Large Language Models are Good Spontaneous Multilingual Learners: Is the Multilingual Annotated Data Necessary?






Published 6/19/2024 by Shimao Zhang, Changjiang Gao, Wenhao Zhu, Jiajun Chen, Xin Huang, Xue Han, Junlan Feng, Chao Deng, Shujian Huang



Recently, Large Language Models (LLMs) have shown impressive language capabilities. While most of the existing LLMs have very unbalanced performance across different languages, multilingual alignment based on translation parallel data is an effective method to enhance the LLMs' multilingual capabilities. In this work, we discover and comprehensively investigate the spontaneous multilingual alignment improvement of LLMs. We find that LLMs instruction-tuned on the question translation data (i.e. without annotated answers) are able to encourage the alignment between English and a wide range of languages, even including those unseen during instruction-tuning. Additionally, we utilize different settings and mechanistic interpretability methods to analyze the LLM's performance in the multilingual scenario comprehensively. Our work suggests that LLMs have enormous potential for improving multilingual alignment efficiently with great language and task generalization.

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  • Large Language Models (LLMs) have shown impressive language capabilities, but most are English-centric and have unbalanced performance across different languages.
  • Multilingual alignment is an effective method to enhance LLMs' multilingual capabilities.
  • This work explores the multilingual alignment paradigm and investigates the spontaneous multilingual improvement of LLMs.

Plain English Explanation

Large Language Models (LLMs) are AI systems that can understand and generate human-like text. While these models have become highly skilled at tasks like answering questions and generating text, most of them are primarily focused on the English language. This means their performance can be quite uneven when it comes to other languages.

Multilingual alignment is a technique that can help improve an LLM's ability to work with multiple languages. The idea is to use translation data to "align" the model's understanding so that it performs well across a wider range of languages, not just English.

This research explores this multilingual alignment approach in depth. The researchers found that LLMs that were trained just on translating questions, without being shown the actual answers, were still able to significantly improve their performance across a wide variety of languages, even ones they hadn't seen during training. The researchers also used different analysis methods to better understand how these multilingual LLMs work.

Technical Explanation

This paper investigates the spontaneous multilingual improvement of LLMs through the multilingual alignment paradigm. The key findings are:

  • LLMs trained only on question translation data, without annotated answers, can achieve significant multilingual performance enhancement across a wide range of languages, including those unseen during training.
  • Different settings and mechanistic interpretability methods are utilized to comprehensively analyze the LLM's multilingual capabilities.

The researchers explore how this multilingual alignment technique can boost an LLM's ability to work with multiple languages, without requiring extensive training on each individual language. This could help make these powerful language models more accessible and useful in a wider range of real-world applications.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a promising approach for improving the multilingual capabilities of LLMs. However, it's important to note that the researchers only evaluated the models on a limited set of benchmark tasks. More research is needed to understand how these multilingual LLMs would perform on a wider range of real-world language tasks, especially in spoken language understanding.

Additionally, the paper does not delve into potential biases or limitations that may arise from the translation data used for training. Further investigation is needed to ensure these multilingual LLMs do not perpetuate or amplify existing language biases.

Overall, this work represents an important step forward in developing more capable and inclusive language models, but there is still room for improvement and further research.


This research demonstrates a promising approach for enhancing the multilingual capabilities of Large Language Models. By leveraging translation data through the multilingual alignment paradigm, the researchers were able to achieve significant performance improvements across a wide range of languages, including those unseen during training.

These findings suggest that LLMs can be made more accessible and useful in diverse global contexts, beyond just the English-speaking world. As these models continue to advance, it will be crucial to prioritize multilingual development to ensure equitable access to these powerful language technologies.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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