Optimizing Language Models for Human Preferences is a Causal Inference Problem






Published 6/7/2024 by Victoria Lin, Eli Ben-Michael, Louis-Philippe Morency
Optimizing Language Models for Human Preferences is a Causal Inference Problem


As large language models (LLMs) see greater use in academic and commercial settings, there is increasing interest in methods that allow language models to generate texts aligned with human preferences. In this paper, we present an initial exploration of language model optimization for human preferences from direct outcome datasets, where each sample consists of a text and an associated numerical outcome measuring the reader's response. We first propose that language model optimization should be viewed as a causal problem to ensure that the model correctly learns the relationship between the text and the outcome. We formalize this causal language optimization problem, and we develop a method--causal preference optimization (CPO)--that solves an unbiased surrogate objective for the problem. We further extend CPO with doubly robust CPO (DR-CPO), which reduces the variance of the surrogate objective while retaining provably strong guarantees on bias. Finally, we empirically demonstrate the effectiveness of (DR-)CPO in optimizing state-of-the-art LLMs for human preferences on direct outcome data, and we validate the robustness of DR-CPO under difficult confounding conditions.

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  • This paper argues that optimizing language models to align with human preferences is a causal inference problem.
  • It explores different approaches to preference optimization, including direct preference optimization, hybrid preference optimization, and soft preference optimization.
  • The paper discusses the challenges of language model optimization and aligning language models to human preferences.

Plain English Explanation

The paper examines the problem of training language models to behave in ways that align with human preferences. The key insight is that this is fundamentally a causal inference problem - we need to understand the causal relationships between the model's outputs and the humans' preferences in order to optimize the model effectively.

The paper explores several different approaches to preference optimization, each with its own strengths and limitations. Direct preference optimization, for example, tries to directly learn a mapping between the model's outputs and human preferences. Hybrid approaches combine direct optimization with other techniques. And soft preference optimization aims to shape the model's behavior more indirectly.

Ultimately, the core challenge is that human preferences can be complex, context-dependent, and hard to measure or observe directly. The paper argues that addressing this challenge through causal modeling is key to building language models that truly align with what humans want.

Technical Explanation

The paper frames the problem of optimizing language models for human preferences as a causal inference task. The key insight is that to align the model's outputs with human preferences, we need to understand the causal relationships between the model's behavior and the resulting preferences.

The paper surveys several approaches to preference optimization. Direct preference optimization tries to learn a direct mapping from the model's outputs to human preferences, but faces challenges with unobserved preference heterogeneity. Hybrid approaches combine direct optimization with other techniques like reward modeling. And soft preference optimization aims to shape the model's behavior more indirectly.

The paper also discusses the broader challenges of language model optimization and aligning language models to human preferences. These include the difficulty of measuring and observing human preferences, as well as the complex and contextual nature of preference formation.

Critical Analysis

The paper makes a compelling case that preference optimization for language models is fundamentally a causal inference problem. This framing highlights important challenges, such as unobserved preference heterogeneity, that may be overlooked in more straightforward optimization approaches.

However, the paper does not provide a complete solution to these challenges. The various preference optimization approaches discussed all have significant limitations, and the paper does not offer a clear path forward. More research is likely needed to develop robust causal models of human preferences and how they interact with language model outputs.

Additionally, the paper focuses primarily on the technical challenges of preference optimization, but does not delve deeply into the broader societal implications. As language models become more powerful and influential, it will be critical to consider the ethical implications of optimizing their behavior to align with human preferences, which may not always be benign or universally beneficial.


This paper makes an important contribution by framing the challenge of optimizing language models for human preferences as a causal inference problem. By highlighting the complexity of human preferences and the need to understand their causal relationships with model outputs, the paper points the way toward more principled and effective approaches to preference optimization.

However, significant work remains to be done, both in developing the technical tools for causal modeling of preferences, and in considering the broader societal implications of this line of research. As language models grow more influential, it will be crucial to ensure that their optimization is guided by a deep understanding of human values and the potential consequences of aligning their behavior accordingly.

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