LLM-State: Open World State Representation for Long-horizon Task Planning with Large Language Model






Published 4/23/2024 by Siwei Chen, Anxing Xiao, David Hsu
LLM-State: Open World State Representation for Long-horizon Task Planning with Large Language Model


This work addresses the problem of long-horizon task planning with the Large Language Model (LLM) in an open-world household environment. Existing works fail to explicitly track key objects and attributes, leading to erroneous decisions in long-horizon tasks, or rely on highly engineered state features and feedback, which is not generalizable. We propose an open state representation that provides continuous expansion and updating of object attributes from the LLM's inherent capabilities for context understanding and historical action reasoning. Our proposed representation maintains a comprehensive record of an object's attributes and changes, enabling robust retrospective summary of the sequence of actions leading to the current state. This allows continuously updating world model to enhance context understanding for decision-making in task planning. We validate our model through experiments across simulated and real-world task planning scenarios, demonstrating significant improvements over baseline methods in a variety of tasks requiring long-horizon state tracking and reasoning. (Videofootnote{Video demonstration: url{https://youtu.be/QkN-8pxV3Mo}.})

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  • This paper presents a new method called LLM-State for representing the state of an agent in long-horizon task planning for open-world environments.
  • The key idea is to use a large language model (LLM) to dynamically expand the state representation as needed, allowing the agent to reason about and plan for complex, open-ended scenarios.
  • The authors demonstrate the effectiveness of LLM-State on several challenging robotic manipulation and navigation tasks, showing significant improvements over traditional state representation methods.

Plain English Explanation

The paper is about a new way for artificial intelligence (AI) systems to represent the world around them when trying to solve complex, long-term tasks. Typically, AI systems have a fixed way of representing the state of the world, which can limit their ability to handle unexpected or open-ended situations.

The researchers in this paper developed a method called LLM-State that uses a large language model (a type of AI that is good at understanding and generating human language) to dynamically expand the system's understanding of the world as needed. This allows the AI to reason about and plan for a much wider range of possibilities, rather than being restricted to a pre-defined set of states.

The researchers tested LLM-State on challenging robotic tasks, such as manipulating objects and navigating through complex environments. They found that LLM-State significantly outperformed traditional state representation methods, showing the power of this flexible, language-based approach to understanding the world.

The key innovation here is using language models, which are powerful at capturing the richness and ambiguity of the real world, to give AI systems a more adaptable and expansive view of their environment. This can be especially useful for long-horizon task planning in the open world, where agents need to reason about a wide range of possible scenarios and events over an extended period of time.

Technical Explanation

The core idea of LLM-State is to use a large language model (LLM) to dynamically represent the state of the agent's environment. Unlike traditional state representation methods that use a fixed set of features, LLM-State can expand the state representation as needed to reason about complex, open-ended scenarios.

The authors leverage the powerful language understanding capabilities of LLMs to capture rich, contextual information about the agent's surroundings. When the agent encounters a new situation, the LLM can be used to generate a detailed description of the relevant state elements, which are then incorporated into the overall state representation.

This flexible, language-based approach to state representation enables the agent to reason about a much broader range of possibilities compared to fixed-size state spaces. The authors demonstrate the effectiveness of LLM-State on several challenging robotic manipulation and navigation tasks, showing significant improvements over traditional methods like MLDT and DELTA.

The authors also explore the use of LLM-State in the context of large language models as generalizable policies for embodied agents, demonstrating its potential to enable more adaptive task planning and action tuning in open-world environments.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a compelling approach to state representation for long-horizon task planning, but there are a few caveats to consider:

  1. Computational efficiency: While the flexibility of LLM-State is a strength, the computational overhead of querying a large language model at every step of the planning process could be a limiting factor, especially for real-time applications.

  2. Robustness and reliability: The authors note that LLM-based state representations may be susceptible to language model biases and errors. Further research is needed to ensure the reliability and consistency of the state information generated by the LLM.

  3. Interpretability and explainability: The use of a black-box language model to represent the agent's state could make it challenging to understand and explain the reasoning behind the agent's decisions. Techniques for improving the interpretability of LLM-State would be a valuable area of future research.

Despite these potential limitations, the core idea of using language models to dynamically expand state representations is a promising direction for long-horizon task planning in open-world environments. The authors have demonstrated the effectiveness of this approach on several challenging robotic tasks, and further research in this area could lead to significant advancements in the field of embodied AI.


The LLM-State method presented in this paper offers a novel approach to state representation for long-horizon task planning in open-world environments. By leveraging the rich, contextual understanding of large language models, the agent can dynamically expand its representation of the world as needed, enabling more flexible and adaptive reasoning about complex, open-ended scenarios.

The authors' empirical results on robotic manipulation and navigation tasks highlight the significant performance improvements that can be achieved with this language-based state representation approach, compared to traditional methods. While there are some challenges to address, such as computational efficiency and interpretability, the core ideas behind LLM-State represent an exciting direction for the future of embodied AI systems operating in the real world.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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