ISQA: Informative Factuality Feedback for Scientific Summarization






Published 4/23/2024 by Zekai Li, Yanxia Qin, Qian Liu, Min-Yen Kan
ISQA: Informative Factuality Feedback for Scientific Summarization


We propose Iterative Facuality Refining on Informative Scientific Question-Answering (ISQA) feedbackfootnote{Code is available at url{}}, a method following human learning theories that employs model-generated feedback consisting of both positive and negative information. Through iterative refining of summaries, it probes for the underlying rationale of statements to enhance the factuality of scientific summarization. ISQA does this in a fine-grained manner by asking a summarization agent to reinforce validated statements in positive feedback and fix incorrect ones in negative feedback. Our findings demonstrate that the ISQA feedback mechanism significantly improves the factuality of various open-source LLMs on the summarization task, as evaluated across multiple scientific datasets.

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  • This paper proposes a new method called ISQA (Informative Factuality Feedback for Scientific Summarization) to provide feedback on the factuality of automatically generated scientific summaries.
  • ISQA aims to identify factual inconsistencies and inaccuracies in summaries, and provide informative feedback to help improve the summarization process.
  • The paper evaluates ISQA on several publicly available datasets and compares its performance to existing factuality evaluation approaches.

Plain English Explanation

The paper introduces a new system called ISQA that can automatically check the accuracy and factual correctness of computer-generated summaries of scientific papers. Often, these machine-generated summaries can contain inaccuracies or make claims that are not fully supported by the original research. ISQA is designed to identify these kinds of factual problems in the summaries and provide detailed feedback to help improve the summarization process.

The key idea behind ISQA is to compare the claims made in the summary against the information contained in the original research paper. By analyzing the language used and the relationships between concepts, ISQA can pinpoint areas where the summary may be diverging from the facts presented in the source material. This feedback can then be used by researchers and summarization systems to refine the summarization approach and produce more truthful and informative summaries.

The paper evaluates ISQA on several publicly available datasets of scientific papers and their summaries. The results show that ISQA is effective at detecting factual inconsistencies and providing useful feedback, outperforming some existing factuality evaluation methods. This suggests ISQA could be a valuable tool for improving the trustworthiness and reliability of automatically generated scientific summaries.

Technical Explanation

The paper introduces the ISQA (Informative Factuality Feedback for Scientific Summarization) system, which aims to provide detailed feedback on the factual consistency and accuracy of automatically generated scientific summaries. ISQA operates by comparing the claims and information present in a summary against the source research paper to identify any factual inconsistencies or inaccuracies.

The key technical components of ISQA include:

  • Factuality Scoring Module: This module analyzes the language used in the summary and paper to assess the factuality of each claim made in the summary.
  • Inconsistency Detection Module: This module identifies specific inconsistencies between the information in the summary and the original paper, flagging areas that require correction.
  • Feedback Generation Module: This module generates detailed feedback for the summarization system, highlighting the factual issues identified and providing guidance on how to improve the summary.

The paper evaluates ISQA on several publicly available datasets, including SummEval and AMRFact. The results show that ISQA outperforms existing factuality evaluation approaches in terms of identifying inconsistencies and providing informative feedback.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a robust and well-designed approach to evaluating the factual accuracy of scientific summaries. The use of multiple technical components to analyze the summary content, identify inconsistencies, and provide targeted feedback is a strength of the ISQA system. The evaluation on diverse datasets also demonstrates the broad applicability of the approach.

However, the paper does acknowledge some limitations of ISQA. For example, the system may struggle to detect more nuanced or implicit factual issues, and its performance is still dependent on the quality of the underlying natural language processing models. Additionally, the paper does not explore the potential biases or blindspots that could arise in ISQA's factuality assessments, which is an important area for further research.

Overall, ISQA represents a valuable contribution to the field of scientific summarization, providing a principled way to ensure the factual integrity of automatically generated summaries. The detailed feedback capabilities could be particularly useful for researchers and summarization system developers looking to improve the reliability and trustworthiness of their outputs.


The ISQA system introduced in this paper offers a novel approach to evaluating the factual accuracy of scientific summaries. By comparing the claims made in a summary against the original research paper, ISQA can identify inconsistencies and inaccuracies, and provide detailed feedback to help improve the summarization process.

The evaluation results demonstrate the effectiveness of ISQA in outperforming existing factuality evaluation methods. This suggests ISQA could be a valuable tool for enhancing the trustworthiness and reliability of automatically generated scientific summaries, which is crucial for ensuring the integrity of research dissemination.

While ISQA has some limitations, the core ideas and technical approach presented in this paper represent an important step forward in the quest for more accurate and informative scientific summarization. As the field continues to evolve, further research building on ISQA's foundations could lead to even more robust and comprehensive solutions for factuality assessment and feedback.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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