Language Model Council: Benchmarking Foundation Models on Highly Subjective Tasks by Consensus






Published 6/14/2024 by Justin Zhao, Flor Miriam Plaza-del-Arco, Amanda Cercas Curry
Language Model Council: Benchmarking Foundation Models on Highly Subjective Tasks by Consensus


The rapid advancement of Large Language Models (LLMs) necessitates robust and challenging benchmarks. Leaderboards like Chatbot Arena rank LLMs based on how well their responses align with human preferences. However, many tasks such as those related to emotional intelligence, creative writing, or persuasiveness, are highly subjective and often lack majoritarian human agreement. Judges may have irreconcilable disagreements about what constitutes a better response. To address the challenge of ranking LLMs on highly subjective tasks, we propose a novel benchmarking framework, the Language Model Council (LMC). The LMC operates through a democratic process to: 1) formulate a test set through equal participation, 2) administer the test among council members, and 3) evaluate responses as a collective jury. We deploy a council of 20 newest LLMs on an open-ended emotional intelligence task: responding to interpersonal dilemmas. Our results show that the LMC produces rankings that are more separable, robust, and less biased than those from any individual LLM judge, and is more consistent with a human-established leaderboard compared to other benchmarks.

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  • Introduces a novel approach to benchmarking large language models on highly subjective tasks using a "Language Model Council" to reach consensus
  • Highlights the challenges of evaluating language models on tasks that involve nuanced human judgment, such as sentiment analysis and creative writing
  • Proposes using a diverse panel of human raters to collectively assess model performance, aiming to capture the breadth of subjective perspectives

Plain English Explanation

The paper proposes a new way to evaluate large language models on tasks that require human-like judgment and interpretation, such as assessing the sentiment or creativity of text. Traditional benchmarks often struggle to capture the nuances of these highly subjective tasks, leading to inconsistent or biased results.

To address this, the researchers suggest using a "Language Model Council" - a diverse group of human raters who collectively evaluate the language models. By having multiple people assess the models' outputs, the goal is to reach a more well-rounded and representative consensus on the models' performance. This approach aims to better reflect the range of human perspectives and assessments that these language models would encounter in real-world applications.

The paper highlights the importance of developing more human-centric and inclusive ways to evaluate the capabilities of large language models, especially as they are increasingly deployed in applications that require subjective judgment. By incorporating diverse human perspectives, the researchers hope to create benchmarks that are more representative of real-world use cases and establish a foundation for more comprehensive model evaluation.

Technical Explanation

The paper introduces a novel approach to benchmarking large language models on highly subjective tasks, such as sentiment analysis and creative writing. Recognizing the limitations of traditional benchmarks in capturing the nuances of these tasks, the researchers propose using a "Language Model Council" - a diverse panel of human raters who collectively evaluate the models' performance.

The core idea is to have multiple raters, representing a range of perspectives and backgrounds, independently assess the language models' outputs on subjective tasks. The raters then discuss and debate their assessments, working to reach a consensus on the models' performance. This collaborative approach aims to produce more well-rounded and representative evaluations, as opposed to relying on a single individual's assessment or aggregating multiple individual ratings.

The researchers argue that this method can help address the inconsistencies and biases often observed in language model evaluations, particularly on tasks that involve subjective human judgment. By incorporating a diversity of perspectives, the Language Model Council approach seeks to capture the breadth of possible interpretations and assessments that these models would encounter in real-world applications.

The paper also discusses the potential benefits of this approach for developing more comprehensive and dynamic benchmarks that can better reflect the subjective and social aspects of language use.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a promising approach to addressing the challenges of evaluating large language models on highly subjective tasks. The use of a diverse Language Model Council to reach a consensus evaluation is an innovative solution that aims to capture a more holistic and representative assessment of model performance.

However, the paper does not fully address the potential practical challenges of implementing this approach, such as the logistics of organizing and managing a council of human raters, ensuring their diversity and consistency, and scaling the process to a large number of language models and tasks.

Additionally, the paper does not discuss the potential biases that could still arise within the council, such as group dynamics, power dynamics, or the influence of individual raters' personal beliefs and experiences. Further research may be needed to explore ways to mitigate these potential sources of bias and ensure the council's assessments are as unbiased and representative as possible.

Finally, the paper could have delved deeper into the specific criteria and methodologies the council would use to evaluate the language models, as well as how the consensus-building process would be structured and facilitated. This level of detail would help readers better understand the practical implementation and potential limitations of the proposed approach.


The paper presents a novel and promising approach to benchmarking large language models on highly subjective tasks, using a "Language Model Council" to reach a consensus-based evaluation. This method aims to address the limitations of traditional benchmarks in capturing the nuances of tasks that involve human judgment and interpretation, such as sentiment analysis and creative writing.

By incorporating a diverse panel of human raters, the researchers hope to produce more well-rounded and representative assessments of language model performance. This approach has the potential to lead to the development of more comprehensive and dynamic benchmarks that better reflect the subjective and social aspects of language use.

However, the paper could have provided more details on the practical implementation of this approach and addressed potential sources of bias within the council. Further research and experimentation will be needed to fully assess the feasibility and effectiveness of this method in benchmarking large language models on highly subjective tasks.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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