic (NAC) method for the function approximation setting.
  • The paper establishes non-asymptotic global convergence guarantees for the tabular methods, and finite-time sample complexity bounds for the function approximation method.

Plain English Explanation

In federated learning, multiple agents (e.g., devices or organizations) collaborate to train a shared model without directly sharing their local data. This paper explores a variation of federated learning for reinforcement learning (RL), where each agent has its own reward function but they all experience the same underlying environment.

The goal is to find a policy (a way of making decisions) that maximizes the sum of the agents' discounted rewards, without the agents needing to share their individual reward functions or data. This is challenging because the agents' reward functions can be different, and they only have access to partial information about the overall problem.

The authors propose several federated RL algorithms to address this challenge:

  • Federated vanilla and entropy-regularized natural policy gradient (NPG) methods for tabular (i.e., discrete) environments
  • A federated natural actor-critic (NAC) method for environments with function approximation (i.e., continuous or high-dimensional state/action spaces)

These algorithms allow the agents to collaboratively learn the optimal policy, even though they each have their own reward functions. The paper provides theoretical guarantees on the performance and convergence of these methods, showing that they can achieve near-optimal results without needing to directly share data between agents.

Technical Explanation

The key technical contributions of this paper are:

  1. Federated RL Formulation: The authors consider a multi-task setting where each agent has a private reward function, but the agents share the same transition dynamics of the environment. The goal is to learn a globally optimal policy that maximizes the sum of the discounted total rewards of all agents in a decentralized manner.

  2. Federated Tabular RL Algorithms: The authors develop federated vanilla and entropy-regularized natural policy gradient (NPG) methods for the tabular setting under softmax parameterization. They use gradient tracking to estimate the global Q-function, which helps mitigate the impact of imperfect information sharing among agents.

  3. Convergence Analysis for Tabular Methods: The paper establishes non-asymptotic global convergence guarantees for the proposed tabular methods under exact policy evaluation. The convergence rates are shown to be nearly independent of the size of the state-action space, and the authors analyze the impacts of network size and connectivity.

  4. Federated RL with Function Approximation: Beyond the tabular setting, the authors propose a federated natural actor-critic (NAC) method for multi-task RL with function approximation. They provide finite-time sample complexity bounds for this method, taking into account the errors of function approximation.

The key insight is that by leveraging the shared environment dynamics and using gradient tracking, the agents can collaborate to learn a globally optimal policy without needing to share their local data trajectories. This is a significant advancement in the field of federated reinforcement learning, as it enables multi-task RL in a decentralized setting with strong theoretical guarantees.

Critical Analysis

The paper makes several important contributions, but also has some limitations that could be addressed in future work:


  • The proposed federated RL algorithms are theoretically well-founded, with strong convergence guarantees.
  • The ability to learn a globally optimal policy in a multi-task setting without sharing local data is a significant advancement.
  • The analysis of the impact of network size and connectivity provides useful insights for practical deployment.


  • The theoretical analysis assumes exact policy evaluation, which may not hold in practice. Relaxing this assumption could make the results more widely applicable.
  • The function approximation setting is only analyzed for the NAC method, and not the tabular NPG methods.
  • The paper does not consider more complex environments or tasks beyond the standard Markov decision process formulation.

Future Directions:

  • Extending the theoretical analysis to more realistic settings, such as approximate policy evaluation and partial observability.
  • Exploring the performance of the federated RL methods on a wider range of environments and tasks, including real-world applications.
  • Investigating the interplay between the agents' reward functions and the learned global policy, and how this affects the practical usefulness of the approach.

Overall, this paper makes a valuable contribution to the field of federated reinforcement learning, paving the way for collaborative decision-making in multi-agent systems without the need for centralized data sharing.


This paper presents a novel federated reinforcement learning approach for multi-task settings, where each agent has a private reward function but shares the same environment dynamics. The authors develop several federated RL algorithms, including tabular methods with strong convergence guarantees and a function approximation method with finite-time sample complexity bounds.

The key advantage of this approach is that it enables agents to learn a globally optimal policy without directly sharing their local data trajectories, which is a significant advancement in the field of federated learning. The theoretical analysis provides useful insights into the impacts of network size and connectivity, laying the groundwork for practical applications of federated RL in a wide range of domains.

While the paper has some limitations, such as the assumption of exact policy evaluation, it represents an important step forward in the development of collaborative and privacy-preserving reinforcement learning systems. Future research building on this work could lead to even more powerful and widely applicable federated RL algorithms, with the potential to transform how autonomous agents and distributed systems make decisions in the real world.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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