Leftover Lunch: Advantage-based Offline Reinforcement Learning for Language Models






Published 4/23/2024 by Ashutosh Baheti, Ximing Lu, Faeze Brahman, Ronan Le Bras, Maarten Sap, Mark Riedl



Reinforcement Learning with Human Feedback (RLHF) is the most prominent method for Language Model (LM) alignment. However, RLHF is an unstable and data-hungry process that continually requires new high-quality LM-generated data for finetuning. We introduce Advantage-Leftover Lunch RL (A-LoL), a new class of offline policy gradient algorithms that enable RL training on any pre-existing data. By assuming the entire LM output sequence as a single action, A-LoL allows incorporating sequence-level classifiers or human-designed scoring functions as rewards. Subsequently, by using LM's value estimate, A-LoL only trains on positive advantage (leftover) data points, making it resilient to noise. Overall, A-LoL is an easy-to-implement, sample-efficient, and stable LM training recipe. We demonstrate the effectiveness of A-LoL and its variants with a set of four different language generation tasks. We compare against both online RL (PPO) and recent preference-based (DPO, PRO) and reward-based (GOLD) offline RL baselines. On the commonly-used RLHF benchmark, Helpful and Harmless Assistant (HHA), LMs trained with A-LoL methods achieve the highest diversity while also being rated more safe and helpful than the baselines according to humans. Additionally, in the remaining three tasks, A-LoL could optimize multiple distinct reward functions even when using noisy or suboptimal training data. We also release our experimental code. https://github.com/abaheti95/LoL-RL

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  • Reinforcement Learning with Human Feedback (RLHF) is a prominent method for aligning Language Models (LMs), but it is an unstable and data-hungry process.
  • The paper introduces Advantage-Leftover Lunch RL (A-LoL), a new class of offline policy gradient algorithms that enable RL training on any pre-existing data.
  • A-LoL assumes the entire LM output sequence as a single action, allowing it to incorporate sequence-level classifiers or human-designed scoring functions as rewards.
  • A-LoL only trains on positive advantage (leftover) data points, making it resilient to noise.

Plain English Explanation

The paper introduces a new method called Advantage-Leftover Lunch RL (A-LoL) for training language models (LMs) to behave in a more desirable way. The current leading method, Reinforcement Learning with Human Feedback (RLHF), has some problems - it's unstable and requires a lot of high-quality data to work well.

A-LoL is designed to be more robust and efficient. It treats the entire output sequence from the LM as a single "action" and uses that to calculate a reward. This reward can come from a classifier that judges how good the output is, or from a scoring function designed by humans. Crucially, A-LoL only trains on the data points where the LM output is better than expected, making it less sensitive to noisy or suboptimal training data.

The researchers show that LMs trained with A-LoL methods perform well on several language generation tasks, including a benchmark called Helpful and Harmless Assistant (HHA). These models are rated as more safe and helpful by humans, while also being more diverse in their outputs.

Technical Explanation

The core idea behind Advantage-Leftover Lunch RL (A-LoL) is to enable reinforcement learning (RL) training of language models (LMs) on any pre-existing data, rather than requiring the continuous generation of new high-quality training data as in Reinforcement Learning with Human Feedback (RLHF).

A-LoL achieves this by treating the entire LM output sequence as a single "action" and using that to calculate a reward. This reward can come from a sequence-level classifier (e.g., a model that judges how safe, helpful, or informative the output is) or from a human-designed scoring function.

Crucially, A-LoL only trains on the "positive advantage" data points - those where the LM output is better than expected according to the reward function. This makes the training process more robust to noise or suboptimal rewards, as the model only learns from the best examples.

The researchers demonstrate the effectiveness of A-LoL and its variants on four different language generation tasks, including the commonly-used Helpful and Harmless Assistant (HHA) benchmark. Compared to both online RL methods like PPO and recent offline RL baselines like DPO, PRO, and GOLD, LMs trained with A-LoL achieve the highest diversity while also being rated as more safe and helpful by human evaluators.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a novel and promising approach to aligning large language models through reinforcement learning. The key strengths of A-LoL are its sample efficiency, stability, and ability to work with any pre-existing data, which address some of the limitations of RLHF.

However, the paper does not delve deeply into the potential caveats or limitations of the A-LoL method. For example, it's unclear how well A-LoL would scale to extremely large language models or how sensitive it is to the choice of reward function. Additionally, the paper does not discuss potential biases or unintended behaviors that could arise from optimizing language models for specific scoring functions.

Further research would be needed to better understand the long-term implications and robustness of A-LoL. Exploring edge cases, investigating potential failure modes, and comparing A-LoL to other emerging approaches for language model alignment would help strengthen the critical analysis of this work.


The paper introduces Advantage-Leftover Lunch RL (A-LoL), a new class of offline policy gradient algorithms that enable efficient and stable reinforcement learning training of language models on pre-existing data. By treating the entire LM output sequence as a single action and only learning from positive advantage data points, A-LoL addresses some of the key limitations of the current Reinforcement Learning with Human Feedback (RLHF) approach.

The researchers demonstrate the effectiveness of A-LoL on several language generation tasks, including outperforming recent offline RL baselines on the Helpful and Harmless Assistant (HHA) benchmark. This work represents a promising step towards more sample-efficient and robust methods for aligning large language models with desired behaviors and traits.

However, further research is needed to fully understand the potential limitations and long-term implications of the A-LoL approach. Exploring edge cases, investigating potential biases, and comparing A-LoL to other emerging alignment techniques will be important to strengthen the critical analysis of this work and its real-world applicability.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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