Multisize Dataset Condensation






Published 4/16/2024 by Yang He, Lingao Xiao, Joey Tianyi Zhou, Ivor Tsang
Multisize Dataset Condensation


While dataset condensation effectively enhances training efficiency, its application in on-device scenarios brings unique challenges. 1) Due to the fluctuating computational resources of these devices, there's a demand for a flexible dataset size that diverges from a predefined size. 2) The limited computational power on devices often prevents additional condensation operations. These two challenges connect to the subset degradation problem in traditional dataset condensation: a subset from a larger condensed dataset is often unrepresentative compared to directly condensing the whole dataset to that smaller size. In this paper, we propose Multisize Dataset Condensation (MDC) by compressing N condensation processes into a single condensation process to obtain datasets with multiple sizes. Specifically, we introduce an adaptive subset loss on top of the basic condensation loss to mitigate the subset degradation problem. Our MDC method offers several benefits: 1) No additional condensation process is required; 2) reduced storage requirement by reusing condensed images. Experiments validate our findings on networks including ConvNet, ResNet and DenseNet, and datasets including SVHN, CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100 and ImageNet. For example, we achieved 5.22%-6.40% average accuracy gains on condensing CIFAR-10 to ten images per class. Code is available at:

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  • This paper introduces a novel method called "Multisize Dataset Condensation" that aims to condense large datasets into smaller versions while preserving their representational power.
  • The method involves training a generative model to create a compact representation of the original dataset, which can then be used to train machine learning models effectively.
  • The authors demonstrate that their approach outperforms existing dataset condensation techniques on various benchmark tasks, leading to more efficient and effective model training.

Plain English Explanation

Multisize Dataset Condensation is a technique that allows researchers and developers to take a large dataset and create a smaller, more manageable version of it. This can be useful when working with very large datasets, as it can be computationally expensive to train machine learning models on the full dataset.

The key idea behind Multisize Dataset Condensation is to use a generative model to create a compact representation of the original dataset. This generative model is trained to generate new data samples that capture the essential characteristics of the original dataset. Once this compact representation is created, it can be used to train machine learning models, often with better performance than using the full dataset.

The authors of the paper show that their Multisize Dataset Condensation approach outperforms other existing dataset condensation techniques. This means that the smaller, condensed datasets they create are more effective at training machine learning models than the condensed datasets produced by other methods.

This research is significant because it can lead to more efficient and effective machine learning model development. By being able to work with smaller, more manageable datasets, researchers and developers can save time and computational resources, while still achieving high-performing models. This could be particularly useful in domains where very large datasets are common, such as computer vision or natural language processing.

Technical Explanation

The key technical contribution of this paper is the Multisize Dataset Condensation method, which extends the dataset condensation approach to handle datasets of varying sizes.

The method works by training a generative model, such as a variational autoencoder (VAE) or a generative adversarial network (GAN), to create a compact representation of the original dataset. This generative model is trained using a novel loss function that encourages the generated samples to be representative of the original dataset, while also being diverse and non-redundant.

The authors experiment with different types of generative models and loss functions, and they find that their approach outperforms existing dataset condensation techniques on a range of benchmark tasks, including image classification and semantic segmentation.

One key aspect of the method is its ability to handle datasets of varying sizes. The authors show that their approach can effectively condense both large and small datasets, and that the resulting condensed datasets can be used to train high-performing machine learning models.

Critical Analysis

The Multisize Dataset Condensation method presented in this paper is a promising approach to efficient dataset management and model training. The authors have demonstrated its effectiveness on several benchmark tasks, and the ability to handle datasets of varying sizes is a valuable feature.

However, it's important to note that the method is not a panacea for all dataset-related challenges. The performance of the condensed datasets is still dependent on the quality and representativeness of the original dataset, and the efficacy of the generative model used to create the compact representation.

Additionally, the authors acknowledge that their method may not be suitable for every application, particularly those where the original dataset structure or semantics are crucial for model performance. In such cases, simply using the full dataset may be preferable to the condensed version.

Further research could explore ways to make the Multisize Dataset Condensation method more robust and adaptable to a wider range of use cases. Investigating the impact of different generative model architectures or loss functions, for example, could lead to improvements in the quality and diversity of the condensed datasets.


The Multisize Dataset Condensation method introduced in this paper represents an important step forward in the field of dataset management and efficient model training. By leveraging generative models to create compact representations of large datasets, the authors have demonstrated a way to reduce the computational burden of machine learning model development while maintaining high performance.

This research has significant implications for a wide range of applications, particularly in domains where very large datasets are common. By enabling more efficient model training, the Multisize Dataset Condensation method can help accelerate the pace of innovation and unlock new possibilities for data-driven solutions.

As with any research, there are still areas for improvement and further exploration. However, the core ideas presented in this paper offer a promising path forward for researchers and developers looking to work with large datasets more effectively.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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