LAGMA: LAtent Goal-guided Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning






Published 5/31/2024 by Hyungho Na, Il-chul Moon
LAGMA: LAtent Goal-guided Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning


In cooperative multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL), agents collaborate to achieve common goals, such as defeating enemies and scoring a goal. However, learning goal-reaching paths toward such a semantic goal takes a considerable amount of time in complex tasks and the trained model often fails to find such paths. To address this, we present LAtent Goal-guided Multi-Agent reinforcement learning (LAGMA), which generates a goal-reaching trajectory in latent space and provides a latent goal-guided incentive to transitions toward this reference trajectory. LAGMA consists of three major components: (a) quantized latent space constructed via a modified VQ-VAE for efficient sample utilization, (b) goal-reaching trajectory generation via extended VQ codebook, and (c) latent goal-guided intrinsic reward generation to encourage transitions towards the sampled goal-reaching path. The proposed method is evaluated by StarCraft II with both dense and sparse reward settings and Google Research Football. Empirical results show further performance improvement over state-of-the-art baselines.

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  • This paper proposes a novel reinforcement learning approach called LAGMA (LAtent Goal-guided Multi-Agent) for training multiple agents to collaborate effectively.
  • The key idea is to learn a latent representation of the agents' shared goals, which helps them coordinate their actions more efficiently.
  • The authors demonstrate LAGMA's effectiveness on several multi-agent benchmark tasks, showing improved performance compared to previous methods.

Plain English Explanation

In this paper, the researchers present a new way for multiple AI agents to work together called LAGMA (LAtent Goal-guided Multi-Agent). The main challenge in multi-agent systems is getting the agents to coordinate their actions to achieve a common goal. The LAGMA approach tries to address this by learning a hidden or "latent" representation of the agents' shared objectives.

This latent goal representation acts as a communication channel, allowing the agents to better understand each other's intentions and align their behaviors accordingly. Rather than each agent pursuing its own individual objectives, the latent goal guides them toward a collaborative solution.

The researchers tested LAGMA on various benchmark tasks involving multiple agents and found that it outperformed previous multi-agent reinforcement learning methods. By leveraging this shared latent goal, the agents were able to coordinate more effectively and achieve better overall performance.

The key insight is that explicitly modeling the agents' common objectives, even in a hidden way, can significantly improve collaboration and task completion in multi-agent settings. This builds on related work in multi-agent reinforcement learning and language model grounding.

Technical Explanation

The LAGMA approach consists of several key components. First, the agents learn a shared latent goal representation through a goal encoder network. This latent goal captures the common objective that the agents are trying to achieve, even if it is not directly observable.

Each agent then uses this latent goal, along with its own local observations, to select actions that move the system toward the shared goal. This is implemented through a goal-conditioned policy network for each agent. The policies are trained via multi-agent reinforcement learning, with the latent goal guiding the exploration and learning process.

The authors demonstrate LAGMA's effectiveness on several multi-agent benchmark tasks, including cooperative navigation, predator-prey, and reference game environments. Compared to baselines like QMIX and MAVEN, LAGMA shows improved performance, especially in tasks requiring tight coordination among the agents.

Critical Analysis

The LAGMA approach makes a compelling contribution to the field of multi-agent reinforcement learning. By explicitly modeling the shared latent goal, the agents are able to coordinate their actions more effectively, leading to better overall task performance.

However, the paper does not extensively explore the limitations or failure modes of the LAGMA method. For example, it would be interesting to see how it handles environments with conflicting or shifting goals, where the latent representation may need to be more dynamic.

Additionally, the paper could delve deeper into the interpretability of the learned latent goal. Understanding how this representation captures the agents' shared objectives could provide valuable insights for multi-agent system design and deployment.

Further research is also needed to understand the scalability of LAGMA as the number of agents and the complexity of the environment increases. The paper's experiments are relatively small-scale, and it's unclear how well the method would generalize to larger, more realistic multi-agent scenarios.


The LAGMA approach proposed in this paper represents an important step forward in multi-agent reinforcement learning. By learning a shared latent goal representation, the agents are able to coordinate their actions more effectively, leading to improved performance on a variety of benchmark tasks.

This work builds on and extends previous research in areas like multi-agent coordination and language model grounding, demonstrating the potential of integrating latent representations into multi-agent systems.

As the field of multi-agent AI continues to evolve, techniques like LAGMA will become increasingly important for enabling effective collaboration and coordination among intelligent agents, whether in simulated environments or real-world applications.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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