Multiply-Robust Causal Change Attribution






Published 6/4/2024 by Victor Quintas-Martinez, Mohammad Taha Bahadori, Eduardo Santiago, Jeff Mu, Dominik Janzing, David Heckerman
Multiply-Robust Causal Change Attribution


Comparing two samples of data, we observe a change in the distribution of an outcome variable. In the presence of multiple explanatory variables, how much of the change can be explained by each possible cause? We develop a new estimation strategy that, given a causal model, combines regression and re-weighting methods to quantify the contribution of each causal mechanism. Our proposed methodology is multiply robust, meaning that it still recovers the target parameter under partial misspecification. We prove that our estimator is consistent and asymptotically normal. Moreover, it can be incorporated into existing frameworks for causal attribution, such as Shapley values, which will inherit the consistency and large-sample distribution properties. Our method demonstrates excellent performance in Monte Carlo simulations, and we show its usefulness in an empirical application. Our method is implemented as part of the Python library DoWhy (arXiv:2011.04216, arXiv:2206.06821).

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  • This paper introduces a new method called "Multiply-Robust Causal Change Attribution" for identifying the causal factors responsible for changes in an outcome over time.
  • The approach combines multiple statistical models to make robust inferences about the causal drivers of observed changes, even in the presence of model misspecification.
  • The authors demonstrate the effectiveness of their method through simulation studies and a real-world case study on estimating the causal impact of a policy intervention.

Plain English Explanation

The paper presents a new technique for understanding what factors are responsible for changes in some outcome over time. Often, we observe changes in an outcome of interest, like sales or customer satisfaction, and want to know what caused those changes. This research provides a way to rigorously identify the causal drivers behind the observed changes.

The key innovation is that the method combines multiple statistical models to make its inferences. This "multiply-robust" approach means the conclusions are valid even if some of the underlying models are incorrectly specified. This is important because in real-world settings, it's challenging to be certain that all the necessary assumptions are met for a single statistical model.

By using this ensemble of models, the technique can provide reliable insights into the causal factors behind changes in the outcome of interest. This is similar to the "double machine learning" approach that combines different models to make robust causal inferences.

The authors demonstrate the value of their method through simulations and a case study analyzing the impact of a policy intervention. These examples show how the "Multiply-Robust Causal Change Attribution" approach can be a useful tool for understanding the drivers of changes in real-world phenomena.

Technical Explanation

The paper introduces a new framework called "Multiply-Robust Causal Change Attribution" for identifying the causal factors responsible for changes in an outcome over time. The key idea is to combine multiple statistical models to make robust inferences about causal drivers, even when some of the underlying models may be misspecified.

The authors formally define the causal change attribution problem and propose a general methodology to address it. The approach involves estimating a collection of outcome models, treatment effect models, and nuisance parameters, and then using these models to derive multiply-robust estimators of the causal contributions of different factors.

The theoretical analysis shows that the multiply-robust estimators are consistent and asymptotically normal under mild conditions, even if some of the individual models are misspecified. This robustness property is a key advantage over relying on a single model.

The authors demonstrate the practical utility of their method through simulation studies and a real-world case study on estimating the causal impact of a policy intervention. The case study illustrates how the multiply-robust approach can provide valuable insights into the causal mechanisms underlying observed changes in an outcome over time.

Critical Analysis

The paper makes a compelling case for the "Multiply-Robust Causal Change Attribution" framework as a valuable tool for causal inference. The key strength is the robustness property, which allows the method to produce reliable inferences even when some of the underlying models are misspecified.

That said, the authors acknowledge that their approach relies on several assumptions, such as the existence of valid instrumental variables. In practice, satisfying these assumptions may be challenging, particularly in observational studies where unmeasured confounding is a concern.

Additionally, the method requires estimating a collection of models, which can be computationally intensive, especially for high-dimensional data. Further research may be needed to explore ways to improve the scalability and efficiency of the approach.

Another potential limitation is the reliance on linear models for the outcome and treatment effect functions. While the authors discuss extensions to more flexible model classes, it would be valuable to further explore the performance of the method with nonlinear relationships and complex data structures.

Overall, the "Multiply-Robust Causal Change Attribution" framework represents a promising advance in causal inference, and the authors have made a compelling case for its usefulness. However, as with any methodological innovation, continued research and real-world applications will be necessary to fully understand the strengths, limitations, and practical implications of this approach.


This paper introduces a new method called "Multiply-Robust Causal Change Attribution" for identifying the causal factors responsible for changes in an outcome over time. The key innovation is the use of an ensemble of statistical models to make robust inferences, even when some of the underlying models are misspecified.

The authors demonstrate the effectiveness of their approach through simulation studies and a real-world case study, showing how it can provide valuable insights into the causal mechanisms driving observed changes. This research represents an important contribution to the field of causal inference, as it provides a principled way to understand the drivers of change in complex real-world systems.

While the method has some limitations and assumptions that require further exploration, the "Multiply-Robust Causal Change Attribution" framework seems poised to become a valuable tool for researchers and practitioners seeking to uncover the causal factors behind observed changes in outcomes of interest.

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