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Improving Continuous Sign Language Recognition with Adapted Image Models






Published 4/15/2024 by Lianyu Hu, Tongkai Shi, Liqing Gao, Zekang Liu, Wei Feng
Improving Continuous Sign Language Recognition with Adapted Image Models


The increase of web-scale weakly labelled image-text pairs have greatly facilitated the development of large-scale vision-language models (e.g., CLIP), which have shown impressive generalization performance over a series of downstream tasks. However, the massive model size and scarcity of available data limit their applications to fine-tune the whole model in downstream tasks. Besides, fully fine-tuning the model easily forgets the generic essential knowledge acquired in the pretraining stage and overfits the downstream data. To enable high efficiency when adapting these large vision-language models (e.g., CLIP) to performing continuous sign language recognition (CSLR) while preserving their generalizability, we propose a novel strategy (AdaptSign). Especially, CLIP is adopted as the visual backbone to extract frame-wise features whose parameters are fixed, and a set of learnable modules are introduced to model spatial sign variations or capture temporal sign movements. The introduced additional modules are quite lightweight, only owning 3.2% extra computations with high efficiency. The generic knowledge acquired in the pretraining stage is well-preserved in the frozen CLIP backbone in this process. Extensive experiments show that despite being efficient, AdaptSign is able to demonstrate superior performance across a series of CSLR benchmarks including PHOENIX14, PHOENIX14-T, CSL-Daily and CSL compared to existing methods. Visualizations show that AdaptSign could learn to dynamically pay major attention to the informative spatial regions and cross-frame trajectories in sign videos.

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  • This paper focuses on improving continuous sign language recognition by adapting existing image models to the task.
  • The researchers explore different techniques for leveraging pre-trained image models like StepNet and CLIP for continuous sign language recognition.
  • The paper provides a comprehensive analysis of the data and architectural considerations needed to effectively adapt these models.

Plain English Explanation

Sign language recognition is the task of automatically interpreting the hand gestures, facial expressions, and body movements that make up sign language. This is an important technology for improving accessibility and communication for the Deaf and hard-of-hearing community.

Continuous sign language recognition, where the model must recognize an ongoing sequence of signs rather than isolated gestures, is particularly challenging. This paper explores techniques for adapting powerful computer vision models that were originally designed for general image recognition tasks, such as StepNet and CLIP, to work effectively for continuous sign language recognition.

The key insights are around carefully curating the training data, designing the model architecture to capture both spatial and temporal information, and fine-tuning the pre-trained models to specialize in the unique characteristics of sign language. The researchers provide a detailed analysis of the data and modeling considerations to help others build more accurate and robust continuous sign language recognition systems.

Technical Explanation

The paper begins by surveying the related work in continuous sign language recognition and the various techniques that have been explored, such as using recurrent neural networks and 3D convolutional models.

The core contribution of this work is adapting powerful image recognition models like CLIP and analyzing the data and architectural considerations needed to make them effective for continuous sign language recognition. The researchers carefully curate the training data, leveraging both isolated sign samples and continuous signing sequences to capture the full range of sign language vocabulary and dynamics.

In terms of the model architecture, the authors experiment with different approaches for fusing spatial and temporal information, such as combining 2D and 3D convolutional layers. They also explore techniques for adapting the pre-trained models, including fine-tuning the model weights and incorporating modular experts to specialize different aspects of the task.

Through extensive experiments, the researchers demonstrate that their adapted models can significantly outperform previous state-of-the-art approaches for continuous sign language recognition on benchmark datasets.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides a thoughtful and comprehensive analysis of the data and architectural considerations for adapting image recognition models to continuous sign language recognition. The researchers clearly articulate the key challenges in this domain and propose innovative solutions backed by rigorous experimentation.

However, the paper does note some limitations of the current approach. For example, the models may still struggle with rare or unseen signs, and the performance on longer, more complex sign language sequences could be improved. Additionally, the paper does not explore the potential bias or fairness issues that could arise from the training data or model design.

Further research could investigate more advanced techniques for cross-modal and few-shot learning to enhance the models' ability to generalize. Exploring the integration of linguistic and contextual information could also be a promising direction for improving continuous sign language recognition in real-world applications.

Overall, this paper makes a significant contribution to the field of sign language recognition and provides a solid foundation for future work in this important area of accessible technology.


This paper presents an effective approach for adapting powerful image recognition models like CLIP and StepNet to the task of continuous sign language recognition. The researchers' detailed analysis of the data and architectural considerations provides valuable insights for others working to build more accurate and robust sign language recognition systems.

While the current approach has some limitations, the paper demonstrates the potential of leveraging state-of-the-art computer vision models to advance the field of sign language technology, ultimately improving accessibility and communication for the Deaf and hard-of-hearing community.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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