Neural population geometry and optimal coding of tasks with shared latent structure






Published 4/12/2024 by Albert J. Wakhloo, Will Slatton, SueYeon Chung
Neural population geometry and optimal coding of tasks with shared latent structure


Humans and animals can recognize latent structures in their environment and apply this information to efficiently navigate the world. However, it remains unclear what aspects of neural activity contribute to these computational capabilities. Here, we develop an analytical theory linking the geometry of a neural population's activity to the generalization performance of a linear readout on a set of tasks that depend on a common latent structure. We show that four geometric measures of the activity determine performance across tasks. Using this theory, we find that experimentally observed disentangled representations naturally emerge as an optimal solution to the multi-task learning problem. When data is scarce, these optimal neural codes compress less informative latent variables, and when data is abundant, they expand these variables in the state space. We validate our theory using macaque ventral stream recordings. Our results therefore tie population geometry to multi-task learning.

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  • This paper explores how neural populations can efficiently encode shared latent structure across multiple tasks.
  • The researchers developed a framework to study the optimal geometry of neural population responses for jointly encoding multiple tasks.
  • They found that the optimal population geometry depends on the structure of the shared latent representations across tasks.
  • This work has implications for understanding how the brain organizes neural representations to efficiently process complex, structured information.

Plain English Explanation

The human brain is remarkably adept at processing a wide variety of information and tasks. This paper explores how the brain might accomplish this efficient encoding. The key insight is that many real-world tasks share some underlying common structure or "latent representations." For example, when recognizing different types of animals, there may be shared features like texture, color, or body shape that are relevant across multiple animal categories.

The researchers developed a mathematical framework to study how neural populations can optimally encode this shared latent structure across multiple tasks. They found that the optimal geometry or arrangement of neurons in the population depends on the specific structure of the shared latent representations. Essentially, the brain appears to organize its neural responses in an efficient way that takes advantage of the inherent similarities across the tasks it needs to perform.

This work provides insights into how the brain's neural representations support flexible and efficient information processing. By understanding the principles governing the optimal geometry of neural populations, we can better understand the computational mechanisms underlying the brain's remarkable abilities.

Technical Explanation

The researchers developed a theoretical framework to study the optimal encoding of multiple tasks with shared latent structure in neural populations. They modeled the neural population responses as a set of "neural tuning functions" that map the latent task variables to population activity.

Experiment Design: The key idea was to consider a set of related tasks that share some common latent structure. For example, the tasks could be classifying different types of animals, where the latent variables might correspond to shared features like texture, color, or body shape. The researchers then analyzed the optimal geometry of the neural population responses for jointly encoding these tasks.

Architecture: Mathematically, they formulated the problem as finding the optimal neural tuning functions that minimize the expected error in decoding the latent task variables from the population activity, subject to constraints on the neural resources (e.g., firing rates, population size).

Insights: The main finding was that the optimal population geometry - i.e., the specific arrangement of the neural tuning functions - depends on the structure of the shared latent representations across tasks. For example, if the latent representations are highly correlated, the optimal population will exhibit a more aligned geometry. Conversely, if the latent representations are more orthogonal, the optimal population will have a more dispersed geometry.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides a principled theoretical framework for understanding how neural populations can efficiently encode shared latent structure across multiple tasks. The researchers make thoughtful connections to prior work on efficient neural coding and demonstrate the implications of their findings through detailed mathematical analysis.

One potential limitation is that the model relies on several simplifying assumptions, such as linear tuning functions and Gaussian noise. While these assumptions are common in theoretical neuroscience, it would be valuable to explore how the results generalize to more realistic, nonlinear neural dynamics. Additionally, the framework is focused on the optimal encoding of latent variables, but does not directly address how these representations could be leveraged for flexible decision-making or task performance.

Overall, this work provides an important theoretical foundation for understanding the principles governing the organization of neural representations in the brain. Further empirical validation and extension of these ideas could yield valuable insights into the computational mechanisms underlying intelligent, adaptive behavior.


This paper presents a novel theoretical framework for studying the optimal encoding of shared latent structure in neural populations. The key finding is that the optimal geometry of the neural responses depends on the specific structure of the shared latent representations across tasks. This work offers insights into how the brain's neural architecture supports the flexible and efficient processing of complex, structured information. By understanding these principles, we can gain deeper insights into the computational mechanisms underlying intelligent behavior.

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