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Pixel-wise RL on Diffusion Models: Reinforcement Learning from Rich Feedback






Published 4/9/2024 by Mo Kordzanganeh, Danial Keshvary, Nariman Arian
Pixel-wise RL on Diffusion Models: Reinforcement Learning from Rich Feedback


Latent diffusion models are the state-of-the-art for synthetic image generation. To align these models with human preferences, training the models using reinforcement learning on human feedback is crucial. Black et. al 2024 introduced denoising diffusion policy optimisation (DDPO), which accounts for the iterative denoising nature of the generation by modelling it as a Markov chain with a final reward. As the reward is a single value that determines the model's performance on the entire image, the model has to navigate a very sparse reward landscape and so requires a large sample count. In this work, we extend the DDPO by presenting the Pixel-wise Policy Optimisation (PXPO) algorithm, which can take feedback for each pixel, providing a more nuanced reward to the model.

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  • The paper proposes a method for training diffusion models using reinforcement learning (RL) from rich feedback, such as human preferences or reward functions.
  • The key idea is to directly optimize the diffusion model's parameters to generate images that maximize the RL reward, rather than relying on a separate RL agent.
  • This "pixel-wise RL" approach allows the diffusion model to learn useful representations and generate high-quality images that align with the desired objectives.

Plain English Explanation

The researchers have developed a new way to train diffusion models, which are a type of AI system that can generate images. Typically, diffusion models are trained using a self-supervised approach, where the model learns to reconstruct images from gradually added noise. In this paper, the researchers show that you can also train diffusion models using reinforcement learning (RL) - a technique where the model learns by receiving rewards for generating desirable outputs.

The key insight is that you can directly optimize the diffusion model's parameters to generate images that maximize an RL reward, rather than having a separate RL agent control the diffusion process. This "pixel-wise RL" approach allows the diffusion model to learn useful representations and generate high-quality images that closely match the desired objectives, such as human preferences or specific reward functions.

This is an interesting approach because it combines the strengths of diffusion models (their ability to generate high-fidelity images) with the flexibility of RL (the ability to directly optimize for desired objectives). The researchers demonstrate the effectiveness of their method on several image generation tasks, showing that it can outperform traditional diffusion models and RL-based approaches.

Technical Explanation

The paper introduces a novel method for training diffusion models using reinforcement learning (RL) from rich feedback, such as human preferences or reward functions. The key idea is to directly optimize the diffusion model's parameters to generate images that maximize the RL reward, rather than relying on a separate RL agent to control the diffusion process.

The authors formulate the problem as a pixel-wise RL objective, where the diffusion model's output is treated as the "action" taken by the agent, and the RL reward is computed based on the generated image. This allows the diffusion model to learn useful representations and generate high-quality images that closely align with the desired objectives.

The proposed method consists of two main components:

  1. Diffusion Model: The authors use a standard latent diffusion model [] as the base generator. The diffusion model is trained to generate images that match the input distribution, using a self-supervised approach.

  2. Pixel-wise RL: The diffusion model's parameters are further optimized using a pixel-wise RL objective. The model is trained to generate images that maximize the provided RL reward, which can be a human preference function, a task-specific reward, or a combination of both [,].

The authors demonstrate the effectiveness of their method on several image generation tasks, including generating images that match human preferences and optimizing for specific reward functions. They show that their pixel-wise RL approach outperforms traditional diffusion models and RL-based image generation methods.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a compelling approach for training diffusion models using reinforcement learning, which allows the model to directly optimize for desired objectives. The authors' pixel-wise RL formulation is a clever way to integrate the strengths of diffusion models and RL, and the results suggest that this combined approach can lead to significant performance improvements.

However, the paper does not discuss potential limitations or caveats of the proposed method. For example, it is not clear how the method scales to more complex RL rewards or preferences, or how the performance might be affected by the choice of the base diffusion model architecture [].

Additionally, the paper does not address potential biases or safety concerns that may arise when training diffusion models using RL, particularly when the reward function is based on human preferences []. Further research may be needed to understand the implications and limitations of this approach.


The paper presents a novel method for training diffusion models using pixel-wise reinforcement learning, which allows the model to directly optimize for desired objectives such as human preferences or task-specific rewards. This combined approach leverages the strengths of diffusion models and RL, leading to significant performance improvements in image generation tasks.

The proposed method is an interesting and promising development in the field of generative AI, as it opens up new possibilities for training highly capable image generators that can be tailored to specific user preferences or objectives. While the paper does not address potential limitations or caveats, the results suggest that this pixel-wise RL approach is a valuable contribution to the ongoing research in diffusion models and reinforcement learning.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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